Doctor Prats - La Transsiberiana - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Doctor Prats - La Transsiberiana

La Transsiberiana
The Trans-Siberian Railway
Diuen que enmig de la Rússia ivernal
They say that in the midst of wintery Russia
Tot just fa un segle al cor d'una vall
Barely a century ago in the heart of a valley
Diuen que temps enllà
They say that long ago
Hi ha qui sentia un trist fil musical
Someone heard a sad tune
Diu que venia de lluny d'un vagó
It is said that it came from afar, from a railroad car
Juren per Déu que vessava els temors
They swear to God that it washed away their fears
Diuen que van trobar l'antiga banda del Transsiberia.
They say they found the old Trans-Siberian band.
Fred, lluny d'aquí un vagó fa molt temps vigilat per la lluna d'Orient
Cold, far from here a car a long time ago watched over by the Eastern moon
Viatgers i senyors, marcaders d'il·lusions traginaven tristesa i dolor.
Travelers and gentlemen, merchants of illusions, dragged around sadness and pain.
Oeee, oaa
Oeee, oaa
Som la veu que vol cridar
We are the voice that wants to cry out
Oeee, oaaa
Oeee, oaaa
Desde del cim del pic més alt
From the top of the highest peak
Oeeee, Oaaaa
Oeeee, Oaaaa
Som la veu que vol cantar
We are the voice that wants to sing
Oeee, oaaa
Oeee, oaaa
La tornada dels d'avants.
The return of those from before.
Però de cop van sentir melodies d'avants que ofegaven les pors i els enganys.
But suddenly they heard old melodies that drowned out the fears and the deceptions.
I es van mirar i un desig amagat va esclatar i van ballar trepitjant el passat.
And they looked at each other and a hidden desire exploded and they danced, stamping on the past.
Som la veu que vol cridar
We are the voice that wants to cry out
Oeee, oaaa
Oeee, oaaa
Desde del cim del pic més alt
From the top of the highest peak
Oeeee, Oaaaa
Oeeee, Oaaaa
Som la veu que vol cantar
We are the voice that wants to sing
Oeee, oaaa
Oeee, oaaa
La tornada dels d'avants.
The return of those from before.
I d'ençà del moment els estranys i la gent van llençar lesmisèries al tren.
And from that moment on, strangers and people alike threw their misery on the train.

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