Dohzi-T - 光る君を - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dohzi-T - 光る君を

I'll Be Watching Over You as You Shine
あっという間だねもう小学校 新しい世界はどうなの?
Time has flown by, and now you're off to elementary school. How is the new world treating you?
新しい友達は出来たの? いちいちうるさいね、、でも心配だよ
Have you made new friends? You're always so talkative, but I can't help but worry about you.
ハイハイしてるの眺めてたのに 抱っこ抱っこって甘えていたのに
I used to watch you crawling around and begging me to hold you.
ランドセルしょって「いってきます」 将来の夢パパのお嫁さんにになる
You used to go to school with your backpack and tell me, "I'm going now!" and that you wanted to be your father's bride.
But now you're saying you want to be a model or a designer.
ってちょっと悲しいけど もっと夢描きな
It makes me a little sad, but I want you to dream even bigger.
大きくキャンバスいっぱいに いつでもそばでみてるよ絶対に
Paint your dreams across a vast canvas. I'll always be there watching over you.
これからもなくさないでその微笑みを 分け合おうね悲しみを
Please don't lose that smile. Let's share our joys and sorrows.
心から愛してる君を 願うよ実りある人生を
I love you with all my heart and wish you a fulfilling life.
手を離しても 目を離さない 目を離しても 心離さない
Even when I let go of your hand, I'll never take my eyes off you. Even when I look away, my heart will always be with you.
まっすぐ歩こう夢への道を かならず見守る 光る君を
Walk straight down the path to your dreams. I'll always be watching over you as you shine.
手を離しても 目を離さない 目を離しても 心離さない
Even when I let go of your hand, I'll never take my eyes off you. Even when I look away, my heart will always be with you.
駆け抜けろ素晴らしい日々を ずっと愛してるよ 光る君を
Run through these wonderful days. I'll always love you as you shine.
やんちゃもさらに磨きかかって サッカーボール蹴って光放ってる
You've become even more mischievous and are now kicking a soccer ball around with such passion.
シュートするたび親バカかける期待 誰に似たのか半端ない負けず嫌い
Every time you take a shot, I can't help but feel a surge of pride. You're so determined, just like me.
かけっこはもちろんジャンケンでさえ 負けたら怒って悔しがってる
You're always running around, and even when you're playing a game of rock-paper-scissors, you get so upset if you lose.
見せる涙 どんどん流しな どんな時も一生懸命な証だ
Let the tears flow. They're a testament to how hard you're trying.
探しな おまえだけの明日 そっと背中 押してやるよ任せな
Find your own path and follow it. I'll always be there to support you.
だから迷わず踏み出せ大きな一歩 応援するよ必ず一生
So take that big step without hesitation. I'll always be cheering you on.
何でも話せる親父と息子 になって 時にぶつかって進もう
Let's be a father and son who can talk about anything. We may clash at times, but we'll keep moving forward together.
光る未来が待っているぜ 進め 進め どこまでも進め
A bright future awaits you. Keep going, keep going, keep going all the way.
手を離しても 目を離さない 目を離しても 心離さない
Even when I let go of your hand, I'll never take my eyes off you. Even when I look away, my heart will always be with you.
まっすぐ歩こう夢への道を かならず見守る 光る君を
Walk straight down the path to your dreams. I'll always be watching over you as you shine.
手を離しても 目を離さない 目を離しても 心離さない
Even when I let go of your hand, I'll never take my eyes off you. Even when I look away, my heart will always be with you.
駆け抜けろ素晴らしい日々を ずっと愛してるよ 光る君を
Run through these wonderful days. I'll always love you as you shine.
生まれた日のこと鮮明に覚えてる ゆっくり大人の階段登ってる
I vividly remember the day you were born. You're growing up so fast.
もちろん嬉しいけど 寂しい気持ちもあったりするんだよ
Of course I'm happy, but I can't help but feel a little sad too.
この先反抗期ぶつかる雨の日も 言葉交わせずすれ違う風の日も
There may be days when we clash, days when we don't see eye to eye.
But know this: my love for you will never change.
Never forget that.
手を離しても 目を離さない 目を離しても 心離さない
Even when I let go of your hand, I'll never take my eyes off you. Even when I look away, my heart will always be with you.
まっすぐ歩こう夢への道を かならず見守る 光る君を
Walk straight down the path to your dreams. I'll always be watching over you as you shine.
手を離しても 目を離さない 目を離しても 心離さない
Even when I let go of your hand, I'll never take my eyes off you. Even when I look away, my heart will always be with you.
駆け抜けろ素晴らしい日々を ずっと愛してるよ 光る君を
Run through these wonderful days. I'll always love you as you shine.

Writer(s): Tong Zi -t, Hyrakane303, 童子−t, hyrakane303

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