Delia Rus - Alandala - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Delia Rus - Alandala

Saruturile moi le-ai lasat prin poezii
Your gentle kisses left as poetry
Cand spuneai ca stai, imi spuneai c-o sa mai vii
When you promised to stay, you promised to return to me
Da pan'la urma noi, niciun final, prea usor
But in the end, it was easy to say goodbye
Cum imi spuneai ca n-o sa-mi fie dor
How can you tell me that I wouldn't miss you?
Saruturile reci le-ai lasat prin poezii
Your icy kisses left as poetry
Cand spuneai ca vrei si-mi spuneai c-o sa mai fii
When you promised to love me, and promised to stay
Al meu inc-o data, da pan' la urma tu stii
To be mine again, but in the end, you know
Ca totul doare iar
That everything still hurts
Mai stai, doar o vara rece
Please stay, just a brief, cold summer
Daca mai stai o vara rece
If you would stay a short, chilly summer
Spune-mi ca ma tii strans de mijloc atunci cand
Tell me you'd hold me close, as
Valurile vin si nu ne ajung
The waves approach and fail to reach us
Ne duceam alandala prin vanturi si ploi
We wandered recklessly through storms and rain
Stiam dinainte da, cum e cu noi
We knew what would happen to us all along
Ca timpul nu mai tinea cont de noi
That time would leave us behind
Si acum tanjim dupa noi, la fel
And now we long to return, together
Ne pierdeam alandala prin vanturi si ploi
We wandered wildly through storms and rain
Cumva n-avem cum sa venim inapoi
There is no way for us to go back
Ca timpul nu mai tinea cont de noi
Because time left us behind
Si acum, nici noi
And now, neither of us remains
Cumva pe dinauntru
And somehow deep down
Nimeni n-ar fi zis, ca nimeni n-a stiut ca
No one could tell, because no one knew that
Noi nu tinem prea mult, noi nu tineam prea mult
That we wouldn't last long, that we wouldn't last long
Asa frumos, da totul parca in zadar
It was so beautiful, but all in vain
Dar noi incercam totusi, macar inc-o zi
But we tried anyway, at least for another day
Desi ma priveai doar in nuante de gri
Even though you saw me only in shades of grey
Ca timpul nu tinea cont de noi
Because time didn't care about us
Da timpul nu tinea cont de noi
Yes, time didn't care about us
Mai stai, doar o vara rece
Please stay, if only for a short, cold summer
Daca mai stai o vara rece
If you stay a little while longer in this chilly summer
Spune-mi ca ma tii strans de mijloc atunci cand
Tell me that you'll hold me close as
Valurile vin si nu ne ajung, nu
The waves approach, but never reach us, no
Ne duceam alandala prin vanturi si ploi
We wandered recklessly through storms and rain
Stiam dinainte da, cum e cu noi
We knew what would happen to us all along
Ca timpul nu mai tinea cont de noi
That time would leave us behind
Si acum tanjim dupa noi la fel
And now we long to return, together
Ne pierdeam alandala prin vanturi si ploi
We wandered wildly through storms and rain
Cumva n-avem cum sa venim inapoi
There's no way we can go back now
Ca timpul nu mai tinea cont de noi
Because time left us behind
Si acum, nici noi
And now, neither of us remains

Writer(s): Delia Laura Rus, Dorin Marian Achim, Alexandru Bogdan Paun

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