Dominika Mirgova feat. MIšo Biely & Čis T - Dnes - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dominika Mirgova feat. MIšo Biely & Čis T - Dnes

Dnes nerobím nič a nemám plán
Today I am not doing anything and I have no plans
Nemám plán a čakám, daj mi návrh kam večer ísť
I have no plans and am waiting, give me a suggestion on where to go in the evening
Vieš, že sa nezmení, čo najradšej mám (čo najradšej mám)
You know that it won't change, what I most prefer (what I most prefer)
Dobré jedlo, po ňom dáme flám
Good food, after it we'll have a blast
Zavoláme babám, volaj chalanov, že chceme byť
We'll call girls, call guys, that we want to be
Že my chceme byť do rána dnes nám
That we want to be up late tonight
Nesmie nič v ceste stáť, ten svet tu je pre nás
There must be nothing in the way, the world is here for us
Dnes sa mi nechce spať, jé-jé-jé-jé
Today I don't want to sleep, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah
Poď, nech nič nezmeškám
Come on, let's not miss anything
Žijem len jeden krát
I only live once
A ja to nenechám na náhodu
And I won't leave it to chance
Nie je to len náhodou, óu
It's not just a coincidence, oh
Že ďen vždy začína nocou
That a day always starts with the night
Idem von a tam tón, no reggaeton
I'm going out and there's a beat, yeah reggaeton
Zapnem majk, gramofón
I'll switch on the microphone, the turntable
Moju zónu bejb
My zone, babe
Dnes večer len so mnou
Tonight only with me
Kto si drink?
Who wants a drink?
V pohári zmiešaný tonic a gin
Tonic and gin mixed in a glass
Točí sa parket, ty točíš sa s ním
The dance floor is turning, you're spinning with it
Tancujeme po východ
We're dancing until the sunrise
(No však čo?)
(Well, so what?)
Volaj si taxík
Call a taxi
Kto neskoro chodí, ten potom menej šancí
He who is late has fewer chances
Užiť si ten večer ako by nemal byť ďalší
To enjoy this evening as if there were no other
Pridaj sa k nám, poď rýchlo
Join us, come quickly
Dnes, dnes, iba dnes, dnes
Today, today, only today, today
Vieš, že máme iba túto chvíľu
You know that we only have this moment
A ty nechceš byť dnes, dnes celú noc sám
And you don't want to be alone tonight, tonight
Lebo dnes, dnes, iba dnes, dnes
Because today, today, only today, today
Ten život tak sladkú príchuť
Life has such a sweet taste
Dnešný deň, dnes, dnes
Today, today
A to všetko, čo mám
And that's all I have
Nie je to len náhodou, óu
It's not just a coincidence, oh
Že ďen vždy začína nocou
That a day always starts with the night
Idem von a tam tón, no reggaeton
I'm going out and there's a beat, yeah reggaeton
Zapnem majk, gramofón
I'll switch on the microphone, the turntable
Moju zónu bejb
My zone, babe
Dnes večer len so mnou
Tonight only with me
chvíľa je len chvíľu a za chvíľu zmizne
This moment is only for a moment and it will soon vanish
Dneska sme tu a zajtra každý inde
Today we're here and tomorrow we'll all be somewhere else
Život je krátky čakať na to, či to vyjde
Life is too short to wait and see what will happen
Užívaj naplno každý moment, čo príde
Fully enjoy each moment that comes
Treba mať zas v hlave kľud, v sebe pud
It's necessary to have peace in your head, an instinct in yourself
Z reprákov hluk, daj si šot, daj si šluk
Noise from the speakers, take a shot, take a puff
Daj mobil preč z rúk, pusti zvuk
Put that phone away from your hands, let the sound play
Tancujeme na to po slovensky a jak SĽUK
We're dancing to it in Slovak and like SĽUK
Predstavujem si jak si odstraňuješ kroj
I imagine you taking off your folk costume
Si naša Dominika-nita, ja tvoj Havana boy
You're our Dominika, I'm your Havana boy
Aj keby (?), ideme do vás jak roj
Even if there's (?) ,we'll engage you like a swarm
Je to chill time, paráda, kamarát moj
It's chill time, wonderful, my dear friend
Je to dnes, dnes OK. Dnes, dnes stoka
It's today, today OK. Today, today drunk
Trošku slopať a trošku sa motať
Eat a little and reel a little
Dnes, dnes iba, nechceš chýbať
Today, today only, you don't want to miss it
kým sa nebudeme vedieť hýbať
Until we can't move
Nie je to len náhodou, óu
It's not just a coincidence, oh
Že ďen vždy začína nocou
That a day always starts with the night
Preto idem von a tam tón, no reggaeton
That's why I'm going out and there's a beat, yeah reggaeton
Zapnem majk, gramofón
I'll switch on the microphone, the turntable
Moju zónu bejb
My zone, babe
Dnes večer len so mnou
Tonight only with me

Writer(s): Adam Adiss Miščík, Dominika Mirgova

Dominika Mirgova feat. MIšo Biely & Čis T - Noačo?!
date de sortie

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