Doddy feat. Ana Baniciu - Iubire sau Razboi - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Doddy feat. Ana Baniciu - Iubire sau Razboi

Iubire sau Razboi
Love or War
Cand viata nu mai merge,
When life is no longer working,
Hai sa.ti spun ceva:
Let me tell you something,
Creaza.ti propria lege!
Create your own law!
Nu privi.napoi nu da inapoi
Don't look back, don't give up
Nu mai e loc pentru sentimente in doi
There is no more room for feelings between two
De.acum ea a plecat
She's gone now
N.are rost sa fie aici
There's no point in her being here
Findca totul e schimbat
Because everything has changed
Aminteste.ti doar de clipele cu voi
Just remember the moments with you
Cat era de frumos cand zambeati amandoi!!
How beautiful it was when you both smiled!!
Si, n.are rost sa iti ineci amarul
And, there's no point in drowning your sorrows
Viata nu sta pe loc, hai arunca cu zarul!
Life doesn't stand still, roll the dice!
Stii... ca acum e departe, nu te poti abtine cand auzi incearca frate
You know... that now she's far away, you can't help yourself when you hear it, try brother
Nu privi inapoi, nu da inapoi!
Don't look back, don't give up!
Timpul ramas n.o sa.l impartiti la doi
The time left will not be shared between you two
Niciodata nu va trece peste,
She will never get over it,
A realizat ca el a fost si nu mai este!
She realized that he was and is no more!
O amintire zace.n mintea ta,
A memory lies in your mind,
Nu o poti schimba, nu o poti alunga.
You can't change it, you can't get rid of it.
Au fost prea multe certuri intre voi,
There were too many arguments between you,
A fost iubire sau razboi, iubire sau razboi??
Was it love or war, love or war??
O amintire zace.n mintea ta,
A memory lies in your mind,
Nu o poti schimba, nu o poti alunga.
You can't change it, you can't get rid of it.
Au fost prea multe certuri intre voi,
There were too many arguments between you,
A fost iubire sau razboi, iubire sau razboi??
Was it love or war, love or war??
Timpul trece, ea nu se poate abtine
Time passes, she can't help herself
Plange, regreta, vrea sa fie bine
She cries, she regrets, she wants to be well
Toti o vad acum o trista poveste,
Everyone sees her now a sad story,
El plin de real spune "Asta este!"
He is full of reality and says "That's it!"
E motivat, raspicat, stie ce sa faca
He is motivated, clear, knows what to do
A pregatit viata pentru o noua etapa
He prepared his life for a new stage
S.a consultat critic ca sa aiba dovezi
He consulted himself critically to have evidence
Ca s.a schimbat si acum tu nu.l vezi
That he has changed and now you don't see him
Si ar fi totul atat de simplu
And everything would be so simple
Daca amintirile nu fi certat cu timpul
If memories had not quarreled with time fi tu, fi el, fi cearta
You wouldn't be you, he wouldn't be him, there wouldn't be a quarrel
Inima ar bate fara sa fie inecata
The heart would beat without being drowned
In lacrimi si discutii inutile
In tears and useless discussions
Tu nu stii, ea nu vrea sa creada in tine
You don't know, she doesn't want to believe in you
E un razboi sustinut de ploi
It is a war sustained by rains
Va judecati dar sunteti vinovati amandoi!!
You judge each other but you are both guilty!!
O amintire zace.n mintea ta,
A memory lies in your mind,
Nu o poti schimba, nu o poti alunga.
You can't change it, you can't get rid of it.
Au fost prea multe certuri intre voi,
There were too many arguments between you,
A fost iubire sau razboi, iubire sau razboi??
Was it love or war, love or war??
O amintire zace.n mintea ta,
A memory lies in your mind,
Nu o poti schimba, nu o poti alunga.
You can't change it, you can't get rid of it.
Au fost prea multe certuri intre voi,
There were too many arguments between you,
A fost iubire sau razboi, iubire sau razboi??
Was it love or war, love or war??
O amintire zace.n mintea ta,
A memory lies in your mind,
Nu o poti schimba, nu o poti alunga.
You can't change it, you can't get rid of it.
Au fost prea multe certuri intre voi,
There were too many arguments between you,
A fost iubire sau razboi, iubire sau razboi??
Was it love or war, love or war??
O amintire zace.n mintea ta,
A memory lies in your mind,
Nu o poti schimba, nu o poti alunga.
You can't change it, you can't get rid of it.
Au fost prea multe certuri intre voi,
There were too many arguments between you,
A fost iubire sau razboi, iubire sau razboi??
Was it love or war, love or war??

Doddy feat. Ana Baniciu - Iubire sau razboi
Iubire sau razboi
date de sortie

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