Dohzi-T - 続少年A - traduction des paroles en anglais

続少年A - Dohzi-Ttraduction en anglais

Continued Juvenile A
マイクつかみ手にした挑戦権 誰にも負けねえ頂点へ
Microphone in hand, the right to challenge, I'll never lose to anyone, to the top
新聞賑わした少年A 少年A 続少年A
The newspapers were abuzz with Juvenile A, Juvenile A, Continued Juvenile A
マイクつかみ手にした挑戦権 誰にも負けねえ頂点へ
Microphone in hand, the right to challenge, I'll never lose to anyone, to the top
新聞賑わした少年A 少年A 続少年A
The newspapers were abuzz with Juvenile A, Juvenile A, Continued Juvenile A
悪ガキはガキなりのやり方 昨日よりも見えてきたぜ明日が
A bad kid with a bad kid's ways, my tomorrow is brighter than yesterday
右も左も全然わからねえなら真っすぐだ 一歩も下がらねえ
If I don't know what's right or left, then I'll go straight, never taking a step back
ひたすらマイクロフォンつかみライブ三昧 ULTIMATE二枚使いで未来歌い
Constantly clutching the microphone, lost in live performances, singing the future with two Ultimate turntables
インピーチ ロングレッド BIG BEAT
Impeach, Long Red, BIG BEAT
現場で実証 一生 ビッとレペゼンHIP HOP
A lifetime of proving it on the scene, representing HIP HOP to the fullest
寝ても覚めてもHIP HOP(HIP HOP) 車いつかきっと
HIP HOP (HIP HOP) is all I ever think about, money, women, cars, one day for sure
毎晩ヤバいPARTYかけつける 裏通り速攻噂かけ抜ける
Every night I attend a crazy party, and word spreads quickly through the back streets
ストリートじゃグイグイ人気出てる 早速声が掛かったインディレーベル
Popularity is growing in the streets, and soon an indie label came calling
持ってきなペンと契約書 最高のRAPを提供しよう
Bring me a pen and a contract, let's make some incredible rap
マイクつかみ手にした挑戦権 誰にも負けねえ頂点へ
Microphone in hand, the right to challenge, I'll never lose to anyone, to the top
新聞賑わした少年A 少年A 続少年A
The newspapers were abuzz with Juvenile A, Juvenile A, Continued Juvenile A
マイクつかみ手にした挑戦権 誰にも負けねえ頂点へ
Microphone in hand, the right to challenge, I'll never lose to anyone, to the top
新聞賑わした少年A 少年A 続少年A
The newspapers were abuzz with Juvenile A,Juvenile A, Continued Juvenile A
金かき集め買ったSP ツレと初めて作ったオリジナルビート
I saved up and bought an SP, and with my friends, I made my first original beat
何度も針落として盗んだテクニック なってやる日本代表するMC
After dropping the needle countless times, I stole the techniques to become Japan's representative MC
開くボロボロのライム帳 向こうのやつ聴いて研究するヤバいフロー
I open my tattered rhyme book, listening to the others and researching their incredible flow
常に考えるトピック テーマ 全部見返してやるBIG PAY BACK
Always thinking about topics and themes, gonna come back at 'em with a BIG PAY BACK
初めてのスタジオつけるヘッドフォン ド頭から踏み込むレッドゾーン
First time in the studio, headphones on, and I'm going straight into the red zone
言葉自在に操るリリシスト 1ヴァース 2ヴァース一気にいくぞ
A lyricist with complete control over language, one verse, two verses, I'll do it all at once
YO CHECK1 2 MY MIC SOUNDS NICE, it's finished, cheers, before I know it, it's SUNRISE
ポケットに入れ握りしめたテープ ここから始まるRAP GAME
A tape in my pocket, clutched tightly, this is where my RAP GAME begins
マイクつかみ手にした挑戦権 誰にも負けねえ頂点へ
Microphone in hand, the right to challenge, I'll never lose to anyone, to the top
新聞賑わした少年A 少年A 続少年A
The newspapers were abuzz with Juvenile A, Juvenile A, Continued Juvenile A
マイクつかみ手にした挑戦権 誰にも負けねえ頂点へ
Microphone in hand, the right to challenge, I'll never lose to anyone, to the top
新聞賑わした少年A 少年A 続少年A
The newspapers were abuzz with Juvenile A,Juvenile A, Continued Juvenile A
出来上がったジャケなしの12インチ ずっと先の成功を信じ
The 12-inch came out without a cover, believing in future success
仲間達と貼ったステッカー 一枚一枚出していく結果
My friends and I put up the stickers, putting out each one, resulting in
クラブ レコ屋並ぶフライヤー 全国北から南つないだ
Flyers lined up in clubs and record stores, connecting the nation from north to south
ここは俺たちのテリトリー HIP HOP
This is our territory, HIP HOP
夜中マイメンのDJがスピン すかさずマイクつかみヤバメなスピット
In the middle of the night, my homie DJ spins, and I grab the mic for a wicked spit
最前列踏んでくるパンチライン 大合唱止まらねえフックのライム
Punchlines stomping through the front row, the hook's rhyme in a non-stop chorus
フロア揺れるコール & レスポンス いつだって全開ショーはBEST
The floor shakes with call & response, and the show is always the BEST
また新しいステージ上がり あの頃の少年AからB
Climbing up to a new stage, from the Juvenile A of the past to B
マイクつかみ手にした挑戦権 誰にも負けねえ頂点へ
Microphone in hand, the right to challenge, I'll never lose to anyone, to the top
新聞賑わした少年A 少年A 続少年A
The newspapers were abuzz with Juvenile A, Juvenile A, Continued Juvenile A
マイクつかみ手にした挑戦権 誰にも負けねえ頂点へ
Microphone in hand, the right to challenge, I'll never lose to anyone, to the top
新聞賑わした少年A 少年A 続少年A
The newspapers were abuzz with Juvenile A,Juvenile A, Continued Juvenile A

Writer(s): Dohzi-t, Mr.drunk

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