Delik feat. Supa & Igor Kmeťo Ml. - Hudba - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Delik feat. Supa & Igor Kmeťo Ml. - Hudba

Oni na teba zabudli, no ja to nespravím,
They forgot about you, but I won't,
Nikdy som nemal nos plný vône peňazí,
I never had my nose full of the scent of money,
Chcel som ťa len zobrať, vystajlovať, preraziť,
I just wanted to take you, style you, break through,
Pozornosť a ženy, komu sa to nepáči?
Attention and women, who doesn't like that?
Musíš mi prepáčiť, občas ťa nechám tak,
You have to forgive me, I leave you alone sometimes,
No ty mi nedáš spať a kričíš, že ti nestačí,
But you don't let me sleep and you scream that it's not enough for you,
A tak sa zase plavím na tvojich tónoch nocou,
And so I float again on your tones at night,
Nechávam každé slovo buchnúť ako petardy.
I let every word bang like firecrackers.
Strávili sme spolu veľa dní,
We spent many days together,
Spravili sme spolu veľa chýb,
We made many mistakes together,
Nestačí, keď si krutá, teraz treba klip,
It's not enough that you're cruel, now you need a video,
Dostať ťa do rádia a telky, inak nemáš nič.
To get you on the radio and TV, otherwise you have nothing.
Inak nepredáš nič, no ja ťa nechcem predať,
Otherwise you won't sell anything, but I don't want to sell you,
Chcem ťa vedľa seba, nechcem ťa nechať im,
I want you next to me, I don't want to leave you to them,
Robím ťa podľa seba, tvrdohlavo, jebať biz,
I make you in my own image, stubborn, fuck biz,
Dúfam, že ťa v tej záplave svetiel niekde nestratím.
I hope I won't lose you somewhere in that flood of lights.
Po ľavej anjel, po pravej diabol,
An angel on my left, a devil on my right,
Rozmýšľam stále, čo ostane za mnou,
I keep thinking about what will be left behind me,
Možno moc váham a možno som blázon,
Maybe I hesitate too much and maybe I'm crazy,
Ale chcem vyviaznuť z kolotoča s ozajstnou tvárou.
But I want to get off this merry-go-round with a real face.
A ja neviem či chápeš, čo sa s ňou stalo,
And I don't know if you understand what happened to her,
Aj keď mi to vadí, tak si neberiem nárok,
Even though it bothers me, I don't claim the right,
Som iba maliar, podaj mi plátno,
I'm just a painter, give me a canvas,
A ja namalujem slobodu, čo závidim vtákom.
And I will paint the freedom that I envy in the birds.
Kým mama varila a ja som sa malý hral,
When mom was cooking and I was playing as a kid,
So svojou sestrou v izbe, v byte znel z platní sound,
With my sister in the room, a sound came from the records in the apartment,
A ten sme nevedeli dlho dostať z našich hláv,
And we couldn't get it out of our heads for a long time,
Nech bola muzika akokoľvek naivná.
No matter how naive that music was.
Neskôr ma bavil rock, potom ma bavil punk,
Later I liked rock, then I liked punk,
A hip-hop spojil pre mňa jazz, soul, rnb, funk,
And hip-hop combined jazz, soul, rnb, funk for me,
Počúval som náreky aj smiech, všetko zo srdca,
I listened to cries and laughter, everything from the heart,
Každý ideme životom s vlastnou hudbou, posúď sám.
We all go through life with our own music, judge for yourself.
A čo s tým MTV, čo nie je MTV,
And what about that MTV, which is no longer MTV,
Také aké som mal rád, aj tak chcem veriť im,
The way I liked it, I still want to believe them,
že sme zabuchnutí do tej istej osoby,
That we are obsessed with the same person,
A zabúdame pri nej na všetky tie trápne obchody.
And we forget about all those awkward deals with her.
Ktoré ju spútali, musí utiecť ako Django,
That bound her, she must escape like Django,
A ja jej chcem pomôcť z okov, tak rozmýšľam ako na to,
And I want to help her out of chains, so I think how to do it,
Pri nej som stále malým chlapcom,
Next to her, I'm still a little boy,
A to som dávno chlapom, lebo.
And I've long been a man, because.
Po ľavej anjel, po pravej diabol,
An angel on my left, a devil on my right,
Rozmýšľam stále, čo ostane za mnou,
I keep thinking about what will be left behind me,
Možno moc váham a možno som blázon,
Maybe I hesitate too much and maybe I'm crazy,
Ale chcem vyviaznuť z kolotoča s ozajstnou tvárou.
But I want to get off this merry-go-round with a real face.
A ja neviem či chápeš, čo sa s ňou stalo,
And I don't know if you understand what happened to her,
Aj keď mi to vadí, tak si neberiem nárok,
Even though it bothers me, I don't claim the right,
Som iba maliar, podaj mi plátno,
I'm just a painter, give me a canvas,
A ja namalujem slobodu, čo závidim vtákom.
And I will paint the freedom that I envy in the birds.
Držím ju pevne vo svetle reklamných panelov,
I hold her tight in the light of advertising panels,
Blikajúcich banerov, stále s ňou nádhernou,
Flashing banners, always with her, beautiful,
Nevymením ju nikdy za pár papierov,
I will never trade her for a few papers,
Sme si čoraz bližší, čím viac toho máme za sebou.
We're getting closer, the more we have behind us.
Začalo to kazetou, horí vo mne plameňom,
It started with a cassette, it burns in me with a flame,
Keď je všetko fajn aj keď padnem fejsom na betón,
When everything is fine, even if I fall face first on concrete,
V dobrých časoch, maléroch, s ňou som ready na všetko,
In good times, troubles, with her I'm ready for anything,
Hocičo, hocikedy, dáme to.
Anything, anytime, we'll make it.
Po ľavej anjel, po pravej diabol,
An angel on my left, a devil on my right,
Rozmýšľam stále, čo ostane za mnou,
I keep thinking about what will be left behind me,
Možno moc váham a možno som blázon,
Maybe I hesitate too much and maybe I'm crazy,
Ale chcem vyviaznuť z kolotoča s ozajstnou tvárou.
But I want to get off this merry-go-round with a real face.
A ja neviem či chápeš, čo sa s ňou stalo,
And I don't know if you understand what happened to her,
Aj keď mi to vadí, tak si neberiem nárok,
Even though it bothers me, I don't claim the right,
Som iba maliar, podaj mi plátno,
I'm just a painter, give me a canvas,
A ja namalujem slobodu, čo závidim vtákom.
And I will paint the freedom that I envy in the birds.

Writer(s): Michal Pastorok

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