Decko - Ževraj - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Decko - Ževraj

Ževraj som sa zmenil, ževraj to nejsom ja,
They say I've changed, they say I'm not the same,
Lenže to je prirodzené, keď sa človek učí a posúva.
But that's just natural when you learn and evolve.
Nemám problém, tak prečo ho vy kurva máte?
I don't have a problem, so why the hell do you?
Hladáte chyby jak učiteľka v diktáte.
You're looking for flaws like a teacher grading an essay.
Ževraj som namyslený, ževraj som divný,
They say I'm arrogant, they say I'm weird,
Hneď som vinný, lebo som iný.
I'm guilty right away because I'm different.
No stále jazdím MHD a nosím montérky,
But I still ride public transport and wear overalls,
Máš niečo konkrétne, kokotko, povedz mi!
Do you have anything specific to say, asshole, tell me!
Povedz mi to do ksichtu a nehovor to mojej starej,
Tell it to my face and don't tell it to my mother,
Nebaví ma to počúvať ešte aj od nej.
I'm tired of hearing it from her too.
Nepíš mi na mail, že si čakal niečo iné,
Don't email me that you expected something different,
Nejebeme spolu, máš predstavy mylné.
We're not screwing, you have the wrong idea.
Kde sme, čo sme, jebe vám?
Where are we, what are we, what the hell?
Mám svoj vlastný život do ktorého vás nerátam.
I have my own life that I don't count you in.
Odtiaľ potiaľ poznaj hranice,
Know your limits, don't ride on me,
Na mne sa nevoz, ja nejsom káčer na mince. (kokot)
I'm not a duck for coins. (asshole)
Ževraj, ževraj, ževraj, stále počúvam iba ževraj,
They say, they say, they say, I only hear gossip,
ževraj, ževraj, ževraj, keď v tom máš guláš, tak to radšej tak nehaj.
They say, they say, they say, if you're confused by it, it's better to leave it alone.
Ževraj, ževraj, ževraj, stále počúvam iba ževraj,
They say, they say, they say, I only hear gossip,
No tak ževraj, ževraj, ževraj, mám obrovský kokot, tak mi ho zmeraj.
Well, they say, they say, they say, I have a huge cock, so measure it for me.
Ževraj si ma videl v podniku, jak balím čajku,
They say they saw me at the club, picking up a girl,
Pritom som bol u Danosťa a kukal so starou telku.
When I was at Danosta's watching TV with my mother.
Chceš odo mňa slohu a máš piču za sebou,
You want a verse from me and you have nothing behind you,
Začni jak ja, bez ničoho s hlavou vztýčenou.
Start like me, with nothing and your head held high.
Ževraj lóve to spravia, každý máme cenu,
They say money will fix it, we all have a price,
Ja nejsom kurvička, že dám každému.
I'm not a whore, I don't give it to everyone.
To si vyhoď z hlavy, jak tu o ktorej len snívaš,
Get that out of your head, like the girl you only dream of,
Decko neni na predaj, si ma z hlavy vymaž.
Decko is not for sale, erase me from your mind.
Ževraj som pojebaný feťák,
They say I'm a junkie,
Som čistejší jak vypraný uterák.
I'm cleaner than a fresh towel.
Môžeš zo mňa žrať, som jak tanier z umývačky riadu,
You can eat off of me, I'm like a plate from a dishwasher,
Som aj opravár, poď bližšie, opravím ti v hlave vadu.
I'm also a repairman, come closer, I'll fix the flaw in your head.
Stále iba reči a reči,
Just talk and talk,
ževraj to nikdy neskončí.
They say it will never end.
Bolia ma uši a bolí ma aj hlava
My ears and head hurt
A pritom je naša krajina iba taká malá.
And yet our country is so small.
Ževraj, ževraj, ževraj, stále počúvam iba ževraj,
They say, they say, they say, I only hear gossip,
ževraj, ževraj, ževraj, keď v tom máš guláš, tak to radšej tak nehaj.
They say, they say, they say, if you're confused by it, it's better to leave it alone.
Ževraj, ževraj, ževraj, stále počúvam iba ževraj,
They say, they say, they say, I only hear gossip,
No tak ževraj, ževraj, ževraj, mám obrovský kokot, tak mi ho zmeraj.
Well, they say, they say, they say, I have a huge cock, so measure it for me.
Bla, bla, bla.
Blah, blah, blah.
Bla, bla, bla.
Blah, blah, blah.
Bla, bla, bla.
Blah, blah, blah.
Bla, bla, bla...
Blah, blah, blah...

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