Double Pact feat. Meli, Camouflow & M.Wharton - Kidnapping - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Double Pact feat. Meli, Camouflow & M.Wharton - Kidnapping

Kidnappons come on
Let’s kidnap, come on
Braquons come on
Let’s rob, come on
Traquons c'buiz sur fat trade come on
Let’s hunt this dude in the fat trade, come on
Stuttgart come on
Stuttgart, come on
Genève come on
Geneva, come on
Tous mes gars jusqu'à Lausanne come on
All my guys, all the way to Lausanne, come on
J'en ai rien à foutre de crier "tout le monde lève les bras". Mec ma pompe à paintball fait déjà bla bla bla.
I don’t give a damn about yelling, "Everybody put your hands up." Babe, my paintball gun’s already going bla bla bla.
Ma conscience me dit "Stress t'es un autre gars, Ils en mourront pas alors j'tire dans l'tas".
My conscience tells me, "Stress, you're a different guy. They're not going to die, so I'm shooting in the pile."
Fuck le hold-up c'est un kidnapping, on l'fait non-stop tant que ce beat swing.
Fuck the heist, it’s a kidnapping, we’re doing it non-stop as long as this beat swings.
Notre musique meure, stop, ça m'bousille le c'ur. Ce PDG on le choppe mec,
Our music dies, stop, it’s breaking my heart. This CEO, we’re gonna grab him, babe,
On le ligote et on lui offre un trip et maintenant il gigote dans le coffre de ma jeep.
We’re gonna tie him up and offer him a trip, and now he’s wriggling in the trunk of my Jeep.
Stop - ich rib majors ab, stell den pick up truck am parkplatz ab, pack mein sach'.
Stop I rob majors, park the pick-up truck in the parking lot, pack my stuff.
Gib mir cash, respekt macht, versteck mich am gebäude, gesammt bewacht.
Give me cash, respect makes, hide me by the building, totally guarded.
Null uhr nacht, sammel meine leute heute nacht ist die nacht.
Midnight, gather my people, tonight’s the night.
Knack den zaun fast ohne kraft, mit drahtschneider bis es passt ohne hast aufs dach,
Crack the fence almost effortlessly, with wire cutters until it fits without haste onto the roof.
über feuerleiter, durch den aufzugsschacht weiter, im anzug suchenmich wachtmeister.
Up the fire escape, on through the elevator shaft, sergeants are searching for me in the elevator.
Ich im aufzug, nun ihre suche scheitert leider,
Me in the elevator, now their search unfortunately fails,
Kidnappen den boss die jagd geht weiter Nega Stress Mel Meli Camouflow, Apocalypse -4 reiter.
Kidnap the boss, the hunt goes on, Nega Stress Mel Meli Camouflow, Apocalypse –4 horsemen.
Kidnappons come on
Let’s kidnap, come on
Braquons come on
Let’s rob, come on
Traquons c'buiz sur fat trade come on
Let’s hunt this dude in the fat trade, come on
Stuttgart come on
Stuttgart, come on
Genève come on
Geneva, come on
Tous mes gars jusqu'à Lausanne come on
All my guys, all the way to Lausanne, come on
Rien n'a changé, depuis le plan de départ on est toujours paré à le kidnapper.
Nothing has changed, from the original plan we’re always ready to kidnap him.
On le choppe et le fout dans le coffre très bien ficelé. Il y a le boss qui a gerbé.
We snatch him up and throw him in the trunk, very well tied up. That’s the boss, he got gerbiled.
Reconnaissable à l'odeur on va tous étouffer, alors on baisse les fenêtres,
Recognizable by the smell, we’re all going to suffocate, so we lower the windows,
Prend le virage un peu trop fort. Il y a eu un bruit, plus rien, on a cru qu'il était mort.
Take the turn a little too hard. There was a noise, then nothing, we thought he was dead.
On le conduit en bas, dans les sous-sols, purs comme un bambin. Bon ben, mettons-lui le casque. Il en reste béa.
