Dragon Ash - 静かな日々の階段を(e.p.ver.) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dragon Ash - 静かな日々の階段を(e.p.ver.)

Quiet Daily Stairway (e.p.ver.)
(RAP:)草木は緑 花は咲き誇り色とりどり 四季はまた巡り小春日和
(RAP:) Grass and trees are green. Flowers are in vibrant bloom, painting the world with colors. The seasons turn, and the mild autumn sun shines.
(RAP:)用もないのにただ 並木通り 思う今一人
(RAP:) No particular reason, but I'm walking along the tree-lined street. My mind is occupied by thoughts of being alone.
(RAP:)ハーフタイムなんてなしに過ぎる日常 俺もなんとかここで一応
(RAP:) No half-time break as I navigate these daily routines. Somehow, I'm managing here, for now.
(RAP:)やりくりしてるわけで 時にはなりふり構わずに生きよう
(RAP:) Sometimes, I let go of appearances and just live.
(RAP:)むかえる朝 変わらずにまだ 陽はまたのぼりくりかえしてゆく
(RAP:) Each morning that greets me remains the same. The sun rises again, repeating its daily course.
(RAP:)窓の外は南風 洗い流してこの胸の痛みまで
(RAP:) The gentle breeze from the south, wafting in through the window, soothes the pain in my chest.
(RAP:)過ぎ去りし日の涙 時がやがて無意識の中連れ去るのなら
(RAP:) The tears of days gone by - time eventually carries them away into oblivion.
(RAP:)大事なのは光だけ あともう少しここにいたいだけ
(RAP:) What matters now is only the light. I wish I could stay here a little longer.
We go every day 行こう笑みで
We go every day. Let's go with smiles.
(RAP:)光の照らし出す方に 開かれた未来目差すように
(RAP:) Towards a future brightened by the rays of the sun, like aiming for an open destiny.
We go every day 行こう笑みで
We go every day. Let's go with smiles.
(RAP:)花ビンに水をさすように ねがいよかないますように
(RAP:) Like filling a vase with water, may our wishes come true.
(RAP:)So 季節はずれのこの雨が ぼかした表情とその涙
(RAP:) So, this unseasonal rain has blurred the lines of your expression, along with those tears.
(RAP:)降りやまないうちにGerra すかした顔してフッと笑ってな
(RAP:) Before the rain stops, just Gera. Smile and pretend you're fine.
(RAP:)てな具合で進むそっこうOne week つかれた体でそっとOne drink
(RAP:) And so, I keep moving forward at full speed. One week passes in a blur, and I find myself exhausted, having a drink alone.
(RAP:)つどう先は仲間達 いつものように夜通しバカ話
(RAP:) I meet my friends, and the night is filled with endless, ridiculous conversations.
(RAP:)こんな日々が終わらないように 羽根広げはばたく鳥のように
(RAP:) May these days never end. Like birds spreading their wings and soaring,
(RAP:)みんな必死なんだ 負けんな いねぇぜピンチランナー
(RAP:) We're all giving it our all. Don't give up, my friend. You're not a pinch runner.
(RAP:)あざけ笑う奴を尻目に つかめ描いた夢にぎった手に
(RAP:) Ignoring those who mock us, we'll seize the dreams we've envisioned, now within our grasp.
(RAP:)雨上がりの流れ星 ねがいをかけて さあ上がれ同志
(RAP:) A shooting star streaks across the rainy sky. Make a wish and reach for it, my comrade.
We go every day 行こう笑みで
We go every day. Let's go with smiles.
(RAP:)光の照らし出す方に 開かれた未来目差すように
(RAP:) Towards a future brightened by the rays of the sun, like aiming for an open destiny.
We go every day 行こう笑みで
We go every day. Let's go with smiles.
(RAP:)花ビンに水をさすように ねがいよかないますように
(RAP:) Like filling a vase with water, may our wishes come true.
(RAP:)なんとなく携帯の電源オフり 耳すます雑踏の全然奥に
(RAP:) Randomly turning off my phone, I listen intently to the faint sounds of the city's depths.
(RAP:)聞こえるだろ風の声 流れ流れて今度は何故何処へ
(RAP:) Can you hear the whispers of the wind? A gentle breeze, flowing and ebbing, carrying us towards unknown destinations.
(RAP:)しらじらしくも聞いたりなんかして 自分の未来重ねたり
(RAP:) I pretend to listen, as if I understand, superimposing my own future over the wind's song.
(RAP:)何か言ってもらいたいのは同じ気持ち 擦り減らす掛け替えのない命
(RAP:) The same desire resides within me - to hear words of encouragement, to cherish the precious life we're given.
(RAP:)幼い頃の夢ダブらして 鏡の前で朝歯ブラシで
(RAP:) Childhood dreams overlap with my reflection in the mirror, as I brush my teeth in the morning.
(RAP:)みがく時もまたアホ顔して 家を出るそんな日々暮らして
(RAP:) Even in those silly moments, I live my days, waiting for the night.
(RAP:)夜を待つのはもうやめよう 休んでもいいさ力溜めよう
(RAP:) I'll stop anticipating the night. It's okay to rest and gather strength.
(RAP:)静かに時を刻む街 夢託し俺らがつなぐアーチ
(RAP:) The city quietly marks the passage of time. We'll entrust our dreams to the arch we build together.
(RAP:) Up the quiet daily stairway,
(RAP:) Up the quiet daily stairway,
(RAP:) Up the quiet daily stairway,
(RAP:) Up the quiet daily stairway,
(RAP:) Up the quiet daily stairway,
(RAP:) Up the quiet daily stairway,
(RAP:)風がやんだ空の真下 みずからの手でつかむ明日
(RAP:) The wind has ceased, beneath the vast expanse of the sky. I'll grasp tomorrow with my own two hands.
(RAP:) Up the quiet daily stairway,
(RAP:) Up the quiet daily stairway,

Writer(s): 降谷 建志, 降谷 建志

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