Dejavu - Baby Werebere - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dejavu - Baby Werebere

Baby Werebere
Baby Werebere
Para ti baby werebere
For you baby werebere
Baby werebere
Baby werebere
El rap pa mi es un alivio mantenga el equilibrio
Rap is a relief for me, I keep my balance
Vine por lo mío recojan los vidrios
I came for what's mine, pick up the pieces
El que vio vio que la vaina no es coba
He who saw saw that the thing is not easy
El barrio se respeta
The neighborhood is respected
Y por la zona no se roba
And in the area there is no stealing
Que se joda el que tenga que joderse
Fuck whoever has to be fucked
El barrio es uno solo al rico no se le obedece
The neighborhood is one, the rich are not obeyed
Aunque a veces jala bola que del barrio no parecen
Although sometimes they play ball, they don't look like they're from the neighborhood
Y parecen es rócola repitiendo estupideces
And they seem like a jukebox repeating stupidities
Ya o Crece el odio en corazones Creces
Ya o Hate grows in hearts You grow
Razón principal por lo que tantos fallesen
Main reason why so many fail
Si la sabes controlar te fortalece
If you know how to control it, it makes you stronger
Si no la sabes llevar prematura fallesen
If you don't know how to carry it, you will fail prematurely
Ya o crece
Ya o it grows
Con esto pues me jodi
With this I screwed myself
Llego el flow con el flow de koby
The flow arrives with the flow of koby
No ando con chobis no utilizo móvil
I don't hang out with chobis, I don't use my cell phone
El rap es mi trabajo mujeres mi hobbies
Rap is my job, women are my hobbies
Si tienen quejas que la dejen en el lobby
If you have complaints, leave them in the lobby
Chavaaa ...
Chavaaa ...
Cierra la boca que se te va a salir la baba
Shut your mouth, you're going to drool
Solo bebe, fuma ni friegan ni lavan
Just drink, smoke, don't wash or clean
Y como toda grupii el rap te deprava
And like any groupie, rap corrupts you
Ehhh en negro se deprava
Ehhh in black it corrupts
Y No se acepta la derrota la tropa porta bota
And defeat is not accepted, the troops wear boots
Y llena la copa de whisquisito a la roca Si
And fill the glass with whiskey with ice Yes
Malte colocola bomba explota ya
Malte colocola bomb explodes now
Cierra la boca que bombo derroca heey
Shut up, you'll knock down the drum hey
Baby werebere
Baby werebere
Te encontré el quievere
I found you the quievere
Fumo voy pal everets
I smoke, I go to the Everets
Te gustan los leveles
You like the levels
Te digo en tarima y hago que te explote fiebere
I tell you on stage and make you explode fever
Como dice Kpo ...
As Kpo says ...
Gregory palencia
Gregory palencia
Damele master a la consola
Give me master to the console
Que hay varios meando fuera de la perola
That there are several pissing outside the chamber pot
Receloso por cosas que no me llegaron solas
Jealous of things that didn't come to me on their own
Y hasta hora a nadie le e tenido que jalar bola
And until now I haven't had to suck anyone's dick
Yo e representado mi barrio sin necesidad de payola
I have represented my neighborhood without needing a payoff
Y en que esto camino constates entre los tropiezos
And on this path I walk steady among the obstacles
Escribiendo con libertad y cuidándome solo de esos reetrasado
Writing with freedom and taking care only of those retards
Que no tienen cultura por ningún lado
Who have no culture at all
A mino me vengan con la misma historia que soy underground
Don't come to me with the same story that I'm underground
Podrá reconocer el éxito cuando veas que tus propios amigos
You will be able to recognize success when you see that your own friends
Se levanten en tu contra
Turn against you
Esta vaina suena malandra
This stuff sounds hood
Y e llegado a saber que por zonas también me odian
And I've come to know that in some areas they hate me too
Sur de Aragua el barrio que no frena
Sur de Aragua, the neighborhood that doesn't stop
Los lirisistas que con cantos derrumban a sus contendores
The lyricists who with songs bring down their opponents
Que mier hablan en donde c suenan
What crap they talk in the places where they are not famous
Los que se le puede es venir una lluvia criollita de rap harcore
The only thing left is a criollita rain of hardcore rap
Menores no esperen que el barrio les lanze flores, No llores
Kids, don't expect the neighborhood to throw flowers at you, don't cry
Y antes de hablar vean lo que componen
And before you talk, see what you write
Se Supone, que esto es un medio libre
It is supposed to be a free medium
Donde cualquier exponente hasta sus sentimientos
Where any artist even their feelings
A mi me señala un movimiento
A movement points me out
Porque canto balada y le di otra tonada a su vacio concepto
Because I sing a ballad and I gave another tone to your empty concept
Para sin verguenzura no me presto
I don't lend myself to shamelessness
Yo soy la voz del barrio el dia que no lo sea es porque estaré
I am the voice of the neighborhood, the day I am not, it is because I will be
Muerto, Baby werebere
Dead, Baby werebere
Baby werebere
Baby werebere
Te encontré el quievere
I found you the quievere
Fumo voy pal everets
I smoke, I go to the Everets
Te gustan los leveles
You like the levels
Te digo en tarima y hago que te explote fiebere
I tell you on stage and make you explode fever
Como dice Kpo ...
As Kpo says ...

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