Dragon Ash - Under Age's Song (Buzz Songs Mix) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dragon Ash - Under Age's Song (Buzz Songs Mix)

Under Age's Song (Buzz Songs Mix)
Under Age's Song (Buzz Songs Mix)
さあ丘の上から見おろす景色 組織にとらわれ増えていく知識
Come, let us look at the scenery from the hill above The knowledge increases, trapped by the organization
意識の中にめばえた感情 否定の裏側にあるのは自意識
The instinct germinating in our minds The reverse side of the negative is our self-awareness
認めた上で再確認 黙認されることなど期待せずに
Once acknowledged, we shall reconfirm Not expecting something to be accepted without protest
くつひもむすんだら外飛び出す 四角い空へ今日もまた走り出す
Tighten your shoelaces and dash outside Dash again into the limited sky today
太陽よりすこし早く目ざめ こいめのコーヒー口にふくみ
Waking up a little earlier than the sun Taking a sip of strong coffee
夜空を色どる星の数かぞえ 壁にぶつかっていることを実感
Counting the stars coloring the night sky Feeling that you are running into a wall
六肝を刺激するこの恐怖 ぬけ出そうとするたびにまた加速
This fear stimulates my liver The more I try to get out of it, the faster it gets
翼を広げたキミはFly 活路をなくした僕はStay
You, spreading your wings, Fly While I, losing my way, Stay
羽根のない天使はここにもいて 歌い続けるから
The wingless angel is here, too So I sing on
Wake up sing a song
Wake up sing a song
広がる世界軽く見られがちの誓い でかい海を背に生きる
The vast world, vows easily made Living with a vast sea at our back
旅人がさまよい続けるように この街を徘徊旋回してる
Just like a traveler keeps wandering Walking, circling, and hovering in this city
止まることなく歩き続ける人 走っては止まりくり返す人
Some keep walking without a stop Some stop, start, and keep repeating
十人十色のレースの果て はてしなく長い旅は三千里
The end of the race, where everyone runs differently A journey of three thousand miles is endlessly long
鳥の声で目をさます午後 おきぬけに感じるこの悪循環
Waking up to the birds' songs in the afternoon This vicious cycle feels terrible
時間の波は止まることなく とどまることなく流れ出しては消え
The waves of time never stop Flowing out, vanishing, and continuing
すべてさえぎる壁になるなら 壁画を描いて笑い飛ばせばいい
If it becomes a wall blocking everything Let's draw a mural on it and laugh it off
根づいた花はその場所で Fight わずかな勇気あるものは Fight
The rooted flowers Fight at that place The truly courageous Fight
揺るぎない力はここにもある 信じ続けるから
The unshakable power is here, too Because I believe in it
Stand up sing a song
Stand up sing a song
Be stronger Fly higher Don′t be afraid
Be stronger Fly higher Don't be afraid
とめどなく続くこの生活 心地良い空気吸うことも少なく
This life never stops I hardly breathe in the comfortable air
何かに追われることにも慣れ なれなれしくふみこむ大人に慣れ
I get used to being chased I get used to the impertinent adults
薄れていくのは少年時代 ふくらみだすのは権力社会
Boyhood fades away The society of power inflates
似たりよったりの個性は Sucker Pick up the mic 今飛び立つ時
Similarities in individuality are a Sucker Pick up the mic and take off
羽根のないすべての天使に今 歌いささげるよ
To all the wingless angels out there I dedicate this song
This is under age's song
This is under age's song
Be stronger Fly higher Don′t be afraid
Be stronger Fly higher Don't be afraid
その足でふみ出せばいい誇らしく 揺るぎない翼を広げればいい
Step forward proudly Spread your unshakable wings
Take your time and fly high!
Take your time and fly high!
常に強く居続けること より高く飛び続けること
Stay strong always Keep flying higher
重荷になるならばBreak 一息ついてからまたラストスパート
If it becomes too much, Break Rest for a while and then make a last spurt

Writer(s): 降谷 建志, 降谷 建志

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