Doctor Prats - Les Nits No Moren Mai - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Doctor Prats - Les Nits No Moren Mai

Les Nits No Moren Mai
Those Nights Will Never Die
Ja fa temps, no he oblidat
It's been a while, I haven't forgotten
Quan les ombres van marxar
When the shadows walked away
I l'animal de dins
And the animal within
Sortia a jugar
Came out to play
I cara a cara
And face to face
Amb la por vam aprendre la lliçó
With fear we learned our lesson
I amb llàgrimes
And with tears
Guardem ara els records
We now save our memories
Un dia el meu pare em va dir
One day my father told me
La joventut se'n va
Your youth will pass away
I agafant-me fort va continuar
And holding me tight, he continued
Tindràs un cor bategant
You'll have a beating heart
Segons el que has viscut
According to what you've lived
Quan tinguis problemes, jo hi seré
When you get in trouble, I'll be there
I un dia deixaràs enrere el món
And one day you'll leave the world behind
viu una vida que recordis
Live a life to be remembered
I m'ho explicaves quan
And you told me when
Sols era un infant
I was just a child
Aquestes nits no moren mai
Those nights will never die
Les nits no moren mai
Those nights will never die
Quan sentis la tempesta a prop
When you feel the tempest near
Encén el llum
Turn on the light
I fes-te el fort
And be strong
I amb les estrelles escriu el teu nom
And with the stars, write your name
Vas dir-me
You said to me
Pots anar molt més enllà
You can go much further
Pots creuar terres i mars
You can cross lands and seas
Jo et guiaré i sempre et podré ajudar
I'll guide you, and I'll always be able to help you
Un dia el meu pare em va dir
One day my father told me
La joventut se'n va
Your youth will pass away
I agafant-me fort va continuar
And holding me tight, he continued
Tindràs un cor bategant segons el que has viscut
You'll have a beating heart according to what you've lived
Quan tinguis problemes, jo hi seré
When you get in trouble, I'll be there
I un dia deixaràs enrere el món
And one day you'll leave the world behind
Viu una vida que recordis
Live a life to be remembered
I m'ho explicaves quan sols era un infant
And you told me when I was just a child
Aquestes nits no moren mai
Those nights will never die
Les nits no moren mai
Those nights will never die
Aquestes nits no moren mai
Those nights will never die
Les nits no moren mai
Those nights will never die
Les nits no moren mai
Those nights will never die

Writer(s): nicholas michael furlong

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