Desos - House Music - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Desos - House Music

House Music
House Music
도끼가 듣고있어
Dok2 is listening
동전한닢에 던져진 삶의 stress에서
From the stress of life thrown away for a single coin
들리기에는 비슷한 패턴이라던 우린 계속
We, who were said to have similar patterns, continued to
각자 말을 내뱉어 언어를 향한 백성
Speak our minds, the people towards language
우린 제각기 다르다는 아직 모르겠어
Why don't we still know that we are all different?
We diffrent character livin' diffrent chapter
We different character livin' different chapter
And there's no question When I bust my action
And there's no question When I bust my action
It's all passion From underground section
It's all passion From underground section
You can never test us Yes sure let me pass on
You can never test us Yes sure let me pass on
It's the BI Double ZY 멈추지마
It's the BI Double ZY don't stop
Hip-Hop is not a issue scream my name out
Hip-Hop is not a issue scream my name out
흔들바위처럼 흔들리지마 마셔마셔 4차 5차까지
Don't waver like a rocking rock drink drink until 4th 5th round
Till you pass out
Till you pass out
Maintain you game homey 심기가 불안해
Maintain you game homey my heart is uneasy
It's damn why you're until funny
It's damn why you're until funny
You gotta call man why you sleepin'
You gotta call man why you sleepin'
태연한척하지마 Yo drink strike that
Don't pretend to be calm Yo drink strike that
Leo Kekoa
Leo Kekoa
Oh LEO 실력과 Passion으로 승부
Oh LEO betting with skill and Passion
10년간 연마한 힙합은 쿵푸
10 years of trained Hip-hop is kung fu
Double D 친구 그래 게임의 선두
Double D my friend yes the leader of rap game
A mic check one two와 틀림없는 전율
A mic check one two and unmistakable thrill
Yo 인생의 전부 Rhyme Style Flow
Yo everything of my life Rhyme Style Flow
어딜가든 차를대신해 라임을 타구
Wherever I go I ride rhyme instead of car
랩퍼로서 떠버리 타고났어
As a rapper I'm on fire I'm born with it
뉴스에서나나올법한 대형사고
Major accident that would only appear on the news
삶속에 쉼없이 흐르는 노래는 스스로
The song that flows endlessly in my life
보내는 자신과 맞닿은 짧은 고뇌들
Short brains that collide with the self that is sent out
격렬히 샘솟는 의지를 품은 존재
A being with intense willpower
순간의 선택 두렵진 않아 절대
Momentary choices I'm not afraid never
나는 짐을 꾸리고 씨를 뿌리며 이내
I pack my bags again and sow the seeds
움츠려든 길에 숨쉬던 희망을 찾아 움직여
Move to find the hope that was breathing in the shrunken path
계속 거듭될 좌절의 끝에 남은
At the end of repeated frustration
열매들을 거둘때 노래를 멈출게
I will stop singing when I harvest the remaining fruits
Double K
Double K
I'm a big dog in this game on a mic
I'm a big dog in this game on a mic
I'm so hot
I'm so hot
Flow 마치 Soft한 도시 달콤한 모카
My Flow is like Soft city sweet mocha
스타일은 So dope해 랩이 계속고파
My style is So dope I'm always craving for rap
힙합은 나의 시금치 나는 그걸먹는 뽀빠이
Hip-hop is my spinach I'm the Popeye who eats it
내가 선사하는 게임의 화질은 DVD
The picture quality of the game I present is DVD
나는 고난도 기술을 모두 Make it look easy
I Make it look easy all the high-level techniques
일터인 둥지에 집은 바로 비트
My nest, my workplace, my home is right on this beat
And that's why these beats are Hip-Hop always eazy
And that's why these beats are Hip-Hop always eazy
세상을 바꿀수 있는
The power to change the world
Microphone check power
Microphone check power
한국힙합 7년동안 쌓아올린 타워
Tower built up over 7 years of Korean hip-hop
힙합씬을 지켜주는Twenty four Jack Bauer
I'm Twenty four Jack Bauer who protects the hip-hop scene
테러같은 Wack MC들 잡기위해 싸워
Fighting to catch Wack MCs like terrorism
이곳은 정치판과 다름없는 하얀 거탑
This place is a white tower no different from politics
모두가 돈과 명예라는 삶을 쫓아
Everyone chases the life of money and honor
나는 아직 마이크 앞에선 가슴이 벅차
My heart still races in front of the mic
동전 한닢이면 충분해 새로운 역사
One coin is enough a new history
이리와 이건 게임이 아니지
Come here this is not a game
친구들은 똑같이 말하지
My friends all say the same thing
스타일이지 음악은 말이지
It's my style music is words
엉키고 꽉껴서 풀기 힘들지
Tangled and tight hard to untie
이걸로 어떻게 될지 나도 몰라
I don't know what will happen with this
