Dianic - Сором (Speed Up) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dianic - Сором (Speed Up)

Сором (Speed Up)
Shame (Speed Up)
Відчуваєш мій подих страждань?
Do you feel my breath of suffering?
В мене втома від всіх цих вітань
I'm tired of all these greetings
Як справи твої, що нового?
How are you doing, what's new?
Знов вмираю від нового болю
I'm dying again from the new pain
Мені важко про це говорити
It's hard for me to talk about it
Не можу ж я вічно скиглити
I can't whine forever
(Shame, shame)
(Shame, shame)
Сором поглинає мене
Shame consumes me
(Shame, shame)
(Shame, shame)
Темрява нікуди не піде
The darkness won't go anywhere
(Shame, shame)
(Shame, shame)
Сором поглинає мене
Shame consumes me
Залиш всю жалість для інших
Leave all the pity for others
Соромно казати людям
It's a shame to tell people
Краще всеодно забути
It's better to forget anyway
Навіть ти про це не думай
Don't even think about it
Не згадуй
Don't remember
Соромно казати людям
It's a shame to tell people
Почуттів їм не відчути
They won't feel your feelings
Кожен раз життя складніше
Life is harder every time
Все гірше
Worse and worse
Соромно казати
Shame to say
Соромно кричати
Shame to shout
Соромно мені це завжди відчувати
I'm always ashamed to feel it
Це дикий сором
It's wild shame
Жалібна я така
I'm so pathetic
Сльози витираю
Wiping away tears
І знов вбиваюсь я
And I'm killing myself again
Чому ж я така жалюгідна?
Why am I so pathetic?
Чому ж така жахлива доля?
Why such a terrible fate?
Я знов й знову помираю
I die again and again
Від вже знайомого болю
From the familiar pain
My family doesn't want me to exist
My family doesn't want me to exist
So, why do I have to live like this?
So, why do I have to live like this?
My family doesn't want me to exist
My family doesn't want me to exist
So, why do I have to live like this?
So, why do I have to live like this?
My family doesn't want me to exist
My family doesn't want me to exist
So, why do I have to live like this?
So, why do I have to live like this?
My family doesn't want me to exist
My family doesn't want me to exist
So, why do I have to live?
So, why do I have to live?

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