Desmod - Labyrint - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Desmod - Labyrint

Možno, že ma chápeš, možno ani nie
Perhaps you understand me, perhaps not
Možno cítiš zo mňa napätie
Perhaps you sense the tension from me
Život stáva sa mi bludiskom
Life is turning into a maze for me
Sám neviem kto som...
I no longer know who I am...
Možno príde niečo čo nás zabije
Something might come to kill us
Možno pýtaš sa čo s nami je
Perhaps you're asking what's wrong with us
Nikto s ničím nesúhlasí
No one agrees on anything
Sám nevieš kto si
You no longer know yourself
Možno, že nás skúšaš koľko vydržím
Perhaps you're testing me to see how long I'll last
Možno málo, možno prekvapím
Perhaps not much, perhaps I'll surprise you
Život stáva sa mi bludiskom
Life is turning into a maze for me
Sám neviem kto som...
I no longer know who I am...
Možno, že je peklo naša adresa
Perhaps hell is our address
Možno túžime po nebesách
Perhaps we yearn for heaven
Nikto s ničím nesúhlasí
No one agrees on anything
Sám nevieš kto si
You no longer know yourself
Neútočíme, len bránime sa
We're not attacking, we're only defending ourselves
Medzi sebou v láske nemáme sa
We don't have any love for each other
V labyrinte hnevu stratíme sa
We'll lose ourselves in the labyrinth of anger
Možno, že ma chápeš, možno ani nie
Perhaps you understand me, perhaps not
Možno cítiš zo mňa napätie
Perhaps you sense the tension from me
Život stáva sa mi bludiskom
Life is turning into a maze for me
Sám neviem kto som...
I no longer know who I am...
Neútočíme, len bránime sa
We're not attacking, we're only defending ourselves
Medzi sebou v láske nemáme sa
We don't have any love for each other
V labyrinte hnevu stratíme sa
We'll lose ourselves in the labyrinth of anger

Writer(s): desmod

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