Deniro - Legenda Igre - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Deniro - Legenda Igre

Legenda Igre
Legend of the Game
To tako zvuci deniro
That's how Deniro sounds
Kada se vrati s albumom
When he comes back with an album
Nesto nauci, prepoznaj
Learn something, recognize
Nivo, naculji sad uvo
The level, listen close now
Legenda igre
Legend of the game
Sve puca kao eksploziv
Everything goes off like an explosive
Rime ti vozim k'o Danijel
I drive rhymes like Daniel
U filmu kad Taxi Vozi
In the film Taxi Driver
Za radare sam nevidljiv
I'm invisible to radar
K'o magic sone kad otkine
Like a magic spell when it breaks
Mozes me zvati mojsije
You can call me Moses
Stize legenda igre da
The legend of the game arrives to
Pesmom zapali kompove
Set composers on fire with the song
Nisam slus'o sta govore
I didn't listen to what they were saying
Ljudi pune ljubomore
People full of jealousy
Kad je bio haoticno
When it was chaotic
Nikad rimov'o obicno
I never rhymed normally
Ja sam cep'o jos jace
I chopped even harder
Ti se smej'o ironicno
You laughed ironically
K'o tor, tor, rime
Like a bull, bull, rhymes
Po bitu puknu k'o cekic
They burst on the beat like a hammer
Ti smor, flow zvuci
You're dull, flow sounds
Sve sto snimas, odjebi
Everything you record, fuck off
Nemas flow, flow
You have no flow, flow
Vise vezbe ili ne se javljaj
More practice or don't show up
Slusaj to so snimas
Listen to what you record
Pa ces cuti da ne valja
And you'll feel that it sucks
Pravim lom, lom, evo
I make a break, break, here
Dokaz da sam se vratio
Proof that I'm back
Beli flow zvuci k'o
White flow sounds like
Da se bavim vradzbinom
I do magic
K'o gej zvucis, nije to hip hop
You sound gay, that's not hip hop
Pa opet seres, pljujes, Lajes
So you're shitting again, spitting, Lazy
Ok, evo ti novi spot
Okay, here's a new spot for you
Da vidis, gledas, mrzis, hajde
To see, watch, hate, go on
Hejtuj, hejtuj znas mi ime
Roast, roast you know my name
Legenda sam ove igre
I'm a legend of this game
Repuj, repuj daj nam rime
Rap, rap give us rhymes
Ispred bine vriste, vriste
In front of the stage shout, shout
Rep zvuci ludo k'o kada
Rap sounds crazy like when
Kinezi pricaju srbski
Chinese people speak Serbian
I stvarno nebitno
And it really doesn't matter
Da l' cevo ovo "MTV" pusti
If "MTV" will play this
Na dusi tragovi, rane
On my soul scars, wounds
Koje su kalile celik
Which tempered steel
Ovako zvuci deniro
That's how Deniro sounds
Kada ga vuku za jezik
When they pull him by the tongue
Mnogi su pljuvali
Many have spat
Usporavali, usporavali
Slowed down, slowed down
Ali me nisu usporili
But they didn't slow me down
Kad su ogovarali
When they gossiped
Sada klizam na bitu
Now I glide on the beat
Bas kao srebreni letac
Just like a silver flyer
Ovo je no i pocetak
This is the night and the beginning
Denirova atenta
Deniro's attack
Na prepad Kad ne ocekujes
By surprise When you don't expect it
Dodjem, razvalim scenu
I come, destroy the scene
Mozes da volis iI' hejtujes
You can love and hate
Al' to su cinjenice
But those are the facts
Seres o meni, a
You're shitting about me, a
Nosis decije cipelice
You wear children's shoes
Totalno puk'o si, kliberis se
You're totally broken, you're a poser
A vole me lepseg pola pripadnice
And the fair sex loves me more beautiful
Bum, bum
Boom, boom
Stize come back
Comeback is coming
Ti si gluv, glup
You're deaf, stupid
Ovo nemoze da stane
This can't stop

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