이걸로 내가 망가질지 몰라 야야 나도 몰라 그냥 길을
I don't know if I'm gonna get ruined by this yayaya I don't know myself well just walk this path
걷자 귀를 닫자
Close your ears again
아침겸 점심겸 저녁을 먹는 주머니와
With pockets eating breakfast, lunch and dinner
마음 모든게 굶주린 젊음
Youth starved of everything mind
부조리한 태양을 먹어삼킨 건물
Absurd life a building that swallowed the sun
술에 취한 밤거리 어둠이 깔린 얼굴
Forest drunken streets darkness covered face
온통 병든 풍경뿐 생기가 없는
Only sick scenery no vitality
하루 24시간 Fuckin' freaky
24 hours a day Fuckin' freaky
목젖까지 넘어온 욕들을 꿀꺽 삼키고
I gulp down the insults that have come up to my throat
가사를 적는 내게 여덟마디는 짧아 너무
Eight bars are too short for me writing lyrics
밑바닥을 짚고 일어선 도박꾼
Gambler who got up from the bottom
기댄 없어 좌절해 내가 믿었던것 만큼
No reliance frustrated as much as I believed
이제 남은건 Microphone과 손에
Now all that's left is Microphone and in my hand
꽉진 동전한닢 매일이 숨가쁜 다툼
Tight coin every day is a breathtaking battle
꿈에 눈먼 장님의 탁한 미래
The bleak future of a blind man blinded by dreams
새파란 청춘을 빅딜과 Deal해
Deal with Big Deal for a fresh youth
Deepflow 시대를 역행하는
Deepflow the enemy of going against the times
아무 댓가 없는 승부를 위한 행간의
The enemy of space for a match with no reward
MC Meta
MC Meta
털지 못해 꺼낸 가슴 안의 노래
A song inside my chest that I couldn't erase
낯이 없어 매일밤 시퍼런 꿈을 토해
Ashamed I vomit dark blue dreams every night
묶인 팔로 몸통치기 나쁜놈과
Body blow with tied arms with the bad guy
내가 그린 자화상 잡은 손을
You're the self-portrait I drew let go of my hand
손을 벌려 눈은 떨어 입맛을 다셔
Open your hands your eyes fall I lick my lips
꿈은 멀어 뭘더 버려 심장만 다쳐
Dreams are far away what else to throw away only my heart hurts
길가던 사람 제발 노래를 잠시만
Passerby please for a moment my song
까던 밟던 잡던 동전 한닢만
Just a coin that was thrown, stepped on, and grabbed
각종 매체 미디어의 탄압과 전쟁속에서
In the midst of war and oppression by various media outlets
우리들에게 필요한건 화합과 경쟁
What we need is harmony and competition
힙합은 아직 조그만 국가 자신의 힘을 과시하긴 아직 일러
Hip-hop is still a small country too early to show off its power
I'm a still up in this game huh
I'm a still up in this game huh
길거리를 칠해
Paint the streets
목소리는 Graffiti
My voice is Graffiti
동전한닢에 보상은
Reward for a coin
소중한 Property
My precious Property
니가 몇만원에 매춘부 아래를 적실때
When you wet the bottom of a prostitute for tens of thousands of won
무대에서 진한 땀으로 속옷을 적시리
I'll soak my underwear with thick sweat on stage
You spit shit you don't mean but I allow to do it
You spit shit you don't mean but I allow to do it
I spit shit that so mean in pround to do it
I spit shit that so mean in pround to do it
It's not for the fame I don't claim in owning this thing
It's not for the fame I don't claim in owning this thing
Maintain my name put it in lemons for you plain brains
Maintain my name put it in lemons for you plain brains
You're insane to rap around this
You're insane to rap around this
One of kind mind rhymes hittin' in the fine bine
One of kind mind rhymes hittin' in the fine bine
I get'em high they dont even know no why
I get'em high they dont even know no why
Get'em to rewind mine and you the rhythms but I leave by
Get'em to rewind mine and you the rhythms but I leave by
Verbal Jint
Verbal Jint
얼음판 위엔 연아
On the ice is Yuna Kim
비트위엔 VJ 항상 기막힌
VJ on the beat always amazing
Performance It isn't reason why
Performance It isn't reason why
I'm king of flow VT Cho와 Manson을 합친
I'm king of flow VT Cho and Manson combined
것보다 Sick해 당신이 아직 이름을
Sicker than that if you still don't know my name
모른다면 반성좀해 깊게
Reflect deeply
마이크 그리고 동전한닢에
On this mic and a coin
I can touch angels Yeah 거의 Orgasmic해
I can touch angels Yeah almost Orgasmic
Each Wanderer
It's like got one MC one mic one one pen one night one flow one king one man
It's like got one MC one mic one one pen one night one flow one king one man
One smoked two served three stapped four shot five down six dead who's up next then
One smoked two served three stapped four shot five down six dead who's up next then
