Dino Dvornik - Peti Element - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dino Dvornik - Peti Element

Peti Element
Fifth Element
Živim na šestom katu, level 42
I live on the sixth floor, level 42
Blizu mene još je negdje 200 susjeda
About 200 neighbors live near me
Od dragog djede imam stari disk Oasisa
I have an old Oasis disk from my dear grandpa
Kasetu Jurrasic Park, iz prošlog stoljeća
And a cassette of Jurassic Park, from the last century
Ja sam im'o živa roditelja dva
I had two real parents
I peta žena mi je isklonirana
And my fifth wife was cloned
Previše sam tup da bih išta radio,
I'm too dumb to do anything,
A totalno sam lijen da bih školu imao
And I'm too lazy to go to school
Plaćeni sam pandur, to je najbolje što znam,
I'm a paid bouncer, that's the best I can do,
Zato imam srce, muda, u tom uživam
That's why I have a heart and a brain, I enjoy it
Pičim svojim samoletom, s pogonom na zrak
I pee with my own plane, powered by air
Prirodno sam neobičan, mozak mi je jak!
I'm naturally unusual, my brain is strong!
Ovaj grad je sve što trebam, to je pravi svijet,
This city is all I need, this is the real world,
Tu su ljudi samo brojni, peti element!
Here people are just numbers, the fifth element!
Ovo mjesto je za mene, vrlo dobro znam,
This place is for me, I know very well,
Opasno je kad se krene, zato živim sam!
It's dangerous when you leave, so I live alone!
Moj bos živi na levelu 105,
My boss lives on level 105,
S njega može vidjet', vidjet' cijeli svijet
He can see the whole world from there
Vozi pravu pilu, Ferrari na beton,
He drives a real saw, a Ferrari on concrete,
Niti plače, nit' se smije, on je pravi ston!
He doesn't cry, he doesn't laugh, he's a real stone!
Ja sam im'o živa roditelja dva
I had two real parents
Čak i šesta žena mi je isklonirana
Even my sixth wife was cloned
Misli da sam niže, viče da je njezin cijeli svijet,
She thinks I'm lower, shouts that she's the whole world,
Ja sam samo brojka, ona element!
I'm just a number, she's the element!
Ovo mjesto je za mene, vrlo dobro znam,
This place is for me, I know very well,
Opasno je kad se krene, zato živim sam!
It's dangerous when you leave, so I live alone!
Ovaj grad je sve što trebam, to je pravi svijet,
This city is all I need, this is the real world,
Tu su ljudi samo brojni, peti element!
Here people are just numbers, the fifth element!
Plaćeni sam pandur, to je najbolje što znam,
I'm a paid bouncer, that's the best I can do,
Zato imam srce, muda, u tom uživam
That's why I have a heart and a brain, I enjoy it
Pičim svojim samoletom, s pogonom na zrak
I pee with my own plane, powered by air
Prirodno sam neobičan, mozak mi je jak!
I'm naturally unusual, my brain is strong!
Ovaj grad je sve što trebam, to je pravi svijet,
This city is all I need, this is the real world,
Tu su ljudi samo brojni, peti element!
Here people are just numbers, the fifth element!
Ovo mjesto je za mene, vrlo dobro znam,
This place is for me, I know very well,
Opasno je kad se krene, zato živim sam!
It's dangerous when you leave, so I live alone!
Peti element!
The fifth element!

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