Defkhan feat. Esra - Zamana yenik - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Defkhan feat. Esra - Zamana yenik

Zamana yenik
Defeated by Time
Zaman asla tutulmaz yelkovan kaçar gider
Time is never held, the second hand escapes and goes
Biter bu şarkı bir gün, her doğan yaşar gider
This song will end one day, everything born lives and passes
Siler zaman seni, tek toz kalır üstünde bak
Time erases you, only dust remains on you, look
Dünün helak yarın bilinmez kıt zaman düşünme yap
Yesterday is ruined, tomorrow is unknown, limited time, think and act
Ne hap ne şurup fayda, bu derdin yok tedavisi
No pill or syrup helps, this pain has no cure
Ne fanisin be dünya, insanoğlu çok enayisin
Oh, how fleeting you are, world, mankind is so naive
Ve hangisi bakir be kardeşim bak, çözüm var elinde?
And which one is pure, brother, look, do you have a solution in your hand?
Eksi otuz beş yazıyor ömrümün taksimetresinde
Minus thirty-five is written on the taximeter of my life
Çöker karanlık ani yak gezer kafanda bir gün
Darkness suddenly collapses, a crow wanders in your mind one day
Sen de ben de ölücez ve aşk denen yalan da
You and I will die, and so will the lie called love
İhtiyaç kelepçe para hapseder zamanla
Need is a handcuff, money imprisons over time
Söyle paran olmuş, olmamış ne fark eder be kanka
Tell me, have you become money, or haven't you, what difference does it make, buddy
Kaç metre gider bu yol kaç soluk var çantada
How far does this road go, how many breaths are left in the bag
Ne kadar kaybettin arkana dönüp bir baksana
How much have you lost, turn around and take a look
Çağırmakla gelmez yarınlar, yarın hesabın var
Tomorrows don't come by calling, you have an account tomorrow
Ya karın var ya zararın umarım koç bir cevabın var
You either have profit or loss, I hope you have a strong answer
Her şey zamana yenik hep iki ileri bir geriledik
Everything is defeated by time, we always took two steps forward and one back
Beyhude çabalar içinde böyle, böyle ertelendik
In futile efforts, we were postponed like this, like this
Zamana yenik hep iki ileri bir geriledik
Defeated by time, we always took two steps forward and one back
Beyhude çabalar içinde böyle, böyle ertelendik
In futile efforts, we were postponed like this, like this
Çocukluğumda takılı kaldım, huzur vermiyor yarınlar
I'm stuck in my childhood, tomorrows don't give me peace
Hayatın yükü sırtımda, geçmişteki günler bağrımda
The burden of life is on my back, the days of the past are in my heart
Kardeşler mezarında, hayatım namlunun ağzında
Brothers in their graves, my life at the mouth of the barrel
Ben yükselemiyorum kalkınca, ayaklarım yerin altında
I can't rise when I get up, my feet are underground
Def otuz beşte farkında çok kan kaybettim yangında
Def at thirty-five, I realize I lost a lot of blood in the fire
Yalan yazıyo'muş alnımda ben yanlış yaptım inandım da
It was a lie written on my forehead, I did wrong to believe it
Konuşmak değil susmayı bilmeli bu dünyada kanımca
In my opinion, one should know how to be silent, not to speak, in this world
Bir çocuk kaldı aklımda aşş'a cankilerin parkında
A child is left in my mind, in the park of dear lives
Haklısın insanım da, insanlık öldü yanımda
You're right, I'm human, but humanity died next to me
İnsan kalmak kolay sence Hitlerin zindanında?
Do you think it's easy to stay human in Hitler's dungeon?
Kaç kişiyle çıktım yola kim kalmış şöyle bi baktımda
I set out with so many people, I looked around to see who was left
Herkes kaderin girdabında mutlu olma iştahında
Everyone is in the whirlpool of fate, with an appetite for happiness
Sarıyo böyle aslında yoksun ama varsında
It embraces like this, in fact, you're absent but you're there
Korku var kafasında üşeniyosun yaparsında
There is fear in your mind, you are lazy but you would do it
Tohum sağlam saksıda velakin dallar askıda
The seed is strong in the pot but the branches are hanging
Çok heveslenme yaşatmaz söverler senin aşkına
Don't get your hopes up, they won't let you live, they will curse your love
Her şey zamana yenik hep iki ileri bir geriledik
Everything is defeated by time, we always took two steps forward and one back
Beyhude çabalar içinde böyle, böyle ertelendik
In futile efforts, we were postponed like this, like this
Zamana yenik hep iki ileri bir geriledik
Defeated by time, we always took two steps forward and one back
Beyhude çabalar içinde böyle, böyle ertelendik
In futile efforts, we were postponed like this, like this
Çok uzun olur yana yana aranan her dünümüz
Every yesterday we seek, yearning, becomes so long
Bu yarının sonunu ele verir cahilliğin korkusu
The fear of ignorance betrays the end of this tomorrow
Unutulmaz sanılan her acıların izleri mazide ya
The traces of every pain thought to be unforgettable are in the past, right?
Kiralık zaman tuta tuta boşa harcanan bir emek mi var?
Is there a rented time, held tight, a wasted effort?
Başa sarmayı isterdim kaideleri bir kenara atsam olmaz
I would like to rewind, but I can't if I throw the rules aside
Dün gerçeğim bugün yakın geçmişimde kalan mevsimler var
Yesterday is my reality, today there are seasons left in my recent past
Başa sarmayı isterdim kaideleri bir kenara atsam olmaz
I would like to rewind, but I can't if I throw the rules aside
Dün gerçeğim bugün yakın geçmişimde kalan mevsimler var
Yesterday is my reality, today there are seasons left in my recent past
Her şey zamana yenik hep iki ileri bir geriledik
Everything is defeated by time, we always took two steps forward and one back
Beyhude çabalar içinde böyle, böyle ertelendik
In futile efforts, we were postponed like this, like this
Zamana yenik hep iki ileri bir geriledik
Defeated by time, we always took two steps forward and one back
Beyhude çabalar içinde böyle, böyle ertelendik
In futile efforts, we were postponed like this, like this

Writer(s): Defkhan - Esra, Izybeats

Defkhan feat. Esra - Zamana yenik
Zamana yenik
date de sortie

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