One microphone checker and I crew pool stance
One microphone checker and I crew pool stance
Who can rock the body in a b boy's dance
Who can rock the body in a b boy's dance
Once again Ivy I can one jam one fam
Once again Ivy I can one jam one fam
RC Mindless Movement we can
RC Mindless Movement we can
학습지 대신 펼친 백지 연필 대신 모두가
Blank sheet spread out instead of study paper holding a pen instead of pencil everyone
잠든 새벽에 울리는 Kickin' and snare
Kickin' and snare ringing in the dawn when everyone is asleep
고개를 치켜든채 내뱉는 Thoughts
Thoughts spitting out with my head held high my heart
Philosophy reality it's tha flows and rhymes
Philosophy reality it's tha flows and rhymes
그래 곳에 모든 걸었지
Yeah I bet everything on this place
나은 내일을 위해 노는 버렸지
I gave up playing for a better tomorrow
Like 오늘도 Whut up 힙.합 친구 제일
Like Whut up hip hop my friend today too
이쁜 신부와 may always with you
May always with you with my most beautiful bride
The Quiett
The Quiett
The Q와 형제들이 뱉어보는
The Q and his brothers spit out
초강력 Rhyme들로 Microphone을
Break the microphone with super powerful Rhymes
끝에 대체 뭐가 있는지 몰라
I don't know what's at the end of this
솔직히 관심도 없어 내가 필요한건
Honestly, I don't care all I need is
오직 마이크 하나 밖에 바람은
Only one mic outside my wish is
소박해 힙합과 그것들이 나와 함께
Simple Hip-hop and rap they are with me
영원하기를 염원하지 기억해
Always wish to be eternal remember
한때 유행처럼 살았던건 아님을
That it wasn't something that lived like a fad
삶의 끝자락에서 손목을 긋자고 다짐했던
At the end of my life, I decided to cut my wrist.
바로 짧은 순간에 귓가에 들린음악
Music heard in that short moment
검정색 캔버스에 꿈을 그리는 아이
I'm a kid who draws dreams on a black canvas
I might be got a penic with a mic 들리는가
I might be got a penic with a mic can you hear it
그래도 불만은 없어 꿈들을 나눈 거리에
Still, no complaints I'll hum along with
흥분을 하는 어린애들과 흥얼거릴래
The kids who are excited on the streets where I share my dreams
Ok that i don't care 세상이 바뀌어도 만족해
Ok that i don't care I'm satisfied even if the world changes
좋게 좋게 받아줄테니 곧게 꿈을 적어
I'll take it nicely so write your dream straight why
나는 Top to the Bob MIC는
I'm Top to the Bob MIC is my answer
가치를 느낀다면 여기 니미 Boogie down
If you feel the value here you Boogie down
다같이 모두 Feelin' 다같이 묶인다
Everyone Feelin' together tied together
걱정은 Stop 선택은 내게 맡겨
Worry Stop leave the choice to me
Rhyme이 나의 목숨 Flow는 나의
Rhyme is my life Flow is my neck
수많은 벌레들이 들끓는 씬은 고목
The scene where countless insects swarm is an old tree
독을 품은 흔적의 때묻은
The one who holds the poison Traces of stained
가시밭길 끊임없이 헤매는 메머드
Thorny path I'm a mammoth wandering endlessly
이건 쿵짝 비트를 서너번 듣고 낯설었던
This is a thumping beat after listening to it three or four times unfamiliar
심장이 걸렸던 최고의 전염병
My heart was hanging my best contagious disease
Allergy 보다 심한 이것이
Worse than your Allergy this is
지독한 Hip-Hop reality
A terrible Hip-Hop reality
증상은 배고파도 글쓰고 지껄여
Symptoms are writing and chattering even when hungry
돈없어도 무대위에 스스로 일어서
Stand up on stage even without money
지구 편에도 내가 뱉은 시구절
The verse I spit out even on the other side of the world
꼬리내리기 위해서 오늘도 시를써
I write poems today to put my tail down
Simon dominic
Simon dominic
신께서 내게 주신 축복의 삶은 거룩해
This blessed life that God gave me is sacred
남들보단 웃겨 Rhyme은 버릴게 없어
I laugh less than others There's nothing to throw away in my Rhyme
Look at me and my home is 어디로 고민해
Look at me and my home is wonder where to go
거리로 혹은 손길 없는 Lonely Road
To the streets or the untouchable Lonely Road
결국 몇몇은 포기할걸 이건 Strictly business
Eventually some will give up why this is Strictly business
Do not only hardcore
Do not only hardcore
괜한 자부심은 상처 잡은 맘긁히네
Unnecessary pride hurts my heart
진실들마저 억지로 삼키면서 버릇된 딸꾹질
Hiccups that become a habit when swallowing the truth forcibly
벌려놓은 이것뿐 고집 하나가진 이센스가
The work I've done, that's all, the soju that E-Sens with only one stubbornness
들이켰던 소주가 여러 꿈들간의 패싸움
It was a brawl between several dreams.
