Diferente Nivel - 22:57 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Diferente Nivel - 22:57

10:57 PM
Qué va a ser del morro, ahora que está solo
What will become of the kid, now that he's alone
Son los comentarios, que hay en la ciudad
Those are the comments, that are in the city
Otro golpe fuerte, ese que más duele
Another hard blow, that hurts the most
Por eso piensan que se va a derrumbar
That's why they think he's going to collapse
La familia se volteó, otra vez vio la traición
The family turned around, again he saw the betrayal
Pero qué van a contarle al chavalón
But what are they going to tell the young man
Sin miedo en su vida, un ángel lo cuida
Without fear in his life, an angel watches over him
Se le nota al joven la seguridad
You can tell that the young man is confident
Callando las voces muchos lo conocen
Silencing the voices, many know him
Siempre se notó que no pensaba igual
It was always noticeable that he didn't think the same
Se aventó, no la pensó
He risked it, he didn't think about it
No lo paran, ya empezó
They don't stop him, he's already started
Y viene con todo pongan atención
And he's coming with everything, pay attention
Siempre va pensado, en quién puede confiar
He's always thinking, who can he trust
Quién lo quiere de verdad
Who really loves him
Alfa en la manada tiene decisión
Alpha in the pack, he has the decision
Incompleto el corazón
Incomplete heart
Si... me preguntan a mí, lo he visto sonreír
If... you ask me, I've seen him smile
Y si me preguntan a mí, todo está bien
And if you ask me, everything is fine
Qué va a ser del joven dicen los rumores
What will become of the young man, the rumors say
Están preocupados por verlo caer
They're worried about seeing him fall
Yo que lo conozco puedo asegurarles
I, who know him, can assure you
Que se ve más fuerte que la última vez
That he looks stronger than the last time
Con su gente, lo miré
With his people, I saw him
Todo bien al parecer
Everything seems fine
Sigue trabajando lo que pude ver
He's still working as far as I could see
Cómo todos saben le cambió la vida
As everyone knows, his life changed
Un poco más serio desde aquella vez
A little more serious since that time
Que se fue del pueblo con malos recuerdos
That he left town with bad memories
Son puras palabras de quién no lo ve
It's just words from those who don't see him
Es verdad que se alejó, solo él sabe que pasó
It's true that he left, only he knows what happened
Yo pienso que de lo malo se cansó
I think he got tired of the bad stuff
Siempre va pensando que lo va a lograr
He's always thinking that he's going to make it
Va por el primer lugar
He's going for first place
Listo para lo que pueda suceder, de verdad le tengo fe
Ready for whatever may come, I really have faith in him
Si... me preguntan a mí, lo he visto sonreír
If... you ask me, I've seen him smile

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