Dr. Iggy - Bicu tu - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dr. Iggy - Bicu tu

Bicu tu
Bicu tu
Ja hoću, ja želim
I want you, I desire you
Ja volim kad si tu
I love it when you are here
Jer s tobom moj život
Because with you my life
Ja živim k'o u snu.
I live like in a dream.
Ali ponekad, ruši se sve
But sometimes, everything falls apart
I kvari nam sne.
And ruins our dream.
Znaj da čak i tad kad sruši se sve
Know that even when everything falls apart
I pokvari sne biću tu.
And ruins our dream, I will be here.
Posle razgovora s tobom
After our conversation
Shvatio sam sve
I understood everything
I razmišljao na način
And thought in a way
Kao nikad pre.
Like never before.
U glavi postala si
In my head you became
Opsesija prava.
A real obsession.
Tako dobra, tako lepa
So good, so beautiful
Jednom rečju strava.
In a word, a horror.
Da budeš moja
Being mine
Je moj životni zadatak
Is my life's mission
Zato prišao sam ti
That's why I approached you
I bio strašno kratak.
And was very brief.
Ja te volim, ja te želim
I love you, I want you
Tako stvari stoje.
That's how things are.
Da li si ti spremna
Are you ready for
Na život u dvoje.
Life together.
Svako veče s tobom
Every evening with you
Bilo je k'o san
Was like a dream
I najviše sam mrzeo
And most of all I hated
Novi dan.
A new day.
I sa tobom sam se osećao lepo
And with you I felt good
U tebe tad
In you then
Zaljubio se slepo.
I fell in love blindly.
Kako, zašto
How, why
Ne znam ni ja sam
I don't know myself
Da te volim
That I love you
Samo jedino znam.
I only know one thing.
Ti si savršenstvo
You are perfection
Kao iz sna
Like from a dream
I za tobom totalno
And for you totally
Poludeo sam ja.
I've gone crazy.
Ja hoću, ja želim
I want you, I desire you
Ja volim kad si tu
I love it when you are here
Jer s tobom moj život
Because with you my life
Ja živim k'o u snu.
I live like in a dream.
Ali ponekad, ruši se sve
But sometimes, everything falls apart
I kvari nam sne.
And ruins our dream.
Znaj da čak i tad kad sruši se sve
Know that even when everything falls apart
I pokvari sne biću tu.
And ruins our dream, I will be here.
Izlasci sa tobom
Dating you
Bili su mi kratki
Was short for me
A u sećanju mom
And in my memory
Tako lepi i slatki.
So beautiful and lovely.
Svaki pokret tvoj
Your every move
Unapred sam znao
I knew in advance
Ali kad ga vidim
But when I see him
Na teme bih pao.
I would fall to the theme.
Ti si meni lepa
You are beautiful to me
čak i kad se smračiš
Even when you frown
Nekom energijom
With some energy
Ti kao da zračiš.
You seem to radiate.
Danju te zamišljam
I think of you during the day
I sanjam te noću
And I dream of you at night
Da budeš tu moraš
You have to be here
Jer ja hoću.
Because I want you.
Čak i da me ostaviš
Even if you leave me
Morao bih da shvatim
I would have to understand
Ne bih se ljutio
I wouldn't be angry
Već bih hteo da te vratim.
I would rather want to return you.
Ti si oličenje svega
You are the embodiment of everything
Onoga što volim
What I love
I subotom u crkvi
And on Saturday in church
Za nas dvoje se molim.
I pray for the two of us.
Ti si mom životu
You are to my life
Neku novu snagu dala
Some new power gave
I na tome tebi stvarno
And on that to you really
Beskrajno hvala.
Endlessly thank you.
Ja hoću, ja volim
I want it, I love it
Ja želim da si tu
I want you to be here
Jer sa tobom moj život
Because with you my life
živim k'o u snu.
I live like in a dream.
Ja hoću, ja želim
I want you, I desire you
Ja volim kad si tu
I love it when you are here
Jer s tobom moj život
Because with you my life
Ja živim k'o u snu.
I live like in a dream.
Ali ponekad, ruši se sve
But sometimes, everything falls apart
I kvari nam sne.
And ruins our dream.
I znaj da čak i tad kad sruši se sve
And know that even when everything falls apart
I pokvari sne biću tu.
And ruins our dream, I will be here.
Ja hoću, ja želim
I want you, I desire you
Ja volim kad si tu
I love it when you are here
Jer s tobom moj život
Because with you my life
Ja živim k'o u snu.
I live like in a dream.
Ali ponekad, ruši se sve
But sometimes, everything falls apart
I kvari nam sne.
And ruins our dream.
I znaj da čak i tad kad sruši se sve
And know that even when everything falls apart
I pokvari sne biću tu.
And ruins our dream, I will be here.

Writer(s): Igor Todorovic

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