여태 싸움에 아무리 혀를 집어넣어도
I've never stuck my tongue out in a fight.
삼세번의 계산 머리 빠개지는 매일밤
Exactly three times a calculation I lose my mind a little every night
통장이 때려도 신발고쳐신고
Even if my empty bankbook hits me, I fix my shoes
그럴수밖에 Rockin' in here
Again, I can't help but Rockin' in here
이력서는 빈칸 첫줄에
My resume is all blank on the first line
적힐 글자는 한국 힙합
The four letters to be written are Korean Hip-Hop
나는 정말 원해 누가 모르게 아직
I really want it Nobody knows yet
판에 벌릴 일이 많아 모든게
There's a lot to spread on this board everything
아직은 어색하게 보인듯 참아왔던
It seems awkward yet, I endured it
나인데 할말많은 베테랑은 날파리만 꼬이네
But I'm a veteran with a lot to say, only gnats follow
책에도 잡히지않아 달아나니
It's not even in the book, so when I run away
이쪽으로 저쪽으로가 너무많이
There are too many going this way and that way
변했다고 동전 한닢 건냈다고
It has changed a lot, so you gave me a coin
쓴웃음 엉터리과 학생 나는 아니
Wry smile I'm not a bogus student
힙합이 땅위 자리 잡기까지
Until hip-hop takes root on this land
차디찬 시각이란 비탈길과 실랑이
A struggle with a cold gaze, a slippery slope
괄시나 심한 비난 이간질 딴지 사이
Between neglect, harsh criticism, meddling, and meddling
만신창이 삭신 바위 앞의 가위
A tattered, worn-out scissors in front of this rock
하지만 피하지마 시작이 반이야
But don't avoid it, starting is half the battle
단지 마이크와 피땀이 확실한 실마리
Just the mic and blood and sweat are a sure reality
가시밭길과 기나긴 자신과의 싸움
After a long fight with myself and a thorny road
야심찬 희망이 기다린다니까
Ambitious hope is waiting for me
막다른 벼랑 끝으로 몰린 늑대
I'm a wolf driven to the edge of a cliff
긴장감으로 쿵쾅 살벌한 고민끝에
With tension thumping thumping brutal worry
날잡으려 하는 앞에 두려워하는
Pretending to be afraid in front of the enemy trying to catch me
슬며시 발을 뒤로 밀어넣다 놈의 목을 물어
Slowly push your foot back and bite the guy's neck
오오 이따금 이런 악몽을 삶에
Oh, I have these nightmares sometimes, in my life
감동을 줬던 길이 가끔 날괴롭혀
This road that touched me sometimes haunts me
오늘 새벽에도 다시 꿈을 꾸겠지 이제
I'll dream again this morning, now
숨을 크게 쉬고서 Do that do that shit
I take a deep breath and Do that do that shit
Once again skill is just minute It's the
Once again skill is just minute It's the
본좌 with TB 이때를 맞춰 입에 군침의 비트를
Throne with TB Timing this time, the secret of swallowing the beat of salivation
삼키는 비기 거침없는 정신
Unstoppable spirit
Yes I follow the biggie 아주 깊이
Yes I follow the biggie very deeply
Do you see me motherfucker you so meany
Do you see me motherfucker you so meany
거머리같이 찰싹붙어 정적을 깨워 맨몸을
Stick to it like a leech, wake up the static, throw my naked body
던져 빈틈이 생긴곳을 메꿔
Fill in the gaps
밤새워 잘라내 썩어버린 꼬리
Cut it out all night long that rotten tail
눈초리에 맞서 내지르는 힘찬 목소리
A powerful voice against those eyes
븅신이 븅신인 알면은 븅신 아냐
If an idiot knows he's an idiot, he's not an idiot.
