Domenico Modugno - Lazzarella - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Domenico Modugno - Lazzarella

Ch'e libbre sotto o braccio
You're carrying your books under your arm,
E a camicetta a ffiore blu
And your flowered blouse is blue,
Vuo' fa a signurinella
You want to act like a fine young lady,
'Nnanze a scola pure tu
Even before school's out for you.
Te piglie 'a sigaretta
You take a cigarette,
Quann'accatte pe papa'
When buying it for your father,
Te miette gia' o russetto
You already put on your lipstick,
Comme vire fa a mamma'
Just like your mother showed you.
Ma lazzarella comme si'
But lazzarella, the way you are,
A 'mme me piace sempe 'e cchiu'
I like you more and more,
E vengo apposta pe' t'o ddi'
And I come here to tell you so,
Vicino a scola r'o gesu'
Near the school on the r'o gesu' road.
Tu invece ma rispunne "e ggi
But instead of answering me, you say, "eh,"
Io deve proprio retta a 'tte
I should really follow your lead,
Pe 'mme l'amore po' apsetta'
For me, love can wait,
Che nn'aggia fa' nun fa pe 'mme"
The things I have to do are not for me.
Ah lazzarella ventata e primmavera
Ah lazzarella, the wind of early spring,
Quanno passe tutt'e mmatine
When you walk by every morning,
Gia' te spiecchie rint'e 'vvetrine
You already peek into the store windows,
Solo nu cumplimento te fa' avvampa'
A mere compliment makes you blush.
Ma lazzarella comme si'
But lazzarella, the way you are,
Tu nun me pienze proprio a 'mme
You don't think of me at all,
E rire pe m'offa' capi
And you only laugh to tease me,
Ca perdo o tiempo appresso a'tte
For spending time on you.
Mo vene uno studente
Now here comes a student
'Nnanze a scola dio gesu'
To the school on the dio gesu' road.
Te va sempe 'cchiu stretta
Your flower-patterned blouse
A camicetta a ffiore blu
Is getting tighter and tighter.
Te piglie quattro schiaffe
You get four slaps,
Tutte' volte ca papa'
Every time your father
Te trova nu biglietto
Finds a note
Ca te scrive chillo lla'
That your admirer wrote to you.
Ma lazzarella comme si'
But lazzarella, the way you are,
Ce si' caduta pure tu
You've fallen head over heels yourself.
L'ammore nun te fa mangia'
Love does not let you eat,
Te fa suffri' te fa' pensa'
It makes you suffer and think.
'Na sera tu 'lle rice no
One evening, you refuse him outright,
'Na sera tu 'lle rice ma
One evening, you accept him, but
Ma si nu vaso te vo' da
But if he asks you for a kiss,
Fari segno 'e si senza parla'
You nod without saying a word.
Ah lazzarella o tiempo comme vola
Ah lazzarella, how time flies,
Mo te truove tutte 'e matine
Now every morning,
Chine 'e llacrime stu cuscine
You find your pillow filled with
Manco 'na cumpagnella te po' aiuta'
Tears. Not even a girlfriend can help you.
Ma lazzarella comme si'
But lazzarella, the way you are,
Te si cagnata pure tu
You've changed completely,
E te prepari a di' stu si
And you're ready to say yes.
Ma rint'a chiesa
But within the church,
R'o gesu'
On the r'o gesu' road.
My love

Writer(s): Domenico Modugno

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