Dikara B - Denganmu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Denganmu - Dikara Btraduction en anglais

With You
Mungkin one time get you love a
Maybe one time you’ll get to love me
Bukankah tenang jika bersama
Isn’t it peaceful to be together
Jadilah terang saat dengan ku
Be the light when you’re with me
You make me wanna felling like I'm fall in love dengan mu
You make me wanna feel like I’m falling in love with you
Dengan mu
With you
Kau satu
You’re the one
You make me wanna felling like I'm fall in love denganmu
You make me wanna feel like I’m falling in love with you
Mungkin one time get you love a
Maybe one time you’ll get to love me
Bukankah tenang jika bersama
Isn’t it peaceful to be together
Jadilah terang saat dengan ku
Be the light when you’re with me
You make me wanna felling like I'm fall in love dengan mu
You make me wanna feel like I’m falling in love with you
Dengan mu
With you
Kau satu
You’re the one
You make me wanna felling like I'm fall in love denganmu
You make me wanna feel like I’m falling in love with you
Kepada mawar yang merona melati mempesona
To the blushing roses and captivating jasmine
Sampaikan pesan dada rasa muncul tak ke mana
Deliver the message of my heart, the feelings that emerge nowhere
Iringi dengan langkah tuang pun aku merana
Accompany me with steps, even though I’m suffering
Penuhi tiap memori sunggu harus ku coba
Fill every memory, I really have to try
Tak kalah, juang walau blum peluang
Don’t lose, fight even though there’s no chance yet
Tak lama, ku kagum kepada bunga tuang
Not long, I’m amazed by the flower
Bertanya ke ke kawan apakah dia sama
Asking my friends if she’s the same
Jawaban tak ku dapat penasaran makin lama
I didn’t get an answer, my curiosity grows
Ingin tuk berdua walau wajah berseri
Want to be together even though my face is radiant
Kau pun nampak rasa ku fikir mungkin seri
You also seem to feel, I think maybe it’s a series
Aturan mungkin beda tapi masih cara lama
The rules may be different but it’s still the old way
Di awal mungkin ragu tapi tak bertahan lama
At first maybe I was hesitant but it didn’t last long
Slama apa yang ku bisa
For as long as I can
Terpulang yang kau minta
It’s up to you what you ask for
Berapa banyak kisa brpa banyak tersisah
How many stories, how many are left
Harapan aku minta engkau satu yang ku pintah
I hope I ask for you, the only one I ask for
Ku tak pintar mendua hati kunci engkau saja
I’m not good at being two-hearted, the key is only you
Mungkin one time get you love a
Maybe one time you’ll get to love me
Bukankah tenang jika bersama
Isn’t it peaceful to be together
Jadilah terang saat dengan ku
Be the light when you’re with me
You make me wanna felling like i'm fall in love dengan mu
You make me wanna feel like I’m falling in love with you
Dengan mu
With you
Kau satu
You’re the one
You make me wanna felling like i'm fall in love denganmu
You make me wanna feel like I’m falling in love with you
Laut itu luas sempit jika berdua
The sea is vast, narrow if we’re together
Waktu memang lama tak terasa
Time is long, it doesn’t feel like it
Jika sama lewati panjang jalanan masa
If we go through the long road of time together
Ciptakan dunia baru hapus dingin kau ku damba
Create a new world, erase the cold, you’re what I crave
Terlanjut aku jatuh sampai sentuh dasar cinta
I’ve fallen too far, until I touch the bottom of love
Banyak yang mencoba ku satunya yang cerita
Many have tried, you’re the one I tell the story to
Renungkan lagi, kemana kau kan pergi
Think again, where will you go?
Kau jatuh ku temani lihat ku tak pernah pergi
You fall, I accompany you, see I never leave
Terbawa dan tertuju paras sikapmu membatin
Carried away and attracted to your face, your attitude deep within
Serasa lekat rekat kalah kau yang menemani
It feels sticky, sticky, you’re the one who accompanies me
Tak usah ku jelaskan effek candunya nikotin
I don’t need to explain the effect of nicotine’s addiction
Begitulah aku pada mu hay insani
That’s how I am to you, oh humanity
Selama apa yang ku bisa
For as long as I can
Terpulang yang kau minta
It’s up to you what you ask for
Berapa banyak kisa brpa banyak tersisah
How many stories, how many are left
Harapan aku minta engkau satu yang ku pintah
I hope I ask for you, the only one I ask for
Ku tak pintar mendua hati kunci engkau saja
I’m not good at being two-hearted, the key is only you
Mungkin one time get you love a
Maybe one time you’ll get to love me
Bukankah tenang jika bersama
Isn’t it peaceful to be together
Jadilah terang saat dengan ku
Be the light when you’re with me
You make me wanna felling like im fall in love dengan
You make me wanna feel like I’m falling in love with you
Mungkin one time get you love a
Maybe one time you’ll get to love me
Bukankah tenang jika bersama
Isn’t it peaceful to be together
Jadilah terang saat dengan ku
Be the light when you’re with me
You make me wanna felling like im fall in love dengan mu
You make me wanna feel like I’m falling in love with you
With you
Kau satu
You’re the one
You make me wanna felling like i'm fall in love denganmu
You make me wanna feel like I’m falling in love with you

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