Delik - Slzy štastia - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Delik - Slzy štastia

Slzy štastia
Tears of happiness
Nespal som poslednú noc, ani sekundu,
I did not sleep last night, not even for a second,
Užil som si ju tak ako poslednú noc,
I enjoyed it as if it were my last night,
Bol som šťastný,
I was happy,
Dostal som od ženy bozk,
I got a kiss from my wife,
K tomu orosený shot,
And a dewy shot,
Jemné zahriznutie do krku a pohladenie po tvári.
A soft bite on the neck and a caress on the face.
Každý deň je skvelý,
Every day is great,
Keď ho môžeš prežiť v náručí ženy čo ťa miluje,
When you can live it in the arms of the woman who loves you,
Neviem žiť bez nej,
I can't live without her,
Ochutnal som jej pery,
I tasted her lips,
Jediná jedinečná kašle na to že som Delik.
The only unique one who does not care that I am Delik.
Ja a moji psi,
Me and my dogs,
Vela ich není o to viac si ich cením,
There aren't many of them, but I appreciate them all the more,
Aj keď majú občas divný výber feny.
Even though they sometimes have a strange choice of bitches.
Cesta stále mení smer,
The path keeps changing direction,
Dotankujem benzín,
I fill up the tank with gas,
Stlačím ten pedál k zemi homeboy aaa!
I press the pedal all the way to the floor, homeboy, aaa!
Nespím celý rok čaká ma tolko vecí,
I haven't slept all year, there are so many things waiting for me,
Spánok je vraj bratrancom smrti,
Sleep is said to be the cousin of death,
Nemám kedy plakať nad tým čo bolo,
I don't have time to cry over what happened,
O vela radšej riešim čo ma čaká v budúcnosti,
I would much rather deal with what the future holds,
Pozri na mňa celý svietim uhh!
Look at me, I'm all lit up, uhh!
No včera bola nádherná noc!
But yesterday was a beautiful night!
A po tvári nám tiekli slzy šťastia!
And tears of happiness ran down our faces!
A včera bola nádherná noc.
And yesterday was a beautiful night.
Slzy šťastia!
Tears of happiness!
Správni chlapi neplačú,
Real men don't cry,
Tak odkial je ta slaná voda na mojej tvári,
So where does this salty water come from on my face,
Ako keby vyliezam z oceánu.
It's like I'm climbing out of the ocean.
Vždy, keď ukážeš strach,
Whenever you show fear,
Niekto ti utne hlavu,
Someone will cut off your head,
No mám na háku chceš kecať?
But I don't care, do you want to talk?
Okey dones flašku!
Okay, bring me a bottle!
A ja ti poviem, čo si myslím,
And I'll tell you what I think,
Poviem ti čo cítim aj keď priznávam, že k tomu potrebujem kopec chlastu!
I'll tell you what I feel, although I admit I need a lot of booze for that!
Dám dole masku,
I'll take off my mask,
Je to osviežujúce, raz za čas to spravím,
It's refreshing, I do it once in a while,
Svet je oslepujúce miesto.
The world is a blinding place.
Preto sa schováme v bare,
That's why we hide in the bar,
Ty mi povieš o starej,
You tell me about your ex,
Ja ti poviem o starej,
I tell you about my ex,
Potom sa vrátime v čase,
Then we go back in time,
Na základku aj ďalej.
To elementary school and beyond.
Rozpustíme ten kameň, čo nosíme v srdci,
We dissolve the stone that we carry in our hearts,
Ten čo nám drtí plecia,
The one that crushes our shoulders,
A tak okolo štvrtej,
And so around four o'clock,
Sa možno ani jeden z nás neubráni slze, tff!
Maybe neither of us can hold back a tear, tff!
Sme sentimentálne kundy,
We are sentimental bitches,
No teraz dones ďalšie rundy,
But now bring on the next round,
Zajtra vstanem a budem spievať!
Tomorrow I will get up and sing!
No včera bola nádherná noc!
But yesterday was a beautiful night!
A po tvári nám tiekli slzy šťastia!
And tears of happiness ran down our faces!
A včera bola nádherná noc.
And yesterday was a beautiful night.
Slzy šťastia!
Tears of happiness!

Writer(s): Michal Pastorok

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