Denisse Malebrán - Fantasma - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Denisse Malebrán - Fantasma

Todavía ronda acá su necio fantasma
Her foolish ghost still lingers here
Viene a verme al extrañar que no regrese en llamas
She comes to see me, to miss me, to rage that I don't return
Me acompaña a repasar las horas perfectas
She accompanies me in revisiting perfect hours
Se recuesta ebrio al no encontrar las respuestas
She lies down, drunk, unable to find answers
Quiere aún comprobar
She still wants to verify
Si pierde sus días
If she's wasting her days
No se cansa de hostigarme
She doesn't tire of tormenting me
Su imagen torcida
Her twisted image
Vigila en sueños en pijamas
Watches in dreams, in pajamas
Cubre su sonrisa
She hides her smile
Y se va al no advertir que habrá una recaída
And goes away, not realizing that there will be a relapse
Se pasea en su lugar, me espía a espaldas
She wanders around in my place, spying on me
En mi almohada busca el roce, desnuda mi cama
She looks for a touch on my pillow, she undresses my bed
Se sienta en la mesa a escuchar y no dice nada
She sits at the table to listen and says nothing
No contesta qué hace aquí, si no me hace falta
She doesn't answer what she's doing here, if I don't need her
Quiere aún comprobar
She still wants to verify
Si pierde sus días
If she's wasting her days
No se cansa de hostigarme
She doesn't tire of tormenting me
Su imagen torcida
Her twisted image
Vigila en sueños en pijamas
Watches in dreams, in pajamas
Cubre su sonrisa
She hides her smile
Y se va al advertir que no habrá despedidas
And goes away, realizing that there will be no farewells
Todavía ronda acá su necio fantasma
Her foolish ghost still lingers here
Viene a verme, a cerrar el tolón que resguarda
She comes to see me, to close the gate that protects
Se lamenta de no estar, que nadie lo alcanza
She regrets not being there, that no one reaches her
Huye raudo al escuchar que nadie espera nada
She flees quickly when she hears that no one expects anything
Quiere aún comprobar
She still wants to verify
Si pierde sus días
If she's wasting her days
No se cansa de hostigarme
She doesn't tire of tormenting me
Su imagen torcida
Her twisted image
Vigila en sueños en pijamas
Watches in dreams, in pajamas
Cubre su sonrisa
She hides her smile
Y se va al advertir que no habrá recaídas
And goes away, realizing that there will be no relapses

Writer(s): Denisse Malebran

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