Doel Sumbang - Syirik - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Doel Sumbang - Syirik

Sok aya éta téh, nya?
You know, they're like that?
Jelema modél kieu yeuh
These kinds of people, you know?
Lamun urang meunang milk gedé
If we get rich
Jol nyampeurkeun ka urang téh
They come to us
"Aduh, ngiring bingah"
“Oh, I'm so happy for you”
"Ngiring atoh, ngiring bagja"
“I'm happy for you, I'm happy for you”
Lamun seug mah bener
If their feelings are really
Perasaannana kitu, wah, hadé pisan
Like that, wow, that's great
Tapi lolobana nyaritakeun téh bari panas éta téh
But most of them talk with heat in their voice, you know
Geus panas, terus timbul wéh syirik
Already heated, then they become jealous
Terus begitu balik, nanyakeun ka babaturanna
Then they go back, ask their friends
"Nyegik si éta téh mereun nya?"
“Did he bribe her, you know?”
Sok aya éta téh bahasa model kitu téh, Mang Usép, tah
There are people who speak like that, Mang Usép, you know?
Apal meureun Mang Usep mah nya?
You know, Mang Usép, right?
Ah, aya-aya waé
Oh, they are something else
Gaduh cepil, seueur dadangu
Having a little, a lot of talk
Gaduh lambey, seueur carios
Having a lot, a lot of gossip
Padamelan pa ting haréwos
Always talking about work
Ribut-ribut soal artos (alah)
Making a fuss about money (oh well)
Lamun sobat leubeut ku banda
If a friend is rich
"Ngiring bingah", alah paribasa
“I’m happy for you”, just saying
Sing horéng geuning haténa
Their hearts are actually
Renjul kawas tonggong onta
As hard as a camel's back
Ari bengeut nyanghareup
But their faces are friendly
Tapi haté nunggelik
But their hearts are envious
Bari uteuk pabeulit
And their minds are tangled
Tungtungna jadi werejit
They end up being crazy
Amit-amit bararait (cuih!)
The worst, they get carried away (pfft!)
Diharudung ku syirik bidik
They are veiled by jealousy
Disimbutan ku goréng sangka
They are hidden by bad thoughts
Bacéo ka mana-mana
They gossip everywhere
Ngarah batur milu ngéwa
To make other people angry
Batur teu nyaho nanaon ogé, didongéngan geura
Other people don't know anything, they are told stories
Isuk-isuk, beurang, soré, peuting
Morning, afternoon, evening, night
Supaya milu gelo, milu ngabangus
So they can be crazy, they can be envious
Mun urang enya, enya, rék milu sukur, milu bingah mah
If we really, really want to be happy, we can be happy
Sing rido, tong maké jeung aya émbél-émbél
Be kind, don't have any reason
Ngiprit? Ka mana atuh ngiprit?
Is it a bribe? Where is it?
Nyegik? Di mana? Di guha mana?
Is it a bribe? Where? In which cave?
Be aware
Rupa-rupa manusia, nya?
Different kinds of people, you know?
Gaduh cepil, seueur dadangu
Having a little, a lot of talk
Gaduh lambey, seueur carios
Having a lot, a lot of gossip
Padamelan pa ting haréwos
Always talking about work
Ribut-ribut waé soal artos (artos batur deui)
They always fuss about money (other people's money)
Lamun batur leubeut ku banda
If other people are rich
"Ngiring bingah", ukur paribasa
“I’m happy for you”, just saying
Sing horéng geuning haténa
Their hearts are actually
Renjul kawas tonggong onta
As hard as a camel's back
Ari bengeut nyanghareup
But their faces are friendly
Tapi haté nunggelik
But their hearts are envious
Bari uteuk pabeulit
And their minds are tangled
Tungtungna modél werejit
They end up being crazy
Amit-amit bararait (cuih!)
The worst, they get carried away (pfft!)
Diharudung ku syirik bidik
They are veiled by jealousy
Disimbutan ku goréng sangka
They are hidden by bad thoughts
Bacéo ka mana-mana
They gossip everywhere
Ngarah batur milu ngéwa
To make other people angry
Lamun partai mah nu kitu téh
If they're a political party, they're like that
Kampanyeu meureun, Mang Omén
Maybe campaigning, Mang Omén
Kampanyeu, yeuh, Usri, Usep, Upri
Campaigning, you know, Usri, Usep, Upri
Atawa naon lah, teuing
Or whatever, I don't know

Writer(s): Doel Sumbang

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