Doctor Prats - Junts - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Doctor Prats - Junts

Hem ballat sota els arbres
We have danced under trees
Hem rigut en la foscor
We have laughed in the darkness
Em somiat fins a les tantes
I have dreamed until dawn
Despertant-nos vora el foc
Waking up by the fire
Hem parlat dient tonades
We have spoken in melodies
Hem cantat per els descosits
We have sung for the disheveled
Hem sigut herois de guerra
We have been heroes of war
Batallant contra el desig
Fighting against desire
I quan caigui aquesta nit
And when this night falls
I recordi el que em vas dir
And I remember what you told me
Serem barques navegant
We will be sailing boats
Preses d'un mateix destí
Taken by the same destiny
Hem cregut que encara crèiem
We have believed that we still believe
Ideals d'un mon millor
Ideals of a better world
Un apunt, una tragedia
A note, a tragedy
Amagar-nos de la por
Hiding from fear
Només vull que m'endevinis
I just want you to guess
Despertar els teus instints
Awaken your instincts
Descobrir-te mica amb mica
Discover you little by little
Fer que perdis el sentit
Make you lose your mind
I quan caigui aquesta nit
And when this night falls
I recordi el que em vas dir
And I remember what you told me
Serem barques navengant
We will be sailing boats
Preses d'un mateix destí
Taken by the same destiny
Si algú ens espera
If anyone waits for us
Que sigui per sempre
May it be forever
Que ens tornin la magia
May they bring back the magic
Condemnada a vagar
Condemned to wander
Entre estrelles i planetes de cartró
Among stars and cardboard planets
Que vingui de fora un imperi galactic
May an extraterrestrial empire come from afar
Que et trobin per sempre
May they find you forever
Que lluitin per conquerir el nostre Món
May they fight to conquer our World
I quan caigui aquesta nit
And when this night falls
I recordi el que em vas dir
And I remember what you told me
Serem barques navegant
We will be sailing boats
Preses d'un mateix destí
Taken by the same destiny

Writer(s): jaume rey

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