Division All Stars - ヒプノシスマイク -Division Rap Battle- - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Division All Stars - ヒプノシスマイク -Division Rap Battle-

ヒプノシスマイク -Division Rap Battle-
Hypnosis Mic -Division Rap Battle-
選手宣誓! 万死一生!
Oath of athletes! A narrow escape from death!
An unshakably invincible scoundrel
Words are now machine guns
Or a compass that guides the future
Uh 三位一体 It′s show time
Uh Trinity It's show time
Our style engraved in history
Gene vessel wandering between life and death
本能がままにつらぬくぜ say what?
Instinct pierces through, say what?
1, 2, 3 イケブクロ division
1, 2, 3 Ikebukuro division
Representing Ikebukuro
Homies We are Buster Bros!!!
Homies We are Buster Bros!!!
そっちの調子はどうだい? (Welcome to the division)
How are things on your side? (Welcome to the division)
1, 2, 3 イケブクロ division
1, 2, 3 Ikebukuro division
Representing Ikebukuro
Homies We are Buster Bros!!!
Homies We are Buster Bros!!!
ブクロ最強の三兄弟 (Welcome to the division)
Strongest three brothers of Bukuro (Welcome to the division)
Welocome to my division
Welcome to my division
一郎イケブクロ代表 マクロからマイクロ
Ichiro, representative of Ikebukuro, from macro to micro
精密動作で解決する Geekなスタイル
Geek style, solved with precision movements
「圧倒的」 それ自体が新時代のクライム
"Overwhelming" itself is a new age crime
与えよ生命 それだけが業
Grant life, that's the only karma
躊躇は皆無だ ライムだけが ライフライン
No hesitation, only rhyme is lifeline
I'm myself in both 2D and 3D
決めつける奴らは 一昨日来い
Those who stereotype, go back two days ago
My name is 二郎 You know my steelo
My name is Jiro, you know my steelo
オレのベロ見ろ 俺はミケランジェロ
Look at my tongue, I'm Michelangelo
一郎の胸像を トレスした次男坊
The second son who traced Ichiro's bust
つまり最強の遺伝子 継承したライムクローン
In other words, the strongest gene, inherited rhyme clone
三郎参上 慇懃無礼でブレーキがないのは
Saburo has arrived, being rude without brakes is
ちょっとした sub rosa
A little sub rosa
その Pose 気にくわねぇなら僕と勝負だ
If you don't like that pose, fight me
Your perceived speed is already increasing
You're ready to slam into the wall, right?
1, 2, 3 ヨコハマdivision
1, 2, 3 Yokohama division
Representing Yokohama
Homies we are MAD TRIGGER CREW
Homies we are MAD TRIGGER CREW
ハマの深夜のカーチェイス (Welcome to the division)
Yokohama's late-night car chase (Welcome to the division)
1, 2, 3 ヨコハマdivision
1, 2, 3 Yokohama division
Representing Yokohama
Homies we are MAD TRIGGER CREW
Homies we are MAD TRIGGER CREW
浜風にも錆びぬ skill (Welcome to the division)
Skills that don't rust even in the sea breeze (Welcome to the division)
俺は左馬刻さまだ 貴様は誰だ??
I am Samatoki Aohitsugi, who are you?
よく踏み慣れた よくあるツラだな
Well-trodden, familiar face
欲張りさんが 仁義破れば
If a greedy person breaks justice
信じ難いよな目に遭い この有様さ
You'll face unbelievable things, this appearance
目さませ (say what?)
Wake up (say what?)
任侠も 警察も フリーキーな海軍も
Chivalry, police, freaky navy too
指定外 自慢団
Designated outside, boastful group
Using Hypnosis Microphone
Let's rhyme until your breath stops
はい ストップストップストップ
Yes, stop stop stop
Cover-up work is not easy
一線を越えたら 俺も黙ってないし
If I cross the line, I won't stay silent either
Because I'm a government official
As if you have a chance to win
まぁまぁ 立場ってもんが解ればヨロシイ
Well, well, if you understand what position means, that's good
まずは敬礼 カレーはフライデー (spicy)
First, salute, curry is on Friday (spicy)
小官にとっちゃ 毎日がサバイバル
Every day is survival for me
Deeply moved and grateful to all living things!
今日の具材は あなたで決まりました!
Today's ingredients have been decided by you!
ついに決着 でけえ悶着
Finally, the settlement, a big fuss
My Hypnosis Mic growls
Directly connected to the spirit, customized
The words that burn your synapses
三位一体 It's show time
Trinity It's show time
Our style engraved in history
