Delik - Netradičný vzťah - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Delik - Netradičný vzťah

Netradičný vzťah
Freaky Relationship
Začalo to na chate, web kamera
It started on a webcam, in a chat room
Občasné návštevy, wow slečna je fajn
Occasional visits, wow, this girl's really cool
Neskôr tam bol stále, slečna je naj.
Later on, he was always there, this girl's the best.
Ukazovali si genitálie,
They showed each other their genitals,
Bolo to geniálne
It was awesome
On sa chcel stretnúť, ale ona nie,
He wanted to meet, but she didn't,
Chcel jej ho tam jebnúť, a to poriadne
He wanted to fuck her hard, really hard
Zistil jej IP adresu, potom reálnu adresu
He found out her IP address, then her real address
Sledoval ju keď sa mihla spoza závesu.
He watched her when she appeared behind the curtain.
Bol tam každú noc, fajčil jednu od druhej,
He was there every night, smoking one after another,
Prišiel keď padla tma, odchádzal po druhej.
He came when it got dark, left after two.
Raz neodolal, vkĺzol za ňou do vchodu,
One day, he couldn't resist, he slipped into the entrance after her,
Zdrapil ju, dievča si moc nemohlo vybrať polohu.
He grabbed her, the girl couldn't choose a position.
Surovo, na tvrdo, zo zadu, jeho kár stvrdol
Roughly, hard, from behind, his cock got hard
Ostali jej po ňom, modriny za krkom.
She was left with bruises on her neck.
Ešte noc ho prišli zobrať fízli,
That night, the cops came to take him away,
Mohol dostať desať rokov, dostal štyri.
He could have gotten ten years, but he got four.
Netradičný vzťah, trochu netradičný pár
Freaky relationship, a bit of a freaky couple
Ale všetci môžme mať v piči, však?
But we can all mind our own business, right?
Odvtedy mala iných chlapov,
Since then, she's had other guys,
No s ním mala svoj jediný orgazmus, hardcore.
But with him, she had her only orgasm, hardcore.
Netradičný vzťah, trochu netradičný pár
Freaky relationship, a bit of a freaky couple
Ale všetci môžme mať v piči, však?
But we can all mind our own business, right?
Odvtedy mala iných chlapov,
Since then, she's had other guys,
No s ním mala svoj jediný orgazmus, hardcore.
But with him, she had her only orgasm, hardcore.
Začala mu písať listy, že naňho myslí
She started writing him letters, saying she thinks about him
Nemôže si pomôcť nemôže ho vyhnať z mysli.
She can't help it, she can't get him out of her mind.
A že či by mohla prísť na návštevu,
And would she be able to come visit,
Poslala mu fotku a on si ju dal na stenu.
She sent him a picture and he put it on his wall.
Prišla do návštevnej miestnosti,
She came to the visiting room,
V očiach im blčala vášeň, no nič nemohli.
Passion burned in their eyes, but they couldn't do anything.
Dala mu lodičku do rozkroku,
She put her shoe in his lap,
Keď máš tuhý cock, nepomôže ti vzdušný bozk
When you have a hard cock, a blowjob won't suffice
A keď ho pustili bola tam oáza uprostred púšte
And when he was released, he was an oasis in a desert
žiadne sviečky, romantika, podchody,
no candles, romance, underpasses,
Hajzle v klube, pľutie,
Bitches in a club, spitting,
Facky, slová ktoré nepovieš najhoršej kurve,
Slapping, words you wouldn't say to the worst whore,
Zapálil jej oheň v kunde, ja viem je to trochu úlet
He lit a fire in her cunt, I know it's a bit crazy
Teraz spolu a šťastný,
Now they're together and they're happy,
Vrazí jej ho do úst, zdrapne vlasy,
He shoves it in her mouth, grabs her hair,
Tancujú spolu smerom k extáze,
They dance together towards ecstasy,
Tu končí príbeh tejto trochu divnej lásky
Here ends the story of this somewhat strange love
Netradičný vzťah, trochu netradičný pár
Freaky relationship, a bit of a freaky couple
Ale všetci môžme mať v piči, však?
But we can all mind our own business, right?
Odvtedy mala iných chlapov,
Since then, she's had other guys,
No s ním mala svoj jediný orgazmus, hardcore.
But with him, she had her only orgasm, hardcore.
Netradičný vzťah, trochu netradičný pár
Freaky relationship, a bit of a freaky couple
Ale všetci môžme mať v piči, však?
But we can all mind our own business, right?
Odvtedy mala iných chlapov,
Since then, she's had other guys,
No s ním mala svoj jediný orgazmus, hardcore.
But with him, she had her only orgasm, hardcore.

Writer(s): Michal Pastorok

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