Dino Merlin - Mi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Mi - Dino Merlintraduction en anglais

Kako je lijepo svanuo dan
How beautiful the day dawned
Ko nekad jutro mirom miriše
When in the morning the peace smells calm
Kako je lijep moj maleni svijet
How beautiful my little world is
To sunce sja ko poslije kiše
The sun shines like after the rain
Budim se, ustajem i ne odustajem
I wake up, get up and don't give up
Na sve sam rad, prepun je grad
I'm ready for everything, the city is full
Izlazim, silazim, depru obilazim
I go out, go down, go around the town
Dodajem gas, mislim na nas
I step on the gas, thinking of us
Nikad ti nisam rekao ko smo mi
I never told you who we are
Nikada s toliko radosti
Never with so much joy
Al′ evo sad je došlo vrijeme za to
But now it's time
Mi smo vino što se popiti ne smije
We are the wine that cannot be drunk
Mi smo tajna što se otkriti ne smije
We are the secret that cannot be revealed
Mi smo pjesma što se pjevati ne treba
We are the song that should not be sung
Ako se duša koleba
If the soul hesitates
Mi smo ljubav što se sakriti ne može
We are the love that cannot be hidden
Mi smo boje što se nikada ne slože
We are the colors that never match
Mi smo braća što se do smrti svađaju
We are the brothers who quarrel until death
A vole se, vole do neba
And we love each other, we love each other to heaven
Kako je lijepo imati nekog
How beautiful it is to have someone
Kao što tebe sad imam ja
Like I have you now
Kako je lijepo biti čarobnjak
How beautiful it is to be a magician
A ti moja čarolija
And you my magic
Nikad ti nisam rekao ko smo mi
I never told you who we are
Nikada s toliko radosti
Never with so much joy
Al' evo sad je došlo vrijeme za to
But now it's time
Mi smo vino što se popiti ne smije
We are the wine that cannot be drunk
Mi smo tajna što se otkriti ne smije
We are the secret that cannot be revealed
Mi smo pjesma što se pjevati ne treba
We are the song that should not be sung
Ako se duša koleba
If the soul hesitates
Mi smo ljubav što se sakriti ne može
We are the love that cannot be hidden
Mi smo boje što se nikada ne slože
We are the colors that never match
Mi smo braća što se do smrti svađaju
We are the brothers who quarrel until death
A vole se, vole do neba
And we love each other, we love each other to heaven

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