Gene vessel wandering between life and death
本能がままにつらぬくぜ say what?
Instinct pierces through, say what?
1, 2, 3 シブヤdivision
1, 2, 3 Shibuya division
Representing Shibuya
Homies we are Fling Posse
Homies we are Fling Posse
街を彩る三原色 (Welcome to the division)
Three primary colors that decorate the city (Welcome to the division)
1, 2, 3 シブヤdivision
1, 2, 3 Shibuya division
Representing Shibuya
Homies we are Fling Posse
Homies we are Fling Posse
出たとこ勝負でしょ? (Welcome to the division)
It's all up in the air, right? (Welcome to the division)
みんなのアイドル乱数の番だ (乱数ー!)
It's everyone's idol Ramuda's turn (Ramuda!)
こう見えても もう成人男子さ
Believe it or not, I'm already an adult
I don't want to see your tears anymore
Because your smile and sleeping face are cute
基本カラフル デコったGAL服
Basically colorful, decorated GAL clothes
モードにパンクス アメリカンカジュアル
Mode is punk, American casual
All you colorful ladies
僕のことで喧嘩 ヤメテホシイナー?
Don't fight over me, okay?
カンカン帽被り 勘ぐる性分?
Wearing a bowler hat, suspicious nature?
真偽 珍奇に佇み恭順
Truth, strangeness, standing in silence and obedience
人間万事 塞翁が馬
Life is full of ups and downs
最後には文芸の才能が 最高のライマー
In the end, literary talent becomes the best rhymer
まあ ましてやこいつはそう大博打
Well, moreover, this guy is such a big gamble
If you get through this with a chilled liver, you'll be super rich
I wonder if I should just go with my sixth sense
どっかのっけから 舐めプのジョーカー
A licking joker from somewhere
1, 2, 3 シンジュクdivision
1, 2, 3 Shinjuku division
Representing Shinjuku
Homies We are 麻天狼
Homies We are Matenro
病める街シンジュク代表 (Welcome to the division)
Representing the sick city of Shinjuku (Welcome to the division)
1, 2, 3 シンジュクdivision
1, 2, 3 Shinjuku division
Representing Shinjuku
Homies We are 麻天狼
Homies We are Matenro
ネオンぎらつく 不夜城 (Welcome to the division)
Sleepless city with glittering neon lights (Welcome to the division)
執刀準備OK (okay!) 涙目のクランケ (お願いします!)
Surgery preparation OK (okay!) Teary-eyed patient (Please!)
すべて任せてれば痛みなどは感じないです (痛くない!)
If you leave everything to me, you won't feel any pain (It doesn't hurt!)
無下に背けば墓穴の中 内視鏡通しあなたの中
If you disobey, I'll see inside you through an endoscope, from inside your grave
もう腹の中 お見通しだが
I can see through your stomach
まだ抗うのは 愚かな Mother Fuxxer
But still resisting is foolish, Mother Fuxxer
はーい ご指名ありがとうございます
Yes, thank you for your nomination
Incoming call
迷子の子猫に(Love me do!)
To the lost kitten (Love me do!)
はい 今日は (Fooo!!) 貴方に (Fooo!!)
Yes, today (Fooo!!) To you (Fooo!!)
届ける (Fooo!!) 魔法の (Fooo!!)
Deliver (Fooo!!) Magic (Fooo!!)
煌く夜空と (シャンパンタワー)
Sparkling night sky and (Champagne tower)
はあ しんどい
Haa, it's tough
Wearing out my mind and hanging suit
Commuting express, could it be?
"Isn't it going to stop?!"
ああ 依願退職 いまや社会の傍観者
Ah, voluntary resignation, now an observer of society
"Angry middle-aged man" would be the headline, wouldn't it??
選手宣誓! 万死一生!
Oath of athletes! A narrow escape from death!
An unshakably invincible scoundrel
Words are now machine guns
Or a compass that guides the future
Uh 三位一体 It′s show time
Uh Trinity It's show time
Our style engraved in history
Gene vessel wandering between life and death
本能がままにつらぬくぜ say what?
Instinct pierces through, say what?
ついに決着 でけえ悶着
Finally, the settlement, a big fuss
My Hypnosis Mic growls
Directly connected to the spirit, customized
The words that burn your synapses
三位一体 It's show time
Trinity It's show time
Our style engraved in history
Gene vessel wandering between life and death
本能がままにつらぬくぜ say what?
Instinct pierces through, say what?

Writer(s): Invisible Manners, invisible manners

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