Doctor Prats - Lliure - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Doctor Prats - Lliure

I jo ja sé, que és millor viure així amb tot el que faig
And I already know, it's better to live this way, with everything I do
Que perseguir el camí per seguir-te el pas,
Than to pursue the path, to follow in your footsteps,
Sense cap norma escrita
Without any written rules
Que em digui què he de fer
That tell me what to do
O em digui qui he de ser.
Or tell me who I should be.
Mai m'ha importat ni com ets, ni què vols, ni amb qui vols estar.
I've never cared about who you are, what you want, or who you want to be with.
L'únic que m'ha importat: que siguis de veritat.
The only thing I've ever cared about: that you be true.
I no puc pensar-hi massa,
And I can't think about it too much,
Ben lluny del "què diran",
Far away from the "what will they say",
Del "que diran".
The "what will they say".
I ara una cançó,
And now a song,
Ressona des del cor,
Echoes from the heart,
I fent el salt al món,
And taking the leap into the world,
Travessem els horitzons.
We cross the horizons.
I després de tot,
And after all,
Quan només quedem tu i jo,
When it's just you and me,
S'ensorrarà la por.
Fear will crumble.
Jo vull viure així, i ser lliure a cada pas.
I want to live like this, and be free with every step.
I jo ja que és millor volar lluny, aixecant el vol,
And I already know that it's better to fly far away, taking flight,
I és que el final del camí l'has de fer tu sol.
And it's that the end of the path is something you have to do alone.
Lluny de tota drecera,
Far from any shortcuts,
Vivint aquest moment,
Living this moment,
Lluitant cada moment
Fighting every moment.
L'únic que vull és sentir, no fer cas, viure cada instant,
The only thing I want is to feel, not to pay attention, to live each moment,
De la corrent que ens aïlla, que ens vol ofegar.
From the current that isolates us, that wants to drown us.
I fer-ho sense cap pressa
And to do it without any rush
Que quan no et vols fer gran
Because when you don't want to grow up
La vida et fa gegant.
Life makes you a giant.
I ara una cançó...
And now a song...
I ser lliure a cada pas...
And to be free with every step...
Avui, aquí i allà serem present.
Today, here and there we will be present.
Farem que passi lent,
We'll make it go slow,
Deixant que l'esperança corri entre la gent.
Letting hope run among the people.
Avui, aquí i allà serem present.
Today, here and there we will be present.
Farem que passi lent,
We'll make it go slow,
Deixant que l'esperança corri entre la gent.
Letting hope run among the people.
Avui, aquí i allà serem presents
Today, here and there we will be present
Navegant contra corrent.
Sailing against the current.
Tu fes la teva vida que nosaltres ja anem fent
You make your life, and we'll keep going
I ara una cançó...
And now a song...
I ser lliure a cada pas...
And to be free with every step...

Writer(s): guillem boltó, josep jaume rey, marc riera, miquel santamaria, oriol cors, ramon figueras, victor martinez

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