Donatella Rettore - Carmela - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Donatella Rettore - Carmela

Carmela regalava caramelle colorate
Carmela gave colorful candies
Ma erano caramelle avvelenate
But they were poisoned candies
Di giorno piangeva sulle tombe dei vivi
In the daytime, she cried on the tombs of the living
Di notte cercava pace tra gli ulivi
At night, she sought peace in the olive groves
Hanno sparato a salve, dicono
They fired blanks, it is said
Solo per farli sloggiare
Only to make them move
E invece li hanno fatti cadere
And instead they made them fall
I cani se hanno paura
If dogs are afraid
Vanno tenuti alla catena
They must be kept on a chain
Carmela viveva sulle bocche dei ragazzi
Carmela lived on the lips of the boys
Che volevano solo un po' di pace per i loro vecchi
Who only wanted a little peace for their old people
Barcellona sembrava un prato
Barcelona seemed a meadow
Ma era un campo di sterminio
But it was a killing field
E i soldati coi fucili in mano
And soldiers with rifles in their hands
Tutelavano col sangue la pace dei civili
Protected the peace of civilians with their blood
E loro si incontravano di notte
And they met at night
Per non farsi vedere
So as not to be seen
Cantavano e facevano l'amore
They sang and made love
E Carmela gli chiudeva gli occhi
And Carmela closed their eyes
E Carmela era una stella, una perla nera
And Carmela was a star, a black pearl
Carmela era la loro bandiera
Carmela was their banner
A quarant'anni o si è furbi o è eroi
At forty you are either sly or heroic
A quarant'anni lui amava solo lei
At forty he loved only her
Gli occhiali gli cadevano sul naso
His glasses fell on his nose
Ma mentre addentava l'ultima mela
But as he bit into the last apple
Nel suo letto in paradiso cantava
In his bed in paradise he sang
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, Carmela"
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, Carmela"
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, Carmela"
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, Carmela"
Carmela regalava caramelle avvelenate
Carmela gave poisoned candies
Ma si dice che qualcuno sia risorto dopo averle assaggiate
But it is said that some have risen again after tasting them
Barcellona sembrava un prato
Barcelona seemed a meadow
Ma era un campo di sterminio
But it was a killing field
E i soldati coi fucili in mano
And soldiers with rifles in their hands
Tutelavano col sangue la pace dei civili
Protected the peace of civilians with their blood
E loro si incontravano di notte
And they met at night
Per non farsi vedere
So as not to be seen
Cantavano e facevano l'amore
They sang and made love
E Carmela gli chiudeva gli occhi
And Carmela closed their eyes
E Carmela era una stella, una perla nera
And Carmela was a star, a black pearl
Carmela era la loro bandiera
Carmela was their banner
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, Carmela"
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, Carmela"
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, Carmela"
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, Carmela"
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, Carmela"
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, Carmela"
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, Carmela"
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, Carmela"

Writer(s): Claudio Rego, Donatella Rettore

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