븅신은 븅신이 븅신처럼 븅신인
An idiot is an idiot who doesn't know he's an idiot like an idiot
몰라야 븅신 븅신 눈엔 모두가
You have to be an idiot Everyone in the idiot's eyes
븅신 모두에겐 모두가 븅신
Idiot Also everyone is an idiot to everyone
벌써 곡째 계속된 자기
Self that has continued for several songs already
복제 필요한 빌어먹을 피로회복제
Cloning What you need is a damn fatigue recovery agent
내면 독재자 반대는 겁쟁이
If you're angry, you're a dictator, and the opposition is a coward.
노래만이 패닉을 풀어줄 해독제
Now only singing is the antidote to relieve panic
Joe Brown
Joe Brown
지금 곡을 듣고 있는 모든 이여
To all those who are listening to this song
Answer me 랩에서 대체 무엇을 원하니
Answer me What do you want from my rap?
Message 아니면 Skill? You want it to be real
Message or Skill? You want it to be real
여덟 마디 하면서 솔직히 바라니
What do you honestly expect when you do eight bars?
힙합이란 진실 자체니까
Hip-hop is the truth itself, so
잃을 것도 얻을 것도 없으니까
I have nothing to lose or gain
Joe Brown 아우 다듀 3집 참여
Joe Brown Oh, participated in the 3rd album of Daudoo
이건 참여한 것도 참여안한 것도 아녀
This is neither a participation nor a non-participation
Mithra Jin
서로가 달라 달라 해도 같은데
Even though we're different, we're the same
우리가 같자 같자 해도 다른게
Even though we are the same, we are different
우리가 조준해가는 비트위의 가늠쇠
The gauge on the beat we are aiming for
방아쇠를 당겨 그속에 자물쇠
Pull the trigger, there's a padlock in it
화려한 조명아래 춤을 추는 변사와
A narrator dancing under the brilliant lights and
시대를 역행해가는 수많은 역사가
Countless history going against the times
음악을 참고하여 창조하는 창고안의
Friends in a warehouse creating music
벗들 빵앞에 굶주리는 베짱이의 겨울
Winter of a grasshopper starving in front of bread
The best
매일마다 Microphone의 입술에 키스를
I kiss the lips of the Microphone every day
퍼부을래 흥분돼 그녀가 나만 바라봐줄
I'm excited when she looks only at me
그녀의 가는목을 꽉잡고 나는
I grab her slender neck and
다짜고짜 무대로 그녈 밀어붙이네
I push her to the stage
우린 온통 땀범벅 Rhyme 범벅 밤새워
We're covered in sweat, Rhyme, all night long
적던 Rhyme bum bum
Rhyme bum bum I wrote
다들 우리들 신음에 맞춰 흔들어 춤을춰
Everyone shake and dance to our moans
다같이 하나되는 꿈을
Let's all dream of being one
All this Dissin' and cussin' and discussin'
All this Dissin' and cussin' and discussin'
Is disgutstin' this bustin' and disruption
Is disgutstin' this bustin' and disruption
All this bushin' and hushin' and crushing and you 'damn
All this bushin' and hushin' and crushing and you 'damn
No production' corruption is rushin' revail
No production' corruption is rushin' revail
Yo Hip-Hop has lead hip hop has bled
Yo Hip-Hop has lead hip hop has bled
Do u really understand what Hip-Hop has said
Do u really understand what Hip-Hop has said
If Hip-Hop is spread And Hip-Hop is bread
If Hip-Hop is spread And Hip-Hop is bread
Then fuck it and Fuck You and Hip-Hop is dead
Then fuck it and Fuck You and Hip-Hop is dead
힙합이라면 주제도 필요없어
If it's hip-hop, I don't even need a theme
왜냐면 flow for the fuck with
Because flow for the fuck with
부산의 사나이 I'm came and now the thug is gonna shit
Busan's man I'm came and now the thug is gonna shit
8마디에도 my motto's ride or die
Even in 8 bars, my motto's ride or die
스타일이 거슬린다면은 모두 짜부라지라
If you don't like my style, crush it all
비트를고명하게 꺽인 MC they call me maniac
This beat is noble The bent MC they call me maniac
I'm highly explosive im off the heaz
I'm highly explosive im off the heaz
New Dynasty의 일번타자 King representa
New Dynasty's first hitter King representa
We could take it to war i'll leave the scene gore
We could take it to war i'll leave the scene gore
Can none of y'all fuck wit it better right right
Can none of y'all fuck wit it better right right

Writer(s): Sandy Linzer, Douglas Thomas James

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