Des-Kontrol - Burua Hotz ta Bihotza Bero - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Des-Kontrol - Burua Hotz ta Bihotza Bero

Burua Hotz ta Bihotza Bero
Cold Mind and Warm Heart
Gorputz osoa loturik
Body tied up,
Gela zikin batean
In a dirty room,
Buruaren hegalak
The wings of the mind
Martxan jarri dira
Have started to move.
Ezinezkoez gelditu
Stoppable by nothing
Nire ameskeria
My fantasies
Begiak zabaltzen doaz
Opening our eyes,
Hankak lurrera!
Down to earth!
Oroitzapenen bonbardaketari
Bombardment of memories
Ez diot ihes egingo
I will not escape it,
Gustura sentitzen banaiz
When I feel pleasure
Nostalgiaren menpeko
Dependent on my nostalgia,
Minutu motz horietan
In those few short minutes
Bizi dugu berriro
We live everything again,
Egin dugun guztia
All that we did
Eta duguna egiteko
And all that we have to do
Ta errepide baten
And on the highway
Esnatzen naiz gauero
I wake up every night.
Rock & Rollaren inertziak
The inertia of Rock & Roll
Darabilen autoan
In the car I'm driving,
Konpromesu baten
Of a compromise
Habiadura bizian
At full speed.
Ez du atzean usten
It does not leave behind
Zuen itzal handia
Your great shadow,
Bizimodu azkar baten
Of a fast lifestyle
Lehenengo lekukoa
The first on the list.
Bihurgune askotan
On the many bends,
Buruz bera eroria
Flipped on its head,
Bide bakarraren
Of a single path
Mapa aspaldi ikasia
The map we learnt long ago,
Baina laster galtzen gara
But we soon get lost
Betiko iskinetan
On the usual corners.
Egan doan konpromesu bat
A compromise that we chew up,
Ontzaren gainetik
Smashing in the hull,
Eginez oihartzuna
Echoing out loud
Burdin guztien artetik
Over all the metal,
Elkartasunaren aurka
Against the unity,
Ez dago armadarik
There is not an army,
Ezta ere anaitasun hau
Nor the brotherhood
Hautsiko duenik
That would break
Ta errepide baten
And on the highway
Esnatzen naiz gauero
I wake up every night.
Rock & Rollaren inertziak
The inertia of Rock & Roll
Darabilen autoan
In the car I'm driving,
Konpromesu baten
Of a compromise
Habiadura bizian
At full speed.
Ez du atzean usten
It does not leave behind
Zuen itzal handia
Your great shadow,
Orain Burua hotz
Now the Mind is cold,
Ta bihotza bero
But my Heart is warm,
Biharko eguna dugu
We have tomorrow
To win it,
Orain burua hots
Now my mind is cold,
Ta bihotza bero
But my heart is warm,
Biharko eguna dugu
We have tomorrow
To celebrate,
Orain Burua hotz
Now the Mind is cold,
Ta bihotza bero
But my Heart is warm,
Biharko eguna dugu
We have tomorrow
To win it,
Orain burua hotz
Now my mind is cold,
Ta bihotza bero
But my heart is warm,
Biharko eguna dugu
We have tomorrow
To celebrate,
Orain Burua hotz
Now the Mind is cold,
Ta bihotza bero
But my Heart is warm,
Biharko eguna dugu
We have tomorrow
To win it,
Orain burua hots
Now my mind is cold,
Ta bihotza bero
But my heart is warm,
Biharko eguna dugu
We have tomorrow
To celebrate,
Zure ongi etorria dugu
We have your welcome
To celebrate,

Writer(s): Markel Urrutia Larraã‘aga, Hodei Beitia Ibabe, Iker Lascurain Zabaleta, Oier Beitia Ibabe

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