We take him downstairs to the basement, pure as a toddler. Well, let’s put headphones on him. There’s still plenty left.
Komm raus aus dem Auto, ganz verblufft jetzt auf einmal. Siehst keinen bluff in den augen,
Get out of the car, completely baffled now. You don’t see any bluff in my eyes,
Selbst ohne stoff über den augen. Das ist der stoff aus träumen,
Even without drugs over your eyes. This is the stuff of dreams,
Das ist der countdown zur gemeinsamen gameshow mit uns allen.
This is the countdown to the joint game show with all of us.
Du hast es am laufen, hasst das manifest das sich äussert bei uns weil wie trist auch alles ist.
You’ve got it running, hate the manifesto that expresses itself with us because, as sad as everything is,
Wir sind geschmückt & reflektieren das licht reden in reimen sind wie rätsel für dich.
We are adorned & reflecting the light, we speak in rhymes, are like riddles for you.
Willst wissen was wir hier sollen. Gib mir die kopfhörer flo, gebt ihm sound auf den ohren.
You want to know what we’re here for? Give me the headphones, Flo, give him sound in his ears.
Kann er auf seinem posten nicht hören, jetzt kann er mich fühlen. Ich weiß schon das 10 takte genügen.
He can’t hear in his position, now he can feel me. I already know 10 bars are enough.
Kidnappons come on
Let’s kidnap, come on
Braquons come on
Let’s rob, come on
Traquons c'buiz sur fat trade come on
Let’s hunt this dude in the fat trade, come on
Stuttgart come on
Stuttgart, come on
Genève come on
Geneva, come on
Tous mes gars jusqu'à Lausanne come on
All my guys, all the way to Lausanne, come on
Drei Mann eine Frau wir fahrn, vertrauen in unsern Plan, bauen auf Yvan unser Mann alles in unsrer Hand.
Three men, one woman, we’re driving, trusting our plan, relying on Yvan our man, everything in our hand.
Eyo Malicon, on a les cartes en main. Ca barde avec mes dons dans les chartes demain.
Eyo Malicon, we’ve got the cards in our hand. It’s gonna be wild with my gifts on the charts tomorrow.
Arbeiten so, in studios, representation der kultur, in sprache, es ist aus repression geboren.
We work like this, in studios, representation of the culture, in language, it was born from repression.
Quand on bosse au stud, ça vient de l'âme gros naze, il n'y a plus de boss, thunes, juste l'art du langage.
When we’re working in the studio, it comes from the soul, you silly goose, there’s no boss, no money, just the art of language.
Aha - an alle Stars das war's, ihr bleibt blass, ihr vertickt euern arsch und ich kick euern - was?
Aha to all the stars, that’s it, you’ll stay pale, you’re selling your ass and I’m kicking your what?
Tu crois quoi qu'on va te pendre, il faut que comprennes juste que le Rap tu peux pas le comprendre.
What do you think, that we’re going to hang you? You just need to understand that you can’t understand Rap.
Als autoren in form wie für sport ein muss, ausdruck so stark wir bräuchten iced-out mikros.
As authors, in shape, like sports are a must, expression so strong, we’d need iced-out mics.
Dans nos bouches nos mots se poussent, nos c'urs épousent. C'est inné chez nous pousse ce talent coule de source.
In our mouths, our words push out, our hearts embrace. It’s innate in us, babe, this talent flows from the source.
Kidnappons come on
Let’s kidnap, come on
Braquons come on
Let’s rob, come on
Traquons c'buiz sur fat trade come on
Let’s hunt this dude in the fat trade, come on
Stuttgart come on
Stuttgart, come on
Genève come on
Geneva, come on
Tous mes gars jusqu'à Lausanne come on
All my guys, all the way to Lausanne, come on

Writer(s): Florian Starz, Yvan Jaquemet, Serge Djoungong, Andres Andrekson, Melanie Wharton

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