Djecaci - CMC - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Djecaci - CMC

Dolazim na kasu sa bočicom od Jack-a
I'm coming to the cashier with a bottle of Jack
Večeras bit će party macini, bit će svega
Tonight there will be a party baby, there will be everything
Parlafon mi zvoni, to su biće oni
My intercom is ringing, it must be them
Čim dođe papi, ja moram mačku sklonit
As soon as dad comes, I have to hide the cat
Jer se boji mačke kad mu vreba topli
Because he's afraid of the cat when it's watching him warm
Krešo vadi cvitove i njuši jesu dobri
Krešo is taking out the flowers and sniffing to see if they are good
Ivu boli jetra od hajdučkoga piva
Ivo's liver hurts from hajduk beer
Gigiju je brat kirurg, zato pije Chivas
Gigi's brother is a surgeon, that's why he drinks Chivas
Na kauču mi sidi rap scena splitska
On my couch sits the Split rap scene
Oreb uvik kasni jer se doma licka
Oreb is always late because he's cleaning up at home
Čim je doša Zenza odma je sa vrata
As soon as Zenza arrived, he immediately said from the doorway
Počea pričat o zavjeri illuminata
He started talking about the Illuminati conspiracy
Došla mi je cura pa sam malo stiffer
My girl came over so I'm a little stiffer
Znojim sve u sobi ka da sam kalorifer
I'm sweating all over the room like I'm a heater
Jesi gleda ovo, ovo moraš vidit
Have you seen this, you have to see this
Youtube party uzmi stolicu i sidi
Youtube party grab a chair and sit down
CMC na mute-u, sad će bit dječaci
CMC is on mute, now it's gonna be the boys
Pustili su miris maci molim te prebaci
They let out the smell of weed please switch it over
Vidi me na livadi izgledam ka bijednik
Look at me in the meadow I look like a wretch
Gigi ima daljinski prebacit će na dnevnik
Gigi has the remote, he's gonna switch it to the news
Zoni je zakasnia jer doma pije solo
Zoni was late because he drinks solo at home
Večeras bit će party večeras bit će YOLO (YOLO)
Tonight there will be a party tonight there will be YOLO (YOLO)
Živim sam, zato pijem solo
I live alone, that's why I drink solo
Dolazim do vojka sa OCB rolom
I come up to Vojko with an OCB roll
Uredio je stan i sad ima bebi sobu
He's done up his apartment and now he has a baby room
A ja trošim pare na studio i robu
And I'm spending money on the studio and clothes
Portun ti zvoni, Zvoni ti u liftu pjeva
Your intercom is ringing, Zvoni is singing in the elevator
Čini se da ću večeras jebeno pretjerat
Looks like I'm gonna overdo it tonight
Vadim malo mrme, nema većeg gušta
I'm taking out some weed, there's no greater pleasure
Licnuo sam maloprije, ali već me pušta
I just took a hit, but it's already wearing off
Imam 30, nikako da odrastem
I'm 30, I just can't grow up
Curu od 18 i stvari joj kasne
I have an 18-year-old girlfriend and her period is late
Kad neko ne gleda, popijem mu piće
When no one's looking, I drink their drink
Hodamo do auta, opet pijan vičem
We're walking to the car, I'm drunk again and shouting
U papijevom autu nikad nema mista
There's never any room in dad's car
Kolica od bebe i metadona trista
Baby carriage and three hundred methadone
Mi idemo unutra, ti papi nađi parking
We're going inside, dad find a parking spot
Ko vrti u kvazija, nije valjda Martin
Who's spinning in circles, isn't that Martin
Amo ća do šanka, amo ća u gužvu
Let's go to the bar, let's go to the crowd
Ljudi su na prolazu, pa ne mogu na nuždu
People are passing by, so I can't go to the bathroom
I Smoji se piša, al sad je mene prošlo
Smoje needs to pee too, but I'm over it now
Pola boce Jack-a do mozga mi je došlo
Half a bottle of Jack reached my brain
Alo mala vidi me, gledaj kako plešem
Hey girl look at me, look how I dance
Gaće su mi široke pa kaišom ih vežem
My pants are wide so I tie them with a belt
Cura ti je lijepa (lijepa je i tvoja)
Your girlfriend is beautiful (yours is beautiful too)
Ne smimo zaboravit čija cura je koja
We can't forget whose girl is whose
Idem van nije me briga kako sam obučen
I'm going out I don't care how I'm dressed
Nosim istu robu šta sam nosia jučer
I'm wearing the same clothes I wore yesterday
U džepu mobitel, duvan za motanje i ključe
In my pocket is my cell phone, rolling tobacco and keys
Ne zanima me sranje, pa se nikad ne potučem
I don't care about shit, so I never fight
Smaraju me žene, žele u neku pjesmu
Women are annoying me, they want to get into some song
Naprave šta treba svejedno ne uđu u pjesmu
They do what they need to do and they still don't get into the song
Samo se nasmijem ko Quagmire kažem giggidy
I just laugh like Quagmire and say giggidy
Djeca kad nas vide viču nam di gi digidi
Kids when they see us they shout di gi digidi
Riješi i smotaj, zapali i dodaj
Roll it up and light it up and pass it over
Umori me sa pričom, pa odjebi iz života
You're boring me with your story, so get the fuck out of my life
Ako te se ne sjećam, nemoj se naljutit
If I don't remember you, don't be mad
Zadnjih pet godina upoznam previše ljudi
In the last five years I've met too many people
Bljeskaju mi svjetla, opet sam u gužvi
The lights are flashing, I'm in the crowd again
Zatvorene oči oko mene svi su ružni
My eyes are closed, everyone around me is ugly
Sekunda na fejsu mi postane malo tužnija
A second on Facebook becomes a little sadder
Kad me od dvi ženske sa slike doda ružnija
When the uglier of the two girls from the picture adds me
U klubu satima svira ista pjesma
The same song has been playing in the club for hours
Dopusti da te prekinem poput Kanye Westa
Let me interrupt you like Kanye West
Ona tamo ženska ima milenijsko dupe
That girl over there has millennial ass
Nema ništa bolje od maloljetne šupe
There's nothing better than underage booty
Zatvorim oči, mašem rukama ko dirigent
I close my eyes, I wave my hands like a conductor
Otvorim oči, a klub je poput klinike
I open my eyes and the club is like a clinic
Hrpa pacijenata, hrpa drkaroša
A bunch of patients, a bunch of jerks
Svaka fina žena odavno je ošla
Every fine woman left a long time ago
Smaraju me na wc-u, časte me na šanku
They annoy me in the bathroom, they buy me drinks at the bar
Onda zovu nazad da narežemo lajnu
Then they call me back to cut up a line
Stojim tu dok ne upale svjetla
I stand here until the lights come on
Je li vani dan, vjerojatno jer je sedam
Is it daytime outside, probably because it's seven
Popnuo sam molly, sada sve volim
I popped a molly, now I love everything
I one koji seru da smo prije bili bolji
Even those who say we were better before
Svi su drogirani kao Maradona
Everyone is drugged up like Maradona
Popijem pepeljaru i pješke odem doma
I drink the ashtray and walk home

Writer(s): Danijel Simon, Andrija Vujevic, Ivo Hajdic

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