Don Laden - Pilato - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Don Laden - Pilato

Salgo con las manos limpias
I come out with clean hands
Ellos tan rojos de envidia
They are so red with envy
Se piensan que tienen Cria
They think they have Cria
Nosotros estamos joseando en familia
We are chilling with family
Las cosas siempre las decimos fría
We always say things calmly
Cómo saber loco en quien se confía?
How do you know who you can trust?
Podes terminar viendo pasar los días
You can end up watching the days go by
Ni a los amigos se fia
Don't trust even your friends
Era ley lo que decía
It was the law that he spoke
Estaban en guerra con armas vacías
They were at war with empty weapons
Quisieron matarme un lenguaje nacía
They wanted to kill me a new language was being born
Mi mamá preguntaba loco que hacía
My mother asked me what I was doing
Yo depresivo porque ella sufría
I was depressed because she was suffering
Algunos te mandan en cana, rana
Some will send you to jail, frog
Y otros por marihuana se te viran
And others will turn you in for marijuana
Nos lo quedamos aduana
We keep it at customs
No dicen nada
They say nothing
Y si te dicen es mentira
And if they do, it's a lie
No puedo tener la cabeza tranquila
I can't have peace of mind
Se hacía mi amigo y ahora me tira
He was my friend and now he's throwing me under the bus
Tamos subiendo ahora quien se retira
We're going up now, who's leaving?
Nosotros vamos a repartir la comida
We're going to distribute the food
Invertimos, la plata no deliro
We invest, I don't waste money
Del nuevo lenguaje comprastes el libro
You bought the book of the new language
Camino a la calle se huele el peligro
On the way to the street you can smell the danger
Taban los ratis tirando con Hidro
The rats were shooting Hydro
Esos raperos fumando lechuga
Those rappers smoking lettuce
No pueden cazar ni tortuga
They can't even catch a turtle
Si tamos matando? pregunta boluda
Are we killing? Stupid question
Nosotros pusimos la liga más dura
We put on the hardest league
Y ahora to′ quieren hacer un palo como este
And now everyone wants to make a beat like this
Vamo a subir loco aunque nos cueste
We're going to rise, even if it costs us
Tiramos la máquina salen 3 "7"
We pull the machine, 3 "7"s come out
Ellos son chota cuando hay un apriete
They're snitches when there's a jam
Sacamos la gente que reste
We take out the people who are left over
Hay gente que quiere traernos la peste
There are people who want to bring us the plague
Loco los fierros no son un juguete
Man, guns are not toys
Si fueses del barrio te rompen los dientes
If you were from the neighborhood, they'd break your teeth
Y te lo digo para que te orientes
And I tell you this for your own good
Acá no duran mucho los valientes
The brave don't last long here
Van a vivir loco de lo que siembren
They'll live on what they sow
Mira que lo feka dura para siempre
Look, the feka lasts forever

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