Djecaci - Tračevi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Djecaci - Tračevi

Antonela je dobila dite, i priča se da
Antonela had a baby, and the rumor is that
Otac je neko iz ekipe, vjerojatno
The father is someone from the crew, probably
Stipe, možda čak i Janko, Janko ima
Stipe, maybe even Janko, Janko has
Klamidiju jeba je Lidiju šta je radila na
Chlamydia, he screwed Lidija who worked at the
Šanku al navodno više nije konobarica
Bar, but supposedly she's not a bartender anymore
Jer iz kase opet nestala je parica a
Because some money disappeared from the register again and
Možda je i ukra mali Dominik, on je bia
Maybe little Dominik stole it, he's been a
Sumnjiv lik oduvik, družia se s Picijem a
Shady character forever, hangs out with Pici and
Pici puši travu od prvog osnovne, ima
Pici's been smoking weed since first grade, he has a
Sestru, navodno ima sise ogromne
Sister, supposedly she has huge tits
I debele crne dlake oko bradavica
And thick black hairs around her nipples
To nam je priča Neno Varalica, čua sam da
That's what Neno Varalica told us, I heard that
Neno je upa u banovinu priko oca
Neno got into the county administration through his dad
Hoda sa Vanjom, jebala je cila Kocka
He's dating Vanja, the whole Kocka neighborhood screwed her
Kažu da bila je sa svima iz plejsa
They say she's been with everyone from the place
Čak i s debelim gitaristom iz Disobediencea, TRAČ PARTY
Even the fat guitarist from Disobedience, GOSSIP PARTY
Mi volimo trač party
We love gossip party
Mi se nađemo da pričamo o tome ko je s kim i ko šta radi
We meet up to talk about who's with who and what they're doing
Ko je kome koliko dužan
Who owes how much to whom
Ko je koga kada bonka
Who's banging who and when
Ko je sinoć bia di i ko je vuka koliko grama snorka
Who was where last night and who snorted how many grams of coke
(Sve se zna)
(Everyone knows)
Čua sam da bila je sa blažem
I heard she was with the guy
Kojeg zovu kratke noge jer previše laže
They call him short legs because he lies too much
A brata mu zovu brzi jer previše maže
And his brother is called Speedy because he spreads it too much
Omota se zastavom kad je umra Dražen
He wrapped himself in the flag when Dražen died
I šeta gradom, sad čujem da ga traže
And walks around town, now I hear they're looking for him
Da je dužan pare a ne može uzet od stare
He owes money and can't borrow from his mom
Jer ne pricaju još od kad je dovea doma
Because they haven't spoken since he brought home
Dijete na celu joj je pisalo alkoholna koma
A child with "alcoholic coma" written on her forehead
Čujem da je Miru cura u drugome stanju
I hear Mira's girl is pregnant
I da se Drle potuka sa kumom na vjenčanju
And Drle got into a fight with his best man at the wedding
Da Leini starci još misle da je na faxu
Leina's parents still think she's at college
A ona spremna za udaju visi po Baumaxu
But she's ready to get married and hangs out at Baumax
Glavni joj je cilj uvatit lika sa dvokatnicom
Her main goal is to snag a guy with a two-story house
Koji će iznajmljivat kućice na rivi
Who will rent out cottages on the riviera
Zarađivat na kuvanom vinu i na pivi
Make money on mulled wine and beer
Gdje će svi živi dolazit na trač party
Where everyone will come to gossip party
Mi volimo trač party
We love gossip party
Mi se nađemo da pričamo o tome ko je s kim i ko šta radi
We meet up to talk about who's with who and what they're doing
Ko je kome koliko dužan
Who owes how much to whom
Ko je koga kada bonka
Who's banging who and when
Ko je sinoć bia di i ko je vuka koliko grama snorka
Who was where last night and who snorted how many grams of coke
(Sve se zna)
(Everyone knows)
Znaš kolko marko uzme za koncert
You know how much Marko charges for a concert
A kolko svom bendu daje sitne novce?
And how he gives his bandmates pennies?
Isti je stari koji ga je mlatio kući
He's the same old guy who used to beat them up at home
I pipo mu kolegice kad bi bile učit
And hit on their colleagues when they came to study
A nikolina, otkad ide u teretanu
And Nikolina, ever since she started going to the gym
Krenula je brijat glavu na jednu stranu
She started shaving her head on one side
Čim je smršavila, odmah se probahatila
As soon as she lost weight, she got cocky
Ta više ni ne pozdravi ko da se obogatila
She doesn't even say hello anymore, like she got rich
Šuška se da se i duška udala iz koristi
Rumor has it that even Duška married for money
Subotu na rivi zato nikad ne propušta
That's why she never misses Saturday on the riviera
Gura skupa kolica, u njima beba ružna
She pushes a stroller, with an ugly baby in it
Uvijek pijana sa prijama izađe bez muža
Always drunk with friends, she goes out without her husband
Jesi čuo ko je peško, ša nisam ti reko?
Have you heard who Peško is, I haven't told you?
Mali koji se uvijek hvali da je bio sa nekom
The little one who always brags about being with someone
Vidio sam ga vani, neki lik mu šalje pusicu
I saw him outside, some guy is blowing him a kiss
E taj ga sigurno prima u guzicu jebate
Yeah, that guy definitely takes it in the ass, damn
Mi volimo trač party
We love gossip party
Mi se nađemo da pričamo o tome ko je s kim i ko šta radi
We meet up to talk about who's with who and what they're doing
Ko je kome koliko dužan
Who owes how much to whom
Ko je koga kada bonka
Who's banging who and when
Ko je sinoć bia di i ko je vuka koliko grama snorka
Who was where last night and who snorted how many grams of coke
(Sve se zna)
(Everyone knows)

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