Dj Rijo - Elaina - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Dj Rijo - Elaina

No contaban con mi astucia
They didn't count on my cunning
Esto es
This is
Dile no a la violencia, si al amor
Say no to violence, yes to love
Special Edition pa'
Special Edition for
Eh, oh, ah
Eh, oh, ah
Pobre chama, pobre chamaquita
Poor girl, poor little girl
Eh, oh, ah
Eh, oh, ah
No sabe que su vida va directo hacia la ruina
She doesn't know that her life is going straight to ruin
Eh, oh, ah
Eh, oh, ah
Pobre chama, pobre chamaquita
Poor girl, poor little girl
Eh, oh, ah
Eh, oh, ah
Do not your life go street to run
Do not go to the street to run
Elaina una muchacha bien rica
Elaina, a very wealthy girl
No sabe que su vida va directo hacia la ruina
She doesn't know that her life is going straight to ruin
Nacida en un barrio bien social
Born in a very social neighborhood
Rodeada de dinero, dinero pa' gastar
Surrounded by money, money to spend
O tal vez malgastar porque eso es lo que hacía
Or maybe waste, because that's what she did
Gastaba, todo lo consumía
She wasted, she consumed everything
Creía que nunca se acabaría
She thought it would never end
Hasta la muerte disque la acompañaría
She believed death would accompany her
Todos los días un nuevo novio tenia
She had a new boyfriend every day
La buscaban por los cheles
They were looking for her for the money
No por el amor que quería
Not for the love she wanted
No entendía porque eso le pasaba
She didn't understand why this was happening to her
Lo que deseaba con dinero lo compraba
What she wanted, she bought with money
En la búsqueda de su chico especial
In search of her special boy
Un día caminando por el centro comercial
One day walking through the mall
Ese chico la comienza a mirar
This guy starts looking at her
Y Elaina se comienza a enamorar
And Elaina starts to fall in love
No sabía lo que le iba a pasar
She didn't know what was going to happen to her
Pero su vida ese día iba a cambiar
But her life was going to change that day
No sabía lo que le esperaba
She didn't know what awaited her
Su vida casi se desmoronaba
Her life almost fell apart
Elaina esa historia es repetida
Elaina, this story is repeated
Cambia de estrategia, cámbiala enseguida
Change your strategy, change it right away
Necesitas amor en tu vida
You need love in your life
No de un hombre, sino de Cristo él Mesías
Not from a man, but from Christ the Messiah
Eh, oh, ah
Eh, oh, ah
Pobre chama, pobre chamaquita
Poor girl, poor little girl
Eh, oh, ah
Eh, oh, ah
No sabe que su vida va directo hacia la ruina
She doesn't know that her life is going straight to ruin
Eh, oh, ah
Eh, oh, ah
Pobre chama, pobre chamaquita
Poor girl, poor little girl
Eh, oh, ah
Eh, oh, ah
Do not your life go street to run
Do not go to the street to run
Te decía que la historia es repetida
I was telling you that the story is repeated
Ese día se conocieron y comenzó la salida
That day they met and the outing began
Parecía que el amor al fin llegaba
It seemed that love had finally arrived
Y ese chico era lo que siempre ella esperaba
And this boy was what she had always expected
La boda un poco apresurada
The wedding was a little rushed
Y en tan solo unos meses la chama estaba casada
And in just a few months the girl was married
Vivía como siempre lo soñaba
She lived as she had always dreamed
La vida estaba dando la mejor de las jugadas
Life was giving her the best of the games
En poco tiempo la historia se volteaba
In a short time the story turned upside down
Elaina descubrió que su esposo traficaba
Elaina discovered that her husband was trafficking
Y el dinero todos los días se agotaba
And the money was running out every day
Pues su esposo a otra cuenta los cambiaba
Because her husband was changing them to another account
Pasando el tiempo continuaba
As time went on, it continued
Y Elaina en la quiebra se quedaba
And Elaina was left broke
Desesperada soluciones ella buscaba
Desperate, she looked for solutions
Las drogas, los vicios y en nada la ayudaban
Drugs, addictions, and nothing helped her
Llamada el teléfono sonaba
The phone rang
Era su banco que su cuenta cancelaba
It was her bank canceling her account
Otra llamada, el teléfono sonaba
Another call, the phone rang
Esta vez era su esposo
This time it was her husband
Que por otra la cambiaba
That he was changing her for another
Eh, oh, ah
Eh, oh, ah
Pobre chama, pobre chamaquita
Poor girl, poor little girl
Eh, oh, ah
Eh, oh, ah
No sabe que su vida va directo hacia la ruina
She doesn't know that her life is going straight to ruin
Eh, oh, ah
Eh, oh, ah
Pobre chama, pobre chamaquita
Poor girl, poor little girl
Eh, oh, ah
Eh, oh, ah
Do not your life go street to run
Do not go to the street to run
Esta es una historia
This is a story
Que se vive en mi mundo
That is lived in my world
Se vive en mi país y se vive en mi barrio
It is lived in my country and it is lived in my neighborhood
Una historia
A story
Que muchas chicas no quieren acabar
That many girls do not want to end
Buscan su amor
They look for their love
Donde no lo van a encontrar nunca
Where they will never find it
Solo Dios es el verdadero amor
Only God is the true love
Él, solamente él puede llenar ese vacío
He, only he can fill that void
No contaban con mi astucia
They didn't count on my cunning
Porque lo puse a él primero en mi vida
Because I put him first in my life
Este es Dile no a la violencia
This is Say no to violence
Si al amor
Yes to love
Special Edition pa'
Special Edition for

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