Djecaci - Ubij se - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Djecaci - Ubij se

Ubij se
Kill Yourself
Sat otkucaje sadašnjost, prašnjavi u uredu
The clock ticks the present, dusty in the office
Tupei na glavama, trpe svaku uvredu
Tupes on heads, enduring every insult
S polovnom prostatom, poslovno je postalo
With a used prostate, it's become business
Jedini pridjev, a kolko je to koštalo
The only adjective, and at what cost
Jedino pitanje, kava, listanje kalendara
The only question, coffee, flipping through the calendar
Mrtvi iznutra traže koji dan je sutra
The dead inside search for which day is tomorrow
žuti nokti, još jedan samački vikend
Yellow nails, another single weekend
Zalipljeni za kauč nema micanja nigdje
Glued to the couch, no moving anywhere
U stanu nose čizme da ih ne ubodu
They wear boots in the apartment so they don't get pricked
Rubovi slomljenih snova razbacani po podu
Edges of broken dreams scattered on the floor
Egzistencija krive strane bulje u sve ekrane
Existences on the wrong side stare into all screens
Gledaju sve reklame da zaborave kako žive
They watch all the ads to forget how they live
Antidepresivi, sivilo akvarija praznog
Antidepressants, the greyness of an empty aquarium
Riba je iskočila na suho već odavno
The fish jumped onto dry land long ago
Na putu do dna sve modrice su besplatne
On the way to the bottom, all bruises are free
Vrtlog života bez nade za beznadne
A whirlpool of life without hope for the hopeless
Samoubojstvo, samo se ubiješ
Suicide, just kill yourself
Tek je ljeto života, a iz oblaka već pada snijeg
It's only the summer of life, but snow is already falling from the clouds
Moliš boga da ti pomogne shvatit stanje sadašnje
You pray to God to help you understand the present state
žena do tebe, jesi mislio da ćeš ostarit uz nju
The woman next to you, you thought you'd grow old with her
Kad su vas prvi put bacili u maricu
When they threw you in the paddy wagon for the first time
Radi vaših vjerovanja, niste se bojali
For your beliefs, you weren't afraid
Očekivali ste dan kada krist će se pojavit
You were expecting the day when Christ would appear
I donijet vam vječni i puno bolji život
And bring you eternal and a much better life
E pa vrijeme leti i trebo si biti bolji pilot
Well, time flies and you should have been a better pilot
Jer sada srećeš prkosni pogled svojih sinova
Because now you meet the defiant gaze of your sons
Nijedan udarac ih ne može odgojit iznova
No blow can raise them anew
Ona je u djece ugradila krivi temelj il neš
She built the wrong foundation in the children, or did she?
Al znaš da nećeš okrivit sebe
But you know you won't blame yourself
Jer ti si sve radio po knjizi
Because you did everything by the book
Izvadio šibu iz raja i počeo udarat
You took the rod from paradise and started hitting
I zašto si stao? zar više ne možeš podnjet
And why did you stop? Can't you take it anymore
Kad njihov pogled govori, "ajde udari me opet"?
When their gaze says, "Come on, hit me again"?
Firma je u stečaju, iz nje vade vreće novca
The company is bankrupt, they're taking bags of money out of it
Ti psuješ hercegovce, a žena ti je hercegovka
You curse Herzegovinians, and your wife is a Herzegovinian
I radiš napornije nego za vrijeme juge
And you work harder than during Yugoslavia
Plaće ne dolaze, a nemoš otić negdje drugdje
Wages don't come, and you can't go anywhere else
Pa razbijaš tanjure dok pereš suđe
So you smash plates while washing dishes
Da privučeš pažnju na sebe
To draw attention to yourself
A kad ona dođe kući s puno kasnije smjene
And when she comes home from a much later shift
I za stol sjeda umorna
And sits tiredly at the table
Ti si i dalje željan sukoba
You're still eager for conflict
Aj reci joj da te vara, i sve je ponovno isto
Go on, tell her she's cheating, and everything's the same again
Dani sreće su joj trajali kraće od porodiljskog
Her happy days lasted shorter than maternity leave
I sada trpa stvari u vreće
And now she's stuffing things into bags
Pa u taksi s dvoje djece
Then into a taxi with two children
Mada ne zna gdje će spavat to veče
Although she doesn't know where she'll sleep that night
Jer neće, nego će kod rodbine do zore probdjet
Because she won't, but will stay awake with relatives until dawn
Slušat ih kako govore da to mora podnjet radi djece
Listening to them say she has to endure it for the children
Oni bi pomogli, al je krivo vrijeme
They would help, but it's the wrong time
Da ga kod njih provede, imaju i oni probleme
For her to stay with them, they have problems too
Dobro da je došla sama, al je došla s tvojim sinovima
It's good that she came alone, but she came with your sons
A za njih nema mjesta među onim zidovima
And there's no room for them within those walls
Oni su tvoja krv, vide tebe čim vide njih
They are your blood, they see you when they see them
I nikad neće biti dio obitelji
And they will never be part of the family
Pa se vraćaju nazad pod tvoje okrilje
So they return back under your wing
A ti si pun misli kako da što bolje pokriješ istinu
And you're full of thoughts on how to best cover up the truth
Jer tebi je jako stalo do tuđeg divljenja
Because you care deeply about the admiration of others
Obitelj mora bit sretna digod bude viđena
The family must be happy wherever it is seen
žena pokorna, a djeca pristojna
The wife submissive, and the children well-behaved
Kršćanski ispravna, bez slobode izbora
Christianly correct, without freedom of choice
Al oni vide licemjerje ša se krije iza vjere
But they see the hypocrisy hidden behind faith
I više ne žele slijedit put koji im ti izabereš
And no longer want to follow the path you choose
Pa vrijeđaš mlađeg sina, a on ti odgovara
So you insult your younger son, and he answers you
Evo ša tvoj odgoj stvara
Here's what your upbringing creates
Zaključo se u wc-u da ga ne udaraš
He locked himself in the toilet so you wouldn't hit him
I sada sjedi na školjci i bjesno piše suicidnu pjesmu
And now he sits on the toilet and angrily writes a suicide poem
Samoubojstvo, samo se ubiješ
Suicide, just kill yourself

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