Djare feat. Fox - Brat - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Djare feat. Fox - Brat

I ako nisi znao treb'o bi da znaš
And if you didn't know, you should know
Ovi momci nisu falš već pametniji od vas
These guys aren't fake, they're smarter than you
Mi smo tu predstavljamo Novi Sad
We're here representing Novi Sad
Nova borba novi dan nova lova novi plan
New fight, new day, new money, new plan
Svi smo kul dobićeš kol'ko daš
We're all cool, you'll get what you give
Hajde reci šta si čuo dal si njihov ili naš
Come on, tell me what you've heard, are you theirs or ours?
Aha a Branko ti je brat i Darko ti je brat mi spremni smo za rat
Aha, and Branko is your brother, and Darko is your brother, we're ready for war
Čuo sam klavire dodaj mi papire
I heard pianos, hand me the papers
Jedni će da jebu brate drugi će da vire
Some will fuck, brother, others will peek
Ja ne menjam manire mi smo drugima za primjer
I don't change my manners, we're an example to others
Neki primjeri su loši al ta ulica nas digne
Some examples are bad, but that street lifts us up
Ti se ubiješ da stigneš sve te druge papire
You kill yourself to reach all those other papers
Dok ti ovi drugi nose cevi duge pancire
While these other guys carry long pipes, bulletproof vests
Neću tuđe al sine svoje ne dam ma sikter
I won't take someone else's, but son, I won't give up my own, ma sikter
I opet sam sick ejj a oni su svi gej
And I'm sick again, eh, and they're all gay
Mi lepimo slike a nebitne spike
We're sticking pictures, not irrelevant spikes
Ne slušam ti ne pucaš nemoj mahati s tim
Don't listen to me, you don't shoot, don't wave that thing
Nemoj lagati mi mi smo mnogo bolji još od vremena kada smo se slagali svi
Don't lie to me, we're much better, even from the time when we all got along
Imam bahati stil da mi pičimo haze
I have a cocky style, let's smoke haze
Sa bratom lisicom se pitam gde ste zastali vi
With brother Fox, I wonder where you guys stopped
Mi smo stasali hir hir nas zavadi mir
We matured, whim whim, peace sets us apart
Daj naći ću se s Kljaićem da razvalim beat
Come on, I'll meet with Kljaić to break the beat
Na ulici je dama u krevetu je kučka
On the street she's a lady, in bed she's a bitch
Mogu da ti budem brat mogu da ti budem dušman
I can be your brother, I can be your enemy
Al mnogo njih me sluša malo me razume
But many listen to me, few understand me
Rep kritičari kritični su svako se razume
Rap critics are critical, everyone understands
Kao smešno mi je ako me razumeš ćao
Like it's funny to me if you understand me, bye
Možda ću da kuntam možda će da bude haos
Maybe I'll understand, maybe there will be chaos
Slušaj druže vamo čujem priče kruže gradom
Listen, buddy, here, I hear stories circulating around town
A mi smo iznad priča vikend će da bude s Lalom Đ!
And we're above the stories, the weekend will be with Lalo Đ!
I ako nisi znao treb'o bi da znaš
And if you didn't know, you should know
Ovi momci nisu falš već pametniji od vas
These guys aren't fake, they're smarter than you
Mi smo tu predstavljamo Novi Sad
We're here representing Novi Sad
Nova borba novi dan nova lova novi plan
New fight, new day, new money, new plan
Svi smo kul dobićeš kol'ko daš
We're all cool, you'll get what you give
Hajde reci šta si čuo dal si njihov ili naš
Come on, tell me what you've heard, are you theirs or ours?
Aha a Branko ti je brat i Darko ti je brat mi spremni smo za rat
Aha, and Branko is your brother, and Darko is your brother, we're ready for war
Flashback-ovi su sjećanja lekovi su nekada jedino rješenje i ti versovi u pjesmama
Flashbacks are memories, medicines are sometimes the only solution, and those verses in songs
Bićete sprženi ko hedovi u kesama
You will be scorched like heads in bags
A kese su tu negde i štek džepovi u trešama
And the bags are somewhere, and the stash pockets in the cherries
Nije ko nekada previše špijuna
It's not like it used to be, too many spies
Ja sam Đ sad sam top vidim previše pijuna
I'm Đ, now I'm top, I see too many pawns
Gde si kralju sutra možda nestaće ti kruna
Where are you, king, tomorrow you might lose your crown
Gledam te iz ugla i te retarde iz hood-a(slepac)
I'm looking at you from the corner and those retards from the hood (blind)
Glavnica je glavnica al ravnica je ravnica
The principal is the principal, but the plain is the plain
Sadizam je sadizam samo pitanje dal priznaš
Sadism is sadism, just a question of whether you admit it
Pitanje kad izdaš samog sebe
The question is when you betray yourself
I dal su samo žene i dal je samo jebeš
And whether it's just women and whether you just fuck her
I dal je samo sereš kao sve je do toga
And whether you just shit on it like it's all about that
Kao nije sve do boga Bože ne veruj svima
Like it's not all about God, God, don't trust everyone
Vidim tone mentola koji vole zbog bola a oni teraju pa mole posle ko je kod koga
I see tons of menthol who love because of pain and they drive then beg later who is with whom
I ako nisi znao treb'o bi da znaš
And if you didn't know, you should know
Ovi momci nisu falš već pametniji od vas
These guys aren't fake, they're smarter than you
Mi smo tu predstavljamo Novi Sad
We're here representing Novi Sad
Nova borba novi dan nova lova novi plan
New fight, new day, new money, new plan
Svi smo kul dobićeš kol'ko daš
We're all cool, you'll get what you give
Hajde reci šta si čuo dal si njihov ili naš
Come on, tell me what you've heard, are you theirs or ours?
Aha a Branko ti je brat i Darko ti je brat mi spremni smo za rat
Aha, and Branko is your brother, and Darko is your brother, we're ready for war

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