Djecaci - Janeway - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Djecaci - Janeway

Stil debel a ljuske hrskave
Style thick, with a crispy shell
Flow prska lirika ovog lika drska je
Flow sprays, the lyrics of this character are bold
Slika ruskog cinika na zidu smrskana
Image of a Russian cynic on the wall, shattered
Snimi mimiku ta ženska nije vrckava
Record the expression, that woman is not playful
Izlažeš se riziku luda je a mutava
You're exposing yourself to risk, she's crazy and mute
Voli bacat noževe, doma ima udava
Loves throwing knives, has a voodoo doll at home
Luda je skroz, znam jer bija sam s njom
She's completely crazy, I know because I was with her
Brate ne treba ti to, slušaj: sija sam s njom
Brother, you don't need that, listen: I showered with her
U kadu, kad sam se diga bija sam gol
In the bathtub, when I got up I was naked
U gradu, ima sam ožiljak ko marisol
In the city, I had a scar like Marisol
I bradu ko ribar, izgubija sam godinu i pol
And a beard like a fisherman, I lost a year and a half
Života, otiša na sjeverni pol
Of my life, went to the North Pole
Sinko sve mi je izgledalo ko sirko
Son, everything looked like a circus to me
U ogledalu polarno svijetlo svemirsko
In the mirror, a polar, cosmic aurora
Sjaji nemirno fleševi u glavi
Shines restlessly, flashes in my head
Nemilo pulsiraju zečevi na splavi
Rabbits on a raft mercilessly pulsate
Sviraju melodiju kafića uzdravlje
They play the melody of a café's toast
Unazad, kažem ti ta ženska je đava
Backwards, I'm telling you, that woman is the devil
Iša sam ju napleskat, pretvorila mi ruke
I went to spank her, she turned my hands
U vesla i ostavila me nesvjesna
Into oars and left me unconscious
U pustinji di je svaka dina puna
In the desert where every dune is full
Nagaznih mina, posta sam nakaza divna
Of landmines, I became a wonderful freak
Parila je ka kapetanica janeway iz solina
She steamed like Captain Janeway from Solin
Pravila se fina al na dnu škafetina
She pretended to be nice, but at the bottom of the drawer
Je držala tubu vazelina
She kept a tube of Vaseline
Na leđima je imala tetovažu dupina
She had a dolphin tattoo on her back
Šta ima tetovažu maloga dupina
What has a tattoo of a little dolphin
Kojeg je zvala flippie, flipnuta ludača
Which she called Flippie, a flipped-out lunatic
Dominantna ženka ka poručnica ripley
A dominant female like Lieutenant Ripley
Skinila mi gaće, zavarila ka strippy
She took off my pants, welded like a stripper
Bila je mješavina kate bush i
She was a mix of Kate Bush and
Ksene ratnice, volila je hejtat
An alien warrior, she loved to hate
A mrzila je latice, na krevet rasula je kebab
And she hated petals, she scattered kebab on the bed
Upalila rammstein rekla dođi me jebat
Turned on Rammstein, said come fuck me
Nisam moga virovat kad se oslobodila
I couldn't believe it when she broke free
Probila kapiju ka podivljala kobila
Broke through the gate like a wild mare
Oborila me (zdrobila) skršila
Knocked me down (crushed) broke
Silovala me deset godina, kad je svršila
Raped me for ten years, when she finished
Vrištala ka da je rodila, dok je sluša cili
She screamed as if she had given birth, while the whole
GRAD, pobiga sam bia sam previše
CITY listened, I ran away, I was too
MLAD a ženska je na nekom
YOUNG and the woman is on some
Markiz de sade sranju, maci sodoma i gomora
Marquis de Sade shit, Sodom and Gomorrah pussy
Voodoo vanzemaljac luđakinja sranju, check
Voodoo alien crazy shit, check
Bila je ljubomorna čak i na sanju
She was jealous even of Sanja
Rekla mi je: neće mi te uzet niko
She told me: no one will take you from me
Rodiću ti sina moramo ga nazvat galaktiko
I will give birth to your son, we must name him Galactico
Proba sam prekinit al me plesnila
I tried to break up, but she slapped me
Digla je buku, tresnila me o zid i slomila mi
She made a fuss, slammed me against the wall and broke my
Ruku (pobjesnila) poslala me u kut
Arm (went mad) sent me to the corner
Tu me ostavila da se sramim i otišla u
Left me there to be ashamed and went into the
Kuku, vratila se pijana ka zmija
Cuckoo, she came back drunk as a snake
Na četrdeset slija i smijala se bolesno
On forty slivovitz and laughed sickly
Prvi put kad smo pili, letjeli smo prema idili
The first time we drank, we flew towards idyll
Zapaljenim krilima ko debili
With burning wings like idiots
Imala je vatromet u zjenicama kad je rekla
She had fireworks in her pupils when she said
Od sada nijedno pravilo ne vrijedi za nas
From now on, no rules apply to us
Radio škoro, ovo su zadnje vijesti
Škoro on the radio, this is the latest news
Neka djevojka urinira na glavnoj cesti
Some girl is urinating on the main street
Neki tip bakljom pali palme na rivi
Some guy is setting palm trees on fire on the riva with a torch
Činio sam svako sranje da ju zadivim
I did every shit to impress her
Nosi skupe pete, izgleda kao dijete
She wears expensive heels, looks like a child
I miriši na kolače i cigarete
And smells like cakes and cigarettes
Cijelo veče me vukla za ruku po klubu
She dragged me by the hand around the club all night
Dok joj nisam naredio da mi sredi cugu
Until I ordered her to get me a drink
Pljunula me pivom i rekla da sam kreten
She spat beer at me and said I was an idiot
Otišla je zatim u wc pit tablete
Then she went to the toilet to take pills
Neke druge pičke su mi platile piće
Some other bitches paid for my drink
I pričale neke glupe priče
And told some stupid stories
Vratila se da me uzme i grizući usne
She came back to get me and biting her lips
Mi rekla da odjebem te guske
She told me to fuck off those geese
Odvela me na polje kraj neke škole
She took me to a field near some school
Trčala je bosa po rosi na prve zrake zore
She ran barefoot on the dew at the first rays of dawn
I kad je postalo hladno, zagrlio sam ju snažno
And when it got cold, I hugged her tightly
Htio sam da zauvjek ostane samnom
I wanted her to stay with me forever
Al znao sam tada da ju ne mogu zavolit
But I knew then that I couldn't love her
Jer ovakvi snovi se ne mogu ponovit
Because dreams like this cannot be repeated

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