Deli - Volcano Scopes - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Deli - Volcano Scopes

Volcano Scopes
Volcano Scopes
GO DELI GO!! あんたらの足下に滑り込む ホラバリバリバラマキGO!!
GO DELI GO!! Hey baby, I'm gonna slide into your feet. Behold, I'm spreading the word like crazy!
GO DELI GO!! あんたらの足下に滑り込む ホラバリバリバラマキまくりGO!!
GO DELI GO!! Hey baby, I'm gonna slide into your feet. Behold, I'm spreading the word like crazy!
Baby, let's go round and round like a fiery merry-go-round.
まるで遊炎 NON STOP 連れて行こう ノコノコやってきたって乗るつもり
Like an eruption, NON STOP. Come on, let me take you on a tour. You came crawling here, so you're gonna ride.
でも合わせるわけないご都合に すぐ飛んでっちまうそっちの方に
But I'm not gonna conform to your convenience. I'll fly away to the other side in no time.
待ってないっつっても別にもういい 頼んでなくても別盛り
Even if you don't wait, it's okay. Even if you don't ask, I'll serve you separately.
ON FIRE!! じゃんじゃん出てくる 激震ともない吹き出てくる
ON FIRE!! The explosions keep coming, accompanied by tremors.
ドカンドカン飛び出てくる 距離詰めてくる 逃げてもどんどんつけてくる
They burst out with a bang, closing in on you. Run away, but they'll keep following you.
熱を帯びてくる 蜃気楼スペクタクル メッキはすぐに透けてくる
The heat is rising, a mirage spectacle. The plating quickly fades away.
こいつで氷河期さえも滅亡 LET¥S GO! (GO!) GO! (GO!) GO! (GO!) DELI GO!!
Even the ice age will be destroyed with this. LET'S GO! (GO!) GO! (GO!) GO! DELI GO!!
GO DELI GO!! あんたらにマグマが滑り込む ホラバリバリバラマキGO!!
GO DELI GO!! Hey baby, the magma is gonna slide into you. Behold, I'm spreading the word like crazy!
GO DELI GO!! とろけるどころかのめり込む ホラバリバリバラマキまくりGO!!
GO DELI GO!! Instead of melting, you're gonna sink. Behold, I'm spreading the word like crazy!
既に終焉 脈々と枝分かれてるホーラ 着々と押し寄せてるぜどうだ
It's already the end. The lies are branching out, baby. They're steadily approaching, what do you think?
かなり異様な匂いの中仁王立ち また新たな口が開ーく マグマはとっくに地下でスパーク
Standing tall amidst the strange smell. Another new mouth opens up. The magma has already sparked underground.
予想は外れちまうでかーく なめてりゃさっぱり分からん何でかー
Your predictions will be way off. If you underestimate it, you won't understand why.
飛び散る飛び火雨アラーレ くそ熱い飛沫かぶんのダーレ?
Scattered cinders rain down. Who's getting drenched in the scorching droplets?
もうダーメたまらーね この減らず口はだまらーね
Oh no, I can't take it anymore. This nagging won't stop.
すべてを吐き出すVOLCANO 空っぽになっちゃうもぬけーの
The VOLCANO spews out everything, leaving it empty and hollow.
出会い頭でもそーくK.O. 火の粉(GO) GO 直眠(GO) GO DELI GO!!
Even if we meet head-on, I'll knock you out cold. Sparks (GO) GO. Direct hit (GO) GO. DELI GO!!
GO DELI GO!! あんたらの足下に滑り込む ホラバリバリバラマキGO!!
GO DELI GO!! Hey baby, I'm gonna slide into your feet. Behold, I'm spreading the word like crazy!
GO DELI GO!! あんたらの足下に滑り込む ホラバリバリバラマキまくり!!
GO DELI GO!! Hey baby, I'm gonna slide into your feet. Behold, I'm spreading the word like crazy!
暗黒 BLACK T, I.K.B.¥s ファイネスト HASSY確実にえぐり込む 沸騰寸前VOLCANO
Dark BLACK T, I.K.B.'s finest HASSY. We'll definitely carve you up. VOLCANO on the verge of boiling.
GO DELI GO!! ホラバリバリバラマキまくり!!
GO DELI GO!! Behold, I'm spreading the word like crazy!
Baby, let's go round and round like a fiery merry-go-round.
まるで遊炎 NON STOP 24 ホラバリバリバラマキまくり!!
Like an eruption, NON STOP. 24. Behold, I'm spreading the word like crazy!
そうさハナっから捨て身の マグマは沸騰すでにもう
Right from the start, we're ready to die. The magma is already boiling.
噴火すりゃ喰らわす目にもの ホラバリバリバラマキまくんぞー!!
When it erupts, you'll see something amazing. Behold, I'll spread the word like crazy!
手付けらんないぐらいの三味 降り積もる火山灰や残骸
The rhythm is unstoppable. The volcanic ash and debris pile up.
チリ積も案外すでに何倍も 膨れる大被害
Without realizing it, it's already multiplied. A massive disaster is swelling.
It's not just once or twice. Complete defeat comes out of every mouth.
ビッチもバンザイ スニッチもバンザイ ニュース速報お手上げバンザイ
Bitches and snitches, they all hail. The news reports throw up their hands in despair.
足立からI.K.B.から 渋谷から六本木から 40BLOXから44BLOXから
From Adachi to I.K.B. From Shibuya to Roppongi. From 40BLOX to 44BLOX.
Behold, I'm spreading the word like crazy!

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