Dizasta Vina - Shahidi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Shahidi - Dizasta Vinatraduction en anglais

(Reporters speaking)
(Reporters speaking)
Nilipanda kwenye jukwaa, watu walinishangaa
I climbed onto the stage, people were surprised to see me
Unadhifu wa meli haukufanana na nilivyovaa
The ship's neatness didn't match what I was wearing
Kabla sijatoa salamu, walipoteza hamu
Before I could even greet them, they lost interest
Ya kuburudika wengine wakaanza kusambaa
In being entertained, some started to disperse
Nilikuwa na nywele nyingi
My hair was a mess
Zilionyesha pia siku ni nyingi tangu mara ya mwisho ziwekwe maji
Showing it had been days since it last saw water
Wale Matajiri waliosheheni kwenye viti walicheka wakihisi
The rich folks lounging in their seats laughed, thinking
Mi' chizi au mchekeshaji
I was crazy or a comedian
Walio karibu pia wakaanza kun'tunza pesa
Those nearby started to hold onto their money
Na walio mbali walijaribu kurusha fedha
And those far away tried to throw coins
Kwa yote niliyowaeleza hakuna alieyaweka kichwani
Everything I told them, none took to heart
Wote walihisi kuwa nataka kuchekesha
They all thought I was trying to be funny
Walinitemea shombo kwa kejeli
They scoffed and jeered
Wengine walihisi nalianzisha zogo kwenye meli
Some even thought I was starting a commotion on the ship
Mwonekano haukuyabeba maneno yangu
My appearance didn't carry my words
Hawakuamini niliposema kuwa chombo kina mushkeli
They didn't believe me when I said the ship was in trouble
Niliwaeleza kuwa kule ndani kuna tundu dogo
I told them there was a small hole inside
Linapitisha maji linazamisha chombo
Letting in water, sinking the ship
Waliendelea kujadili siasa na vibonzo
They continued discussing politics and comics
Hakuna aliyejadili kuhusu roho
No one talked about the souls
Za wasakatonge wanyonge wasafiri daraja la tatu
Of the poor, the humble travelers in third class
Hawakulipa pesa nyingi ila walikuwa ni watu
They didn't pay much, but they were still people
Maji yalianza kuingia vyumbani mwao
Water started entering their cabins
Iliwekwa mipaka hivyo taarifa hazikufika katu
Boundaries were set, so the news never reached them
Nilienda mpaka chumba cha sauti
I went to the PA system
Nitoe tangazo kabla hatujakumbwa na mauti
To make an announcement before death consumed us
Mtoa sauti aliwataja matajiri
The announcer called out the names of the rich
Akiwapa sifa majina makubwa na saluti
Praising them, big names with salutes
Niliwaambia wekeni glasi chini mtege masikio
I told him to lower the volume and listen closely
Hizo kelele mnazosikia si sherehe ni vilio
Those cries you hear aren't cheers, they're wails
Wakasema nimedata nataka kuanzisha vagi
They said I was delusional, trying to start a riot
Ilionyesha wazi hawakuona mbeleni tishio
It was clear they didn't see the looming threat
Hata kwenye vyumba vya wasomi maarufu
Even in the cabins of renowned scholars
Vyeti walihodhi maradufu
With their numerous degrees
Niliwahoji kuhusu ubovu wa meli wengi
I questioned them about the ship's condition, many
Waliujua ubovu lakini walisema haiwahusu
Knew about it, but said it didn't concern them
Naapa haki nilienda kote
Honestly, I went everywhere
Nilihamaki kuona wote wamepewa cocktail
I was furious to see everyone being served cocktails
Walikunywa na kula bata, walikunywa hata
They drank and partied, drank until
Mziki waliruka mpaka mafundi walilewa pombe
The music flowed into their veins, drunk on liquor
Wakasema huyu ni mjinga hajielewi
They said I was a fool who didn't understand
Kisha wakanituhumu mi' ni mlevi wakati
Then accused me of being drunk, when
Wamelewa wao, wakanipa matusi ya kienyeji
They were the ones intoxicated, hurling insults at me
Hawakutaka kusikiliza hata semi
They refused to listen, not even a word
Nilimwona nahodha nikahisi nimeipata nafuu
I saw the captain and felt a glimmer of hope
Alikua kando ya mrembo fulani hivi daraja la juu
He was with a beautiful woman on the upper deck
Gauni refu mwili mzima amepakaza tatuu
Long gown, her whole body adorned with tattoos
Aliponiona aliendelea kuikata tamboo
Seeing me, he continued to dance
Kweli starehe inaweza kukufanya hauoni
Truly, pleasure can blind you
Kukufanya hauoni
Make you oblivious
Kwani licha ya kujua nipo hapo kutoa
Because despite knowing I was there to deliver
Taarifa nahonda na mrembo waliendelea kushikana maungoni
Important news, the captain and the woman continued their embrace
Nahodha akaipaza miguno, akinipuuza
The captain let out a grunt, ignoring me
Mrembo naye akafata mkumbo
The woman followed suit
Nahodha akachukua chupa akakata mafundo
The captain grabbed a bottle, breaking the seal
Wakaendelea kupapasana mifumo
They continued to indulge in their rhythm
Ya viungo vyao vya uzazi walikuwa radhi kuzika shift
Of their intertwined bodies, ready to ignore their shift
Hawakusikia chochote nilichosema
They didn't hear a word I said
Nakumbuka mrembo alidiriki kuniita mwizi
I remember the woman even dared to call me a thief
Nikafatwa nikaja kupigwa na walinzi
