Djordje Balasevic - Nisam Bio Ja Za Nju - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Djordje Balasevic - Nisam Bio Ja Za Nju

Nisam Bio Ja Za Nju
I Wasn't Right For Her
Volela je klasiku i jazz, čitala je, pretežno, Perl Bak.
She loved classical music and jazz, she read, mostly, Pearl Buck.
Njen je praded bio ruski knez, došao je sa Urala čak.
Her great-grandfather was a Russian prince, he came from the Urals.
Nisam bio ja za nju, nisam bio ja za nju.
I wasn't right for her, I wasn't right for her.
Ne, nikad nisam bio ja za nju, nisam bio ja za nju.
No, I was never right for her, I wasn't right for her.
Prošla je, uglavnom, čitav svet, London, Pariz, Amsterdam i Rim.
She traveled, mostly, the whole world, London, Paris, Amsterdam, and Rome.
Vozila je plavi "Renault 5", ma, vozila je pristojno, sasvim.
She drove a blue "Renault 5", well, she drove it decently, quite well.
Al' ipak, nisam bio ja za nju, nisam bio ja za nju.
But still, I wasn't right for her, I wasn't right for her.
Nisam bio ja za nju, nisam bio ja za nju.
I wasn't right for her, I wasn't right for her.
Živela je kao sat. Strogi plan za svaki dan.
She lived like clockwork. A strict plan for every day.
Želela je znati sve: "Šta se zbiva? Ko se muva?"
She wanted to know everything: "What's happening? Who's dating?"
Ja sam sasvim drugi tip, o, tako divno slobodan,
I'm a completely different type, oh, so wonderfully free,
Baš ma briga za njen krem. Eto, to je to.
I don't care about her cream. That's it.
Baš i ne bi bio neki brak, kad je ženin idol - čika Freud,
It wouldn't be much of a marriage, when your idol is Freud,
A njen suprug površan i lak, fudbal, coca-cola i Pink Floyd.
And your husband is shallow and easy, football, coca-cola, and Pink Floyd.
O, mama, nisam bio ja za nju, nisam bio ja za nju.
Oh, mom, I wasn't right for her, I wasn't right for her.
Ne, stvarno, nisam bio ja za nju, nisam bio ja za nju.
No, really, I wasn't right for her, I wasn't right for her.
Sretnemo se ponekad. Pita me šta radim sad,
We meet sometimes. She asks me what I'm doing now,
Ispriča mi ukratko, šta se zbiva, ko se muva.
She tells me briefly, what's happening, who's dating.
Kažem joj da tugujem, kartam se i lumpujem,
I tell her I'm grieving, playing cards, and messing around,
S oblacima drugujem, ona kaže: "Sam si tome kriv".
Hanging out with clouds, she says: "You only have yourself to blame".
Al' ipak, nisam bio ja za nju, nisam bio ja za nju.
But still, I wasn't right for her, I wasn't right for her.
Ne, stvarno, nisam bio ja za nju, nisam bio ja za nju.
No, really, I wasn't right for her, I wasn't right for her.

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