Dražen Zečić - Boem U Duši - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Dražen Zečić - Boem U Duši

Boem U Duši
Bohemian in My Soul
Učio me otac, bori se sine
My father taught me, fight on my son
U životu uvijek, moraš biti prvi
In life you must always be the first
Govorila majka, pomozi siromahu
Mother told me, help the poor
Učila nas crkva, to nam je u krvi
The church taught us, it's in our blood
Prijatelji opet, pričaju po svome
And my friends, they talk their talk
Okreni se i uzmi, što ti srce želi
Turn around and take what your heart desires
Zaboravi srce, pogledaj na sebe
Forget your heart, look at yourself
Nije ipak ono, u što smo se kleli
It's not what we promised
A onda dođe ti, najljepša žena
And then you came along, the most beautiful woman
Utjeha i nada, u životu mom
My solace and my hope
Izgubih i tebe, prokockah te glupo
I lost you too, I gambled foolishly
Zbog lude duše, otišla si drugom
Because of my foolish soul, you went with another
I kad okrenem se često gledam iza sebe
And when I look behind me, I realize
Shvatim u životu, ništa više nemam
I have nothing left in life
Samo tvoja pisma, gitaru staru
Only your letters, my old guitar
I ovu dušu, punu uspomena
And this soul, full of memories
Pa se sada pitam tko je za to kriv
Now I ask myself, who is to blame?
Možda Bog, možda nebo, a možda i ti
Maybe God, maybe heaven, or maybe you
A onda ipak shvatim boem sam u duši
And I realize, I'm a bohemian at heart
I gdje god da krenem uvijek gubim ja
And wherever I go, I always lose
Jer opet da se rodim i upoznam mnoge žene
Because if I were born again and met many women
Živio bih isto i volio tebe i više, nikoga
I would live the same and love you, and more than anyone else
A onda dođe ti, najljepša žena
And then you came along, the most beautiful woman
Utjeha i nada, u životu mom
My solace and my hope
Izgubih i tebe, prokockah te glupo
I lost you too, I gambled foolishly
Zbog lude duše, otišla si drugom
Because of my foolish soul, you went with another
I kad okrenem se često gledam iza sebe
And when I look behind me, I realize
Shvatim u životu, ništa više nemam
I have nothing left in life
Samo tvoja pisma, gitaru staru
Only your letters, my old guitar
I ovu dušu, punu uspomena
And this soul, full of memories
Pa se sada pitam tko je za to kriv
Now I ask myself, who is to blame?
Možda Bog, možda nebo, a možda i ti
Maybe God, maybe heaven, or maybe you
A onda ipak shvatim boem sam u duši
And I realize, I'm a bohemian at heart
I gdje god da krenem uvijek gubim ja
And wherever I go, I always lose
Jer opet da se rodim i upoznam mnoge žene
Because if I were born again and met many women
Živio bih isto i volio tebe i više, nikoga
I would live the same and love you, and more than anyone else

Writer(s): Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Draå½en ZeäŒiä†

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