Delia Rus - Adio - traduction des paroles en anglais

Adio - Delia Rustraduction en anglais

Ma privesti asa cu dor
I bring you so much longing
Eu iti zic nu pot sa adorm
I tell you I can't fall asleep
Daca te uiti asa la mine iar
If you look at me like that again
Stai cuminte nici nu misti
Stay still and don't move
Dac o faci ma scoti din minti
If you do, you'll drive me crazy
Scuze, nu mai gandeam deloc prea clar
Sorry, I wasn't thinking very clearly
La prima vedere ma stii
At first sight, you know me
Ca s scoasa din jocuri de copii
I'm taken out of children's games
Te vad, te storc, te ntorc, te fac inapoi
I see you, I squeeze you, I turn you, I make you back again
La prima vedere ma stii
At first sight, you know me
Am mintea bolnava orice ar fi
I have a sick mind no matter what
Te trag,
I pull you
Ma duc, m ascund, fug iar de noi
I go, I hide, I run away from us again
Eu voiam sa ti zic adio
I wanted to tell you goodbye
Tu mi ziceai ca i doar un piua
You told me it was just a tear
Nu voiai sa se duca asa usor
You didn't want it to end so easily
Dar tare mi se pare
But I think it's getting bad
Ca ma tii cumva cu forta
That you're holding me by force
Si doar tie o sa ti faci rau
And you're only going to hurt yourself
N am incredere deloc
I don't trust you at all
In tine, tu nu vezi ca pot
You don't see that I can
Ma tii doar, in caz c oi reusi cumva
You're just holding me, in case I succeed
Ma vezi dulce, fel de fel
You see me sweet, like
De scuze, ca sa nu ma iei pe bune
Excuses, so as not to take me seriously
Dar vezi ca nu e chiar asa
But you see, it's not really like that
La prima vedere ma stii
At first sight, you know me
Ca s scoasa din jocuri de copii
I'm taken out of children's games
Te vad, te storc, te ntorc, te fac inapoi
I see you, I squeeze you, I turn you, I make you back again
La prima vedere ma stii
At first sight, you know me
Am mintea bolnava orice ar fi
I have a sick mind no matter what
Te trag,
I pull you
Ma duc, m ascund, fug iar de noi
I go, I hide, I run away from us again
Eu voiam sa ti zic adio
I wanted to tell you goodbye
Tu mi ziceai ca i doar un piua
You told me it was just a tear
Nu voiai sa se duca asa usor
You didn't want it to end so easily
Dar tare mi se pare
But I think it's getting bad
Ca ma tii cumva cu forta
That you're holding me by force
Si doar tie o sa ti faci rau
And you're only going to hurt yourself
Ca eu te vad ca pe un trecut
Because I see you as a past
Tu faci planuri iar pe mut
You make plans and stay silent
Nu vad, de ce insisti tu sa mai stai
I don't see why you insist on staying
Dau semnale ca te uit
I give you signals that I'm forgetting you
Nu ti dau nimic, nu vrei mai mult
I don't give you anything, you don't want more
Nu poti sa intelegi ca nu ma ai
You can't understand that you don't have me

Writer(s): Cue Sheet, Rus Delia - Laura

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