Delik - Breaking Bad - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Delik - Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad
Breaking Bad
Myslel si že je koniec, hah.
You thought it was over, hah.
Nabieham s maskou a pílou
I'm coming in with a mask and a saw
A kopou sáčkov a britvou
And a bunch of bags and a razor
Oops si ešte nažive
Oops, you're still alive
Ja som začal s pitvou
I already started the autopsy
Flowujem víchor, mix tabletiek s whiskou,
I'm flowing a hurricane, a mix of pills and whiskey,
Kopou skillov
A bunch of skills
Na beatoch som v móde search a destroy.
On the beats I'm in search and destroy mode.
Som misfit, dissnem svet
I'm a misfit, I diss the world
Pošlem vypchatú skupinu náckov
I'm sending a stuffed group of Nazis
Obviazaných mašlovjak darček antife,
Wrapped with bows like a gift to the antifa,
Podľahnite panike
Succumb to panic
Lejem krv na vaše zbierky básničiek
I pour blood on your poetry collections
Umrnčané štence prišiel maxipes
Whining puppies, Maxipes arrived
Mám v piči vaše hranice a obmedzenia
I don't give a damn about your boundaries and limitations
Tvoja chick chcela len podpis neni oblečená
Your chick just wanted an autograph, she's not dressed anymore
Dostal som sa von z väzenia nemáš sa kam schovať
I got out of jail, you have nowhere to hide
Roztrhané kazajky a skalpel, som na drogách
Ripped straitjackets and a scalpel, I'm on drugs
Chcete vtipy hihi haha
You want jokes, hee hee haha
Vitaj v mysli vraha
Welcome to the mind of a killer
Keď ma zbadáš začneš sa mykať ako keď visí Saddám
When you see me you start freaking out like when Saddam is hanging
Mŕtve krysy vaňa,
Dead rats, bathtub,
Pozreš do zrkadla
You look in the mirror
Za tebou sa niečo pohne, nazdár motherfucker!
Something moves behind you, hello motherfucker!
Lejlou, moja latexová girl podaj mi nôž
Leila, my latex girl, hand me the knife
Si úžasná som mimo z tvojich nôh
You are amazing, I'm out of my mind from your legs
A tento pártyboy chcel vedieť o čom som
And this party boy wanted to know what I'm about
Vložím mu do hlavy film lejlou
I'll put a movie in his head, Leila
Moja latexová girl podaj mi nôž
My latex girl, hand me the knife
Si úžasná, som mimo z tvojich nôh
You are amazing, I'm out of my mind from your legs
A tento pártyboy chcel vedieť o čom som
And this party boy wanted to know what I'm about
Vložím mu do hlavy film
I'll put a movie in his head
Sleduješ môj breaking bad
You're watching my breaking bad
Nikto sa neskryje
No one will hide
Masky jak blbec, bomby, beštie
Masks like a fool, bombs, beasts
Bežím vpred a bodám slovenský showbiznis do šije
I'm running forward and stabbing Slovak showbiz in the neck
Milujem ten zvuk, keď sa všetko rozbije
I love the sound of everything breaking
Freddy versus Jason
Freddy versus Jason
Ste mäkký, ste len mäso
You are soft, you are just meat
Moje flowy majú oči
My flows have eyes
Bežíš temným lesom
You are running through a dark forest
Vzniesol som sa na scénu jak tieň
I rose to the stage like a shadow
Temný spitter
Dark spitter
Mám rap čo ti zastaví tep,
I have a rap that will stop your heart,
Toto nebude tvoj deň
This will not be your day
Začnem písať text
I'll start writing text
Zrazu som niekde v tme
Suddenly I'm somewhere in the dark
Blikajúce svetlá,
Flashing lights,
Okolo mňa leží kopa tiel
A bunch of bodies lie around me
V ruke skalpel z ktorého odkvapkáva krv na zem
In my hand is a scalpel from which blood drips to the ground
Podrezané hrdlá MC's museli ísť, boli weak
Slit throats of MC's had to go, they were weak
Som šéf na tom vyjebanom majku
I'm the boss on that fucking mic
Bitch, vyber si gangu z punku, alebo vankúš
Bitch, choose a gang from punk, or a pillow
Bitch, môj album, bitch mám oficiálne na háku, bitch
Bitch, my album, bitch I officially don't give a fuck, bitch
Lejlou, moja latexová girl podaj mi nôž
Leila, my latex girl, hand me the knife
Si úžasná som mimo z tvojich nôh
You are amazing, I'm out of my mind from your legs
A tento pártyboy chcel vedieť o čom som
And this party boy wanted to know what I'm about
Vložím mu do hlavy film lejlou
I'll put a movie in his head, Leila
Moja latexová girl podaj mi nôž
My latex girl, hand me the knife
Si úžasná, som mimo z tvojich nôh
You are amazing, I'm out of my mind from your legs
A tento pártyboy chcel vedieť o čom som
And this party boy wanted to know what I'm about
Vložím mu do hlavy film
I'll put a movie in his head

Writer(s): Michal Pastorok

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