Dominika Mirgova - Roztopim (Snehova Kralovna) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dominika Mirgova - Roztopim (Snehova Kralovna)

Roztopim (Snehova Kralovna)
Melt (Snow Queen)
Keď mráz nás celkom zmenil na ľadovú krajinu
When frost has changed us into a icy land
Mnohi sa lásky báli že stych citov zahynú
Many fear love, that from these feelings they will perish
A v srdciach zostavali tajne priania
And in hearts remain secret wishes
Z milých slov vsade ľad číri ako sklo
From sweet words everywhere ice as clear as glass
Raz pride opät jar
Spring will come again someday
Stromy rozkvytnú
Trees will blossom
Raz zázrak stane sa tým co chcú...
Someday a miracle will happen to those who wish...
Roztopim co mrazi nás nadej smie rasť
I will melt what freezes us hope may grow
Ja tomu stale verim
I still believe in it
Príde čas lasku nájsť možno prekvapi
Time to find love will come, maybe it will surprise
To čo vo mne davno spi
What has long been sleeping in me
A kým si každý vravi je to predsa moja vec
And while everyone tells themselves it's their own business
Tak zatiaľ nenápadne z vnútra rastie ľadovec
So far imperceptibly from within the glacier grows
Ved láska občas aj nás do kosti zamrazi
Because love sometimes freezes us to the bone
Raz musi skončit doba zim .
Once the winter must end.
Raz pride opät jar stromy rozvkvytnú
Spring will come again, trees will blossom
Raz zazrak stane sa tým čo chcú.
Someday, a miracle will happen to those who wish.
Roztopim co mrazi nas nadej smie rásť
I will melt what freezes us, hope may grow
Ja tomu stale verim
I still believe in it
Pride čas lasku nájsť možno prekvapí
Time to find love will come, maybe it will surprise
Čo to vo mne davno spi ...
What has long been sleeping in me ...
Snaď par prasklin postači aj srdcia lamu straž nech môže
Maybe a few cracks will suffice even hearts guard to break let
Zazrak rásť čim skôr nech sa roztopí aj v nás .roztopim...
Miracle grow as soon as possible that it may melt in us too. I will melt...

Writer(s): Marian Brezani, Tomas Popovic

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