Def Con Dos - Mundo chungo - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Def Con Dos - Mundo chungo

Mundo chungo
Chungo World
Desde aquella fecha, 11 de Septiembre
Since that day, September 11th
Cuando derrumbaron las torres del imperio.
When they brought down the towers of the empire.
Desde la masacre salvaje del 11 de Marzo
From the savage slaughter of March 11th,
Cuesta digerir el rencor acumulado.
It’s hard to digest all the accumulated rancor.
Ante la amenaza de los atentados
In the face of the threat of attacks
Ante ataques de descerebrados
In the face of attacks by brainless fools,
Queremos saber quien ha propiciado
We want to know who has caused
La moda del terror indiscriminado.
The trend of indiscriminate terror.
Son muchos factores y muchos culpables
There are many factors and many guilty parties
Presidentes con delirios imperiales
Presidents with imperial delusions
Que ahora buscan entre ciudadanos
Who now search among the citizens
Un chivo para disculparlos.
For a scapegoat to excuse them.
Y ahora aunque no lo quieras
And now, whether you like it or not,
Sí, eres sospechoso
Yes, you're a suspect
Por ir a tu bola
For marching to the beat of your own drum
Y vivir siempre a tu bolo.
And always living your life on the run.
La seguridad de todos
The safety of all
Exige un sacrificio.
Demands a sacrifice.
Pero que tendré yo que ver
But what do I have to do with
Con ningun partido.
Any political party?
Porque no me interesa
Because I’m not interested
Porque no me acostumbro
Because I can’t get used to it
A poner buena cara
To putting on a happy face
A su mundo mundo chungo.
To their rotten, rotten world.
Mundo chungo
Rotten world
Mundo chungo
Rotten world
Mundo chungo
Rotten world
Mundo chungo
Rotten world
Te han señalado porque no entienden
They’ve singled you out because they don’t understand
Que seas un currante que solamente
That you're just a hard worker who
No ves sus concursos, ni sus anuncios
Doesn't watch their shows or their ads,
Que despotriques contra su mundo
That you rant against their world.
Tu no encajas en esas subastas
You don’t fit into their auctions,
Te espian, te siguen, vigilan tu casa
They spy on you, they follow you, they watch your house,
Y publicamente ya te señalan
And they’re already publicly singling you out
Porque eres persona non-grata
Because you’re a persona non-grata.
Revisar antecedentes
Reviewing records
De los tipos diferentes
Of the different types
Prioridad: sus aficiones,
Priority: their hobbies,
Sus amigos y parientes.
Their friends and relatives.
Saben si te drogas, saben cuantas veces
They know if you do drugs, how many times
Y si tu chica te quiere y merece.
And if your woman loves you and deserves it.
A quien llamas, a quien debes,
Who you call, who you owe,
A quien pagas y a quien mientes.
Who you pay and who you lie to.
Eres objeto de seguimiento
You're being followed
Porque llevas mochila y viajas en metro.
Because you wear a backpack and ride the subway.
Tienes amigos de piel oscura
You have dark-skinned friends
Y guardas panfletos de contracultura.
And you keep pamphlets of counterculture.
Eres sospecho
You’re suspect
Por un daño irreceloso
Of some unfathomable damage
Por ir siempre por tu cuenta
For always doing your own thing,
Por no ser como son todos.
For not being like everyone else.
Mundo chungo
Rotten world
Mundo chungo
Rotten world
Mundo chungo
Rotten world
Mundo... chungo! ... (more)
Rotten world!

Writer(s): Cesar Montana Lehman, Jesus Arispont De La Rosa

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