I was caught and beaten by the guards
Wenzangu waliogundua ubovu wa chombo walihofu
My friends, who had discovered the ship's fault, panicked
Wakaamka wakawahi kubeba vyombo vya wokovu
They woke up and grabbed life jackets
Walikaa kimya kwa sababu tu ya ubinafsi
They stayed silent because of selfishness
Mi' nikabaki ili niziokoe roho za wachovu
I stayed behind to save the souls of the weary
Ilikuwa bahati mbaya hakuna aliyesadiki
Unfortunately, no one believed me
Mshereheshaji akaongeza sauti kubwa ya mziki
The DJ turned up the music
Kiasi sauti yangu ikaanza kuwa haisikiki
So loud that my voice was drowned out
Walinzi walitumwa wanidhibiti
The guards were sent to restrain me
Nilifungwa kwenye chumba chenye giza chini nisihame
I was locked in a dark room below deck
Nikachapwa mijeledi thelathini na minane
I was whipped thirty-nine times
Nikapambana nikatoroka na mtumbwi kwenda kando
I fought back, escaping with a limp to the side
Usalama wangu ulianza hapo
My safety began there
Nilishuhudia kila inchi ya ile meli ikizama
I witnessed every inch of that ship sink
Roho za kila mkwezi zikihama
The souls of each passenger departing
Kutoka uhai kwenda kifo, sikufurahi kuona hivyo
From life to death, I didn't enjoy seeing it
Ila sikuwa na jambo ningeweza 'fanya
But there was nothing I could do
Wakati walokole wakiombea kupona
While they struggled, praying for survival
Tajiri na maskini waligombea maboya
Rich and poor fought over lifebuoys
Wanazi walionicheka wakasema mi' ni zuzu
The Nazis laughed, calling me a fool
Walikufa wote hata walionisema kinoma
They all died, even those who mocked me
Ahadi ya maisha mapya ilisemwa ila hakuna aliyekumbuka
Promises of a new life were made, but no one remembered
Pesa zilizagaa na hazikuguswa
Money scattered, untouched
Hata wale waumini walioitamani mbingu
Even those believers who craved hymns
Na kuisifu, kumbe wote waliogopa kufa
And praised, they all feared death
Waliokuwa wanajikweza na ukubwa na ubosi mwingi
Those who boasted of their greatness and power
Yaliwaishia majivuni
It all ended in their pride
Njia walizibuni, waliua mpaka wenza ili 'kufosi kingi'
They devised ways, even killing their own to "amass more"
Kifo kiliwatia mbavuni
Death humbled them
Walikufa wengi kama kuku kote walizagaa
Many died like chickens, scattered everywhere
Hata wanajeshi waliozijua 'kareti'
Even the soldiers who knew their "carrots"
'Walidedi' maana ujuzi wa mitutu haukufaa
Their "deeds," meaning their gun skills were useless
Mbele ya kufa hakuna mwenye nguvu au shujaa
Faced with death, there are no strong or brave
Nilishuhudia makafiri wakiungama
I witnessed the hypocrites confessing
Masikini na Matajiri waligusana
The poor and the rich embraced
Utu uliwatoka uasi ulisogea
Humanity left them, rebellion surged
Tofauti za kabila na rangi zilipotea
Tribal and racial differences vanished
Watu wenye bendi na 'tisheti' zao za kijani
Those with their green bands and "T-shirts"
Walisahau kuwa nao pia wapo ndani
Forgot that they too were trapped
Milango ilokuwa wazi yote ilijifunga
The doors that were open slammed shut
Walipiga kelele na mwisho walikufa maji
They screamed and ultimately drowned
Washairi waswahili na tashtiti zao
Swahili poets with their tashtitas
Matajiri na masikini wote chini yao
Rich and poor, all beneath them
Kwaya hazikutoa sauti ndimi zao
Choirs fell silent, their hymns unsung
Walikufa wote mpaka mahujaji na dini zao
They all died, even the pilgrims and their religions
Wakati wa kufa hakuna dawa
In death, there's no cure
Hakuna kiongozi hakuna chawa
No leader, no follower
Hakuna tofauti ya mali na milki zetu
No distinction between our wealth and possessions
Kwenye kufa hata wenye nacho na wasio nacho wanakuwa sawa
In death, those with and without are equal
Hazikusaidia diplomasia za digitali
Digital diplomacy couldn't help
Asili ilihakikisha walosalia hawafiki mbali
Nature ensured that those who remained wouldn't survive
Waliendelea kungoja msaada kwa tumaini
They kept hoping for help
Mwisho wote walikufa sababu ya baridi kali
In the end, they all froze to death
Walikufa makini sababu ya wapuuzi wachache
The innocent died because of a few fools
Walofanyia uzembe tangazo langu
Who ignored my warning
Wamiliki walikula bima wakasingizia ajali
The owners collected insurance, blaming fate
Ilihali meli ilizama mbele ya macho yangu... ah!
While the ship sank before my very eyes... ah!
Viongozi hawakubebwa na vyeo vyao
Leaders weren't spared by their titles
Maana wote walikuwa mbali na ridhaa
Because they were far from righteousness
Niliona kofia za ufalme zikielea kando yao
I saw crowns floating beside them
Ila hakuna aliyekuwa hai kuzivaa
But no one was alive to wear them
Niliwapa taarifa lakini wakanitwika maudhi
I warned them, but they brushed me off
Waliishia kulia na hazikusikika sauti
They ended up crying, their voices unheard
Walipambana Mwisho yaliwafika mauti
They struggled, ultimately meeting their demise
Nilibaki hai kuziandika sarufi
I survived to tell the tale

Writer(s): Edger Vicent Mwaipeta

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