DeWhat - 2násť - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais DeWhat - 2násť

Chýbajú mi tie časy predtým ako som mal dvanásť
I miss those times before I turned twelve, darling,
Nemával som zle stavy, aura žiarila jak maják
No bad moods, my aura shone bright like a lighthouse beam.
Neriešili sme zbytočnosti, nebolievala ma hlava
We didn't sweat the small stuff, no headaches bothered me.
Fakt že non-stop som mal víkend, nemusel sa o nič starať
It felt like a never-ending weekend, no worries, just you and me.
Chalan bol hyperaktívny, robilo mu problém ísť spať
Hyperactive kid, couldn't sleep a wink, my love,
Venoval sa iba veciam, v ktorých videl dáky význam
Focused only on things that held some kind of meaning, from above.
A nič nebral vážne, aj tak mal pre veci vášeň
Never took anything too seriously, yet passionate about it all,
Kludne sa vyválal v blate, neriešil, či to je správne
Rolling in the mud, not caring if it was right or wrong, standing tall.
Neriešil tie veci veci, čo o ňom hovoria druhí
Didn't care about what others said, their whispers in the breeze,
Nevnímal to zlo, nevnímal tých slizkých ľudí
Unaware of the evil, the slimy people, trying to bring me to my knees.
Keď došli kamoši s loptou a povedali poďme
When friends came calling with a ball, "Let's go!" they'd shout,
Kašlal na všetky povinnosti, šiel von robiť bordel
Ignoring all responsibilities, I'd run out, no room for doubt.
A život bol plný lásky, samý smiech a žiadne drámy
Life was full of love, laughter, no drama in sight, my dear,
Vážil som si každý nádych, bláznil z krásy každej farby
Appreciating every breath, mesmerized by every color, holding you near.
Sedával tam na stanici nech uvidím jazdiť vlaky
Sitting at the station, watching trains go by, hand in hand,
Snažil sa skryť pred rodičmi keď mi chceli navliecť traky
Trying to hide from my parents when they wanted to put braces on this man.
Prečo je to tak, povedz prečo je to tak?
Why is it like this, tell me, why is it so?
Prečo mám z toho dospievania stále strach?
Why am I still afraid of growing old, letting go?
Prečo je to tak, povedz prečo je to tak?
Why is it like this, tell me, why is it so?
Ten chlapec vo mne zomrel, viac neviem žiť bez obáv
That boy inside me died, I can't live without fear, you know.
Chýbajú mi tie časy predtým ako som mal dvanásť
I miss those times before I turned twelve, my sweet,
Nemával som zle stavy, aura žiarila jak maják
No bad moods, my aura shone bright, can't be beat.
Neriešili sme zbytočnosti, nebolievala ma hlava
We didn't sweat the small stuff, no headaches, just bliss,
Fakt že non-stop som mal víkend, nemusel sa o nič starať
It felt like a never-ending weekend, sealed with a kiss.
Naháňačky, schovávačky, pády na zem, detský bazén
Chasing games, hide and seek, falling down, the kiddie pool's embrace,
Bratské hádky, kinosály, jazdy vlakmi, noci srandy
Brotherly fights, movie theaters, train rides, nights of fun and grace.
Bicykle a kolobežky, chýba mi detský režim
Bikes and scooters, I miss that childhood regime, so free,
Nevím kedy, nevím kde, no postupne to zmizlo preč
I don't know when, I don't know where, but it slowly faded from me.
Pamätám na doby, v ktorých bol každý deň dobrý
I remember the times when every day was a good day, shining bright,
Moje detstvo bolo top-deal aj keď som bol v kuse chorý
My childhood was a top deal, even though I was always sick, what a plight.
Behal som jak divý dokým ma neboleli nohy
Running wild until my legs ached, no stopping me, it's true,
Potom si sadal na schody, prosil mamu nech ma nosí
Then sitting on the steps, begging mom to carry me, just me and you.
Často sme sa bili, hračky si trhali dravo z rúk
We often fought, tearing toys from each other's hands, so bold,
Vždy keď sme vyšli z barákov ulicou znel mocný hluk
Every time we left the house, a mighty noise unfolded.
Jetix a Minimax boli v našich očkách strop
Jetix and Minimax were the ultimate in our eyes, a sight to behold,
Pri Animaxe sme vládali sedeť celú noc
With Animax, we could stay up all night, stories untold.
S väčšinou z tých starých psov sa ani nestýkam
I don't even keep in touch with most of those old pals anymore,
Stále ma to ťaží, mou, nevím jak to predýchať
It still weighs on me, girl, I don't know how to breathe and explore.
Bohvie jak sa majú, no z duše dúfam, že fajn
God knows how they're doing, but I hope they're doing fine, I pray,
Že našli ten svoj raj, že nejsú dole jak ja-a-a
That they've found their paradise, that they're not down like me today.

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