Dollar - Callejero - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dollar - Callejero

Street Kid
Hay valores que te hacen entender
There are values that make you understand
De dónde vienes y quién eres
Where you come from and who you are
Y hay valores que te hacen comprender
And there are values that make you comprehend
Cuales son las cosas buenas que te erizan la piel
Which are the good things that give you goosebumps, my dear
Ya cambié y me enteré que
I've changed and I realized that
Si era tan capullo no saldría bien
If I was such a jerk, things wouldn't go well
Y ya se fué pa no volver
And that guy is gone, never to return
Y ese chico tuvo que empezar de nuevo otra vez
And that boy had to start all over again
Callejero, bandolero, juega con fuego
Street kid, bandit, plays with fire
Nunca tiene miedo, siempre certero
He's never afraid, always accurate
Le gustaría ir el primero
He'd like to be the first
Y por su gente apostaría hasta su cuello, ya lo creo
And for his people, he'd bet his neck, I believe it
Callejero, bandolero, juega con fuego
Street kid, bandit, plays with fire
Nunca tiene miedo
He's never afraid
Le gusta el dinero, va con su guerrero
He likes money, goes with his warrior
Y por su gente apostaría hasta su cuello, ya lo veo
And for his people, he'd bet his neck, I see it
Y vive libreeee, libreeee y cree en mismo
And he lives freeee, freeee and believes in himself
Vive libreeee, libreeee y no caigas en el abismo
Lives freeee, freeee and doesn't fall into the abyss
Vive libreeee, libreeee y cree en ti mismo
Lives freeee, freeee and believes in himself
Vive libreeee, libreeee y no caigas en el abismo
Lives freeee, freeee and doesn't fall into the abyss
Me duele que sea así
It hurts me that it's like this
Pero la vida me golpea y yo no logro ser feliz
But life hits me and I can't seem to be happy
De tantas cosas malas yo aprendí
From so many bad things I learned
Que más vale no mirar atrás y siempre seguir
That it's better not to look back and always keep going
Ya me cansé de tener siempre lo mismo
I'm tired of always having the same thing
De ver llorar a la gente que yo más anhelo
Of seeing the people I love the most cry
Los llevo dentro de
I carry them inside me
Pase lo que pase siempre estarán ahí
Whatever happens, they will always be there
Yo llevo dentro de
I carry inside me
Mi sicario, mi clika, mi family
My hitman, my clique, my family
Mi family, os llevo dentro de mi
My family, I carry you inside me
Pase lo que pase yo siempre estaré ahí
Whatever happens, I will always be there
Ay mi clika, mi family
Oh my clique, my family
Y yo siempre estaré ahí
And I will always be there
Y vive libreeee, libreeee y cree en mismo
And he lives freeee, freeee and believes in himself
Vive libreeee, libreeee y no caigas en el abismo
Lives freeee, freeee and doesn't fall into the abyss
Vive libreeee, libreeee y cree en ti mismo
Lives freeee, freeee and believes in himself
Vive libreeee, libreeee y no caigas en el abismo
Lives freeee, freeee and doesn't fall